Sunday, 23 August 2009

Chicken Chop With Broccoli & Cheese

Take a look at this interesting dish which will capture your taste bud with 3 different combination of flavour:- (1) Lemon Scented Chicken Chop, spread with a layer of (2)Olive Flavour Broccoli paste and finally baked with a layer of (3) Cheesy Shredded Cheddar.

This is a very interesting sauce that I have ever tried using the combination of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and cooked Broccoli. Broccoli is closely resembles cauliflower, which is a different cultivate group of the same species. It is high in vitamins such as C, K, and A as well as containing multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties,

Ingredients of Broccoli Paste:
100g Broccoli Florets
20ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
10g Of Butter, soften

1. Trim and Washed the Broccoli Florets then blanch in boiling water(add pinch of salt in the water) until soften.
2. Removed, drained well and blend in the food process together with olive oil and butter until it became a smooth paste.
3. Scrap out from the blender into a bowl and set aside for later use.

This is the "Star" of the dish which is the Lemon Scented Chicken Chop. The grated Lemon rind and juice give the chicken an extra tenderness and citric fragrant. While preparing the chicken chop, you need to marinate it for at least 30 minutes or more then you can choose either to shallow pan-fry it or Grill it on a grill-pan.

Ingredients: (serves 2)
2 Pieces Chicken Maryland, without bone
1/4 Teaspoon of Crushed Black Pepper
1 Teaspoon Oyster Sauce
Rind of 1 Lemon
1/2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 Tablespoon Plain Flour

1. Trim, wash and pat dry the chicken portions then combine all the seasoning and marinate it for at least 1 hour or so. (if you are running out of time, you can leave it to marinate for at least 20 - 30 minutes)
2. Removed the chicken from the fridge 5 minutes before cooking to bring it to around normal room temperature.
3. Preheat a pan with about 2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil to shallow-fry the marinated chicken chop(skin side down first) over medium high heat until golden brown and cooked through.
Dish up and set aside.

~ Chicken Maryland simply refers to a butcher's cut comprising the thigh and leg of the chicken.

Lastly come the interesting part of the dish where you get to assemble the prepared ingredients together to present the final product.

2 Pieces of Cooked Chicken Chop
Prepared Broccoli Paste
Some Shredded Cheddar Cheese

1. Place the cooked chicken chop on a baking tray wrapped with aluminium foil.
2. Spoon some broccoli paste on top of the chicken chop and spread it out evenly.
3. Sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese on top.
4. Pop into the toaster oven and baked for about 5 minutes till the cheese melt and turn golden brown.
5. Serve immediately with some lemon wedge, fries or potato gems.

From the view of the pictures, you will find that this dish is towards the "Greenish" side which my son named it as "Tortoise". He said the end-bone of the drumstick resemble the tortoise "head" while the golden brown effect cheese and greenish broccoli paste look kind of like a tortoise shell. So from his perception, in certain angle this dish resemble like a "Tortoise" to him. So after looking at the picture, what is your opinion on his allegation?


  1. Lena,
    Ignore my question in your email.
    I really saw 200ml of olive oil at first and was startled. Glad it's 20ml actually.


  2. I haven't tried this combi before. But this dish looks so mouth-watering to me with the melting cheese on top.....Yummy!

  3. Hi Quinn,
    Wow!!! Realli you saw 200ml *fainted* lolz...

    Hi FoodForTots,
    This is a good way to let kid have the combi for meat, veggi and dairy in 1 dish :p

  4. brocolli and cheese.. yummy!
    the brocolli paste looks really good on top of the lemon chicken. The combination of different flavours must have tasted good. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I was thinking to feature one of your recipe on my blog :-)
    Do you have a dumpling recipe?? :D :D

  6. Hi Ellena,

    Just read about your win! Congratulation for wining the Best Food Blog Yr 2009 by OMY! Well done & Keep it up!!!


  7. The paste seems too much?, masking almost all the chicken chop.

    Nevertheless, i applaud your great effort in maintaining this site and congrats for emerging as the winner of Best Food Blog in OMY.

    Keep the recipe coming in.

  8. Hi Jessi,

    Wow.. you wan to feature my dumpling recipe!!! But hor.. Stardust has a better one than me leh... :p

    Hi Wen,

    Thanks for popping by and your kind compliment. Keep up your posts on your blog too.. love them all :)

    Hi Mummy Val,

    Thanks for popping by and your feedback. Em.. i guess it depend on hw much paste u like to spread on top.. i am just testing and trying out :p


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)