Thursday, 5 May 2005

Coke Pork Ribs

  Coke Pork Ribs (using Happy Call Pan version) was one of the dishes that I cooked yesterday and we all agreed that it taste similar to  "Pai Gu Wang". Before trying this recipe I still have doubt that it might not taste nice by just using Coke as the main ingredients and also the smell of the dish also seems funny during the cooking process. But after about an hour of stewing in low heat, the colour starts to turn more appetizing instead of light pink and the sauce was thicken up too. So if you are curious with its taste, do try out this recipe since you only required 3 ingredients such as; spare ribs, coke and LKK Char Siu Sauce.

500g Prime Pork Ribs, cut smaller pieces
2 Tablespoons Lee Kim Kiet Char Siew Sauce
½ Can Of Coke

1. Wash and pat dry the ribs then marinate it with char siu sauce, ½ Tablespoon cooking wine, 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce and dash of pepper.
2. Set aside in the fridge for at least an hour or overnight.
3. Pour all the spare ribs together with the marinade sauce into a non-stick saucepan or pot. Add in coke and simmer on low heat until meat is soften and sauce had thicken.

a) You had to turn the ribs a few time so as to get it coated with the sauce in the pan.
b) If you want your pork ribs to have a nice dark brown colour, you can add another 1/2 teaspoon of dark soy sauce while simmering.


  1. hey, i tried cooking with coke before too...shiok man. Next time try coffee pork rib....I know taka selling the coffee mixture...

  2. ...yummy...makes my mouth water liao...sluuuup... ;P

  3. Is it? Taka got sell the coffee mixture for COFFEE PORK Ribs? Where? Which shop?

  4. Sounds interesting. I don't seem to be able to find your receipe for this. Look forward to trying it. Can you tell me the proportions?

  5. Halo...Rosalind,

    I had already posted the recipe for you...hope u got time to try it's nice....

  6. Hi there, this is the first recipe I tried from yr website. It was nice tho the colour was a tad light. My kids loved it. :)

  7. Hi Audrey,

    Thanks for dropping me your feedback on this dish..... Er.. if u want a nicer colour next rd, mb u can add around 1/2 tablespoon of dark soy sauce to darken the colour abit.. :) HTH

  8. Hi!Can try with chicken for this recipe?Thks!

  9. Hi Eve,

    Yup! You can replace the pork ribs to chicken. But then the cooking time have to cut short or else the chicken will be over cooked by then.... :) HTH

  10. Love this recipe. Made this for dinner last night and my daughter have 5 pieces of ribs. Thanks for sharing your recipe.


    1. Hi Edith,

      Glad that you and your family loves this recipe. It had being long since I last made this too :)

  11. I have a pot luck session this Sunday for my family and was thinking what should I cook! This is easy and doesn't req much ingredients! Shall give it a try. Btw u mentioned Abt adding dark soya sauce to darken e color. This is to be added during marination or while cooking with the coke?


    1. Hi Shirley, this recipe is great for pot luck and u just need to marinate it overnight, then simmer it over low heat till down. Or if you have a Happy Call Pan it would be done even faster :) You add the dark soy sauce together with the rest of the marinade. HTH

  12. Yes I Hv HCP n will b cooking with that. But I'm afraid I can't get e ribs tmr as I'm wkin, wldn b able to marinate overnight le. Il try see hw mayb to marinate for a few hrs ba..


  13. Hi elena, I don Hv char Siew sauce at hm. Can I replace with others?



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