Friday 8 February 2008

Lemon Poppy Seeds Chiffon Cake

Got the inspiration to make this Lemon Poppy Seeds Chiffon Cake because a friend of mine return from Perth during Chinese New Year gave me a big bottle of the Australia Poppy Seeds. And the moment when I saw that, I knew it time for me to try out this cake again.... :P Because so far the poppy seeds that I have is from Malaysia so when I got the Australia sample, I actually look forward to bake something and try what are the different between these two. And indeed the poppy seeds from Australia actually has a stronger fragrant and taste compare to the one that I had.

Despite making chiffon cake needs to be more careful on the folding part, I still let Reyon handler the whisking of the egg yolks which he loves to do it so much. See the way he whisk the egg and fold in the flour.... :)

The texture of this chiffon cake is rather soft, smooth and very lemon fragrant and the poppy seeds also enhance the cake in another way. If you are interested, you can find the recipe from here. She has a great collection of recipes @ Happy Home Baking.

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