Monday 12 June 2006

Cranberry Bean, Lotus Root & Huai Shan Soup

Since I bought a pack of Cranberry Beans & Lotus Root in the weekend. I decided to try cooking on this Cranberry Bean with Lotus Root & Huai Shan Soup. Other than this 3 main ingredients I also add in some of chicken drumstick and herbs to enhance the flavour. This soup is good as it can clear intestine and promote urine.

2 Chicken Drumstick
1 Medium Lotus Root(莲藕)
1 Medium Fresh Huai Shan(淮山)
15-20 Pods Of Cranberry Bean(珍珠豆)
2 Tablespoons Fox Nuts(茨实)
4 Red Dates(红枣)
1 Tablespoon Gou Qizi(枸杞子)

1. Wash the louts root, peel and cut into thin slices.
2. Wash the fresh huai shan, peel and cut into thick sections.
3. Wash and trim the chicken drumsticks then blanch and boiling water, rinse and set aside.
4. Wash the cranberry bean pods and remove the seeds from it, rinse and set aside.
5. Bring a pot of 1.5 Litres of water to boil then rinse the rest of the herbs and add it into the water together with the louts root, huai shan and chicken drumstick.
6. Bring to boil again then transfer to slow-cooker and simmer on LOW heat for 2 hours then add in the cranberry beans and continue simmer on low heat for another 30 minutes.

Notes: If you don't have fresh huai shan, can replace it with 4 slices of dried huai shan. Posted by Picasa


  1. Hi, I'm a new SAHM. Have been following your blog and really thanks for highlighting the nutritious contents of the various ingredients used in your recipes. Just checking out the various pumpkin dish that you have as I just bought one big pumpkin. Btw, hugbear is my ex-colleague. She loves baking and we enjoyed sharing our baking experiences with each other.

  2. Hi Fong,

    Thanks for reading up my humble blog. Hope that you will like those pumpkin dish which i include in my blog. Pumpkin is actually great for health and kids... you can use it for dessert, soup or main course... do try them out....and feedback to me on how you think about it ok....

    Take care and hope to hear from you more often....

  3. Hi,

    I tried putting fresh hui shan in the soup. I used slow cooker n low fire. There were black spots ard the hui shan when cooked and it looks ugly. How do i handle it so that it looks as beautiful as yours in the picture?

  4. Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks for trying out this recipe, but i hope next time u can sign off with your name :) so that i can address u instead of "Anonymous" :).

    Em... those black spots around the hui shan does it appear b4 it is cooked? Cos from what i know if is those really fresh huai shan you won't have this prob... but if the huai shan is kept for too long or old liao it will have those black spots just the the shoots on the potatoes... HTH :)


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)