Time Tunnel is the 1st attraction that we stop by after our lunch at Strawberry View Cafe & Restaurant. This museum is located in between Equatorial Hotel and Brinchang Town which you can easily spot the Big Signboard on the left side of the road towards Brinchang town. The entrance fee for the visiting this museum is
RM$5.00 for adult and RM$2.00 for children between 6 - 12 years old.
Some of the interesting items such as wall clock, telephone, calender, ice shaving machine and etc found in olden day coffee shop.
Looking left, looking right. Did you find the gentleman in the above photo look rather familiar? Yes! When you step forward and have a closer look, you will realise that this gentleman is actually our present “Minister Mentor – Mr Lee Kuan Yew”. According to the write up on the photo, it is taken during his trip to Cameron Highlands in 1954 with his son Mr Lee Hsien Loong. I am sure this special and memorable photo can only be seen by public in this museum other than anywhere else from Mr Lee’s house.
The olden day coffee shop and glass bottle soft drink does bring back some of my mum's childhood memories. And I remember my favourite soft drink is Kickapoo and Fanta Orange, what's yours?
Look at these kitchen utensils; I guess most of us don’t even use or see most of the items in before. To me, I am only familiar with some of the Milo, Nestle Cereal and Cream Cracker tins which I had eaten during my childhood time.
Compare this saloon photo with the modern saloon that we have nowadays there is really a “big” difference. And on the wall poster, mum and aunty still can recognise some of their idol during their days. Overall this is a great place for kids, youngsters or even adults to find back their childhood memories. My boy definitely learn a lot of the olden day stuffs through the photos and displays. 
Time Tunnel UT/MR/F-255
Jalan Sungai Burong
39100 Brinchang
Cameron Highlands
Website: http://timetunnel.cameronhighlands.com
Opening Hours: 9.00am - 6.00pm daily

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