Tuesday 14 November 2006

Steam Drunken Prawns

This is a very simple and easy to prepare Steam Herbal Drunken Prawns dish. What you require is some very fresh or even live prawns that you can get hold of in the wet market, some Chinese herbs and cooking wine.

Ingredients: (Serves 2)
300g of Medium Fresh/Live Green Prawn
5 - 6 Slices Of Dang Gui(当归)
5 Red Dates(红枣), seeds removed
1/2 Tablespoon Of Gou Qi Zi(杞子)
50ml Of Hua Diao Jiu

1. Pre-soaked the herbs in the hua diao jiu for at least 30 minutes to an hour for the wine to absorb the aroma of the herbs.
2. Trim and wash the prawns then pat dry and arrange them in a steam tray/plate in single layer.(do not overlay them as it will cause uneven cooking time during steaming)
3. Arrange the herbs on top of the prawns and pour over the remaining wine on it.
4. Steam over boiling water for about 4-5 minutes, remove and served immediately.

If your prawns are kept in the fridge before steaming, remember to remove it from the fridge at least 10 - 15 minutes before hand and to let it cool off and pour away any of the water in the tray or plate before arranging the herbs on top.


  1. Hi Ellena
    The recipe looks good to follow.
    Will definitely try this one day.
    Thanks for sharing recipe.
    May I ask what are green prawns?
    I only know NTUC sells grey prawns and tiger prawns.

  2. Hi there,

    Em...Green Prawns those that is slightly greenish or yellowish in colour de.. seems like transparent type...usually used in steaming. Or u just ask the person that u wan to that use for steaming....cos the meat will be crisp and sweet after steaming.

  3. Thanks for your reply.
    Looks like I must go wet market to get the prawns.

  4. Hi,
    Great to see you back in action! Your drunken prawns look delish indeed!


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