Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Rainbow Salad Dishes

Hello!!!! Merry Christmas to all my blog reader. Although I do not know who are you but I sincerely wish you all the best for the coming 2008. Even though I had not being updating my blog entries regularly but I am very grateful some of you still check it time to time for my updates. Thank you so much! Hope that those existing recipes can add some collection to your cooking adventure.

Just to share with you these two simple healthy Vegetables and Fruit Salad Recipe that I always made during gathering. This round, I made these for Christmas Party appetiser to go with Ham or Turkey slice. You can use all sorts of fruits or vegetables that you can hold of as there is no restriction on what you have to use. For my vegetables salad I used ingredients such as:

1 Red & Green Coral Lettuce Each
150g Shredded Purple Cabbage
200g Thinly Shredded Carrot
200g Whole Kernel Corn
3 Hard Boiled Egg, cut into small cubes
1 Bottle of 237ml Kraft Coleslaw Dressing

1. Get ready all the vegetables in a big salad bowl, then top with the hard boiled eggs and drizzle as much dressing as you prefer. (for my quantity above i used the whole bottle of dressing)
2. Leave it in the fridge and you can serve it cold.
3. Before serving you can top with some toasted almond flakes or pine nuts to enhance the crunchiness and flavour.

a) You can used different flavour of dressing according to your preference like: Italian Dress, 1000 Island Dressing, Caesar Salad or etc.

For this Assorted Fruit Salad, I used a few kinds of tropical fruits and I dress it fruit yogurt instead of normal salad dressing. Almost all who tried this fruit salad find it very appetising and it's always the first dish to be wipe off on the table :)

2 Red Apples, cut into small cubes
1 Mango, cut into small cubes
1 Promangrante, remove the seeds
200g of Strawberries, cut into small cubes
1 Dragon Fruit, cut into small cubes
3 Ripe Avocado, cut into small cubes
1 Lemon Rind
1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
400ml of Mango & Peach Yogurt

1. Combine all the fruits into a big salad bowl then add in lemon rind and juice then pour in the yogurt dressing and stir till combined.
2. Leave it in the fridge and you can serve it cold.

a) You can use different combined of fruits and fruit yogurt which will give you different flavour. (so far i find adding real mango with the used of mango & peach yogurt as base it the best result.)
b) You can use blueberries or cherries if they are available too. Posted by Picasa


  1. I made a unique combination of vege and fruit salad last Christmas too!!!:D
    Everyone loved it:D

  2. I like the colour of the salad haha, very nice and appealing(:

  3. Wow... good vege combination!
    So hEalThy ...

  4. Hi...thanks for all your comments :) Hope you all find something useful in my blogs :)


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