Saturday 26 November 2005

Steam Cod Fillet With Mushroom

Yeah finally I succeed in steaming Cod Fish Fillet using a very simple method with delicious outcome. The end result taste quite similar to those Cantonese style steamed fish with ginger and light soy sauce.

1 Piece Of Cod Fish Fillet, about 300g
3 Fresh Mushrooms, sliced
3 Slices Ginger, finely shredded
1 Stalk Spring Onion, shredded
1 Red Chilli, deseed and shredded

1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 Tablespoon Rice Wine

1. Rinse cod fillet, pat dry then marinate it with pinch of salt and cooking wine for 5-10 minutes. 
2. Place some spring onion on steaming place, arrange fish on top then top it with mushroom and steamed it over high heat for about 10 minutes (timing depends on the size and thickness of the fillet, it might required more or less than 10 minutes)
3. Top some spring onion on the cooked fish, preheat a small pan with 1 tablespoon of oil.
4. Add in the shredded ginger and chilli and saute for a few seconds till fragrant then drizzle over the fish and serve.


  1. Yummy yummy...when Reyon grows up, you can be a great cook/chef liao...hahahaha-Lilian

  2. thanks for sharing your style and recipe.. it really helps.. God Bless you more.
    Jan Cage


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