Thursday, 10 February 2011

[Valentine's Dessert] Melt Your Heart ~ Strawberries Yoghurt Cubes

If you think having ice-cream is something sinful that you want to keep your mind off, perhaps this quick and easy frozen yoghurt pops can be a great dessert to cool you off from those heat wave. You can choose from either plain to any flavour yoghurt that suitable your preference. Since we are having this as Valentine’s Day sweet treat after our "Spice Up Your Love" meal, I choose our favorite “Strawberries Yogurt” to make these pinkish little frozen heart pops as after meal dessert.

A few days ago while getting our routine grocery from the supermarket, I notice a "Summer Strawberries Yoghurt" from Puhoi Valley. It comes in two layer(plain yoghurt below, strawberries on top) which you can refer from the photo above.

Ingredients: (serves 2)
200ml of Plain/Flavour Yogurt
Handful of Fresh Blueberries
10 Strawberries

1 Mini Heart Shape Ice-cube Tray or moulds

1. Give the yogurt a good stir and spoon it into the mini heart shape ice-cube tray.
2. Freeze it for at least 2 hours or more till harden. (you can prepared this 1 day ahead).
3. Rinse and cut the strawberries into halves, serve with blueberries or any fruits of your choice together with a few yogurt cubes in short glass.

If you prefer something more natural and healthier, you can mix some fresh fruit puree into plain yoghurt to make your very own fruity yoghurt pops. Just blend any cut fresh fruit of your choice with some sugar syrup/honey then mix the puree into plain yoghurt before freezing them in ice-cube tray or ice-cream pop.

As for your kiddo or someone with sweet tooth, perhaps you would like to stay tune on the next upcoming recipe featuring the “Heart Poppers ~ Assorted Baked Mini Donuts” where you can mixed with of the left over yoghurt to make these healthy snacks.

I submitting this post to "Aspiring Bakers #4: Love In The Air! (Feb 2011)", hosted by Me(Cuisine Paradise) at this link HERE.

[valentine's Dessert] Melt Your Heart on Foodista


  1. Lovely! Very refreshing too! Any left for me? :)

  2. the work of an artist!!! beautiful beyond words Ellena!

  3. Thanks DG and J3ss: DS I am sure you can made better than mine too :)

  4. I love how healthy and simply the recipe it! These are adorable and perfect! Congrats on top 9!

  5. I just love this recipe! Such a simple, yet elegant idea. Congrats on the top 9!

  6. Beautiful, stunning photos are dessert! Congrats on top 9!!!

  7. Junia, Kelsey, Kimberly and Sandra: Thanks for the kind comments.

  8. BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for linking up at my Valentine's Day Party :-)

  9. What a cute treat! Thanks for the idea...and the Sugar Rush!


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