Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Fruit And Muesli Muffins

Before this post, I have only seen and read "Muesli" in supermarkets and recipe books. It is only until I try out these wonderful "cereal" from VOGEL's which consists of uncooked rolled oats, real dried fruits and nuts that I totally fell in love with them. In fact I have replace my usual breakfast cornflakes to these yummy muesli for my milk, cooked oats, yoghurt and bakes.

Here I am sharing a 3 Steps:- Stir, Mix and Bake wholesome Fruit And Muesli Muffins recipe which you could bake anytime of the day and keep the extra in the freezer for up to 3 months. But if you love fruits and nuts, I promise these muffins would gone even without you notice them.

These Muesli are made mainly using ingredients such as grains, fruits, nuts and seeds from New Zealand which are free from artificial flavours or colours. VOGEL's mueslis combine the natural, less processed ingredients with those that pack essential healthy boosting components such as antioxidants, fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals.

These muesli comes in either Vogel's Family Packs(classic fruit muesli, super Natural, crunchy honey clusters and etc) or Vogel's Cafe-style Range(cafe-style muesli clusters, cafe-style light berry and etc). You can easily grab a pack or two of this new VOGEL's products which are available at NTUC and Cold Storage supermarkets island wide with priced range between S$8.50 - S$12.50 per packet.


This is sure a healthy and high fiber snack which is not too sweet and less greasy due to the use of oil rather than melted butter. And it has a light fruity fragrance with soft and moist texture. Furthermore if you preferred other dried fruits than apricot and cranberry you could always replace them with raisin or even more chopped nuts.   

(make: 12 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 20 - 25 minutes)

11/2 Cups VOGEL's Super Natural Muesli
1/2 Cup Dried Apricots, chopped
1 1/2 Cups Self-Raising Flour
1/2 Cup Caster Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Mixed Spice/Cinnamon Powder
1 1/2 Cups Fresh Milk
1 Large Egg, lightly beaten
1/2 Cup Grape Seeds/Vegetable Oil
1/2 Cup Fresh/Frozen Blueberries

1. Combine muesli, apricots, mixed spice, flour and sugar in a big mixing bowl.

2. Make a well in the centre, add milk, egg and oil. Using a spatula or metal spoon, stir mixture until combined before swirling in the blueberries.

3. Preheat oven to 190°C and spoon mixture into prepared muffin pan with paper cases or individual cupcake cases. (You can also sprinkle some extra muesli on top of the batter before baking)

4. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes or until browned and cooked through. Stand in pan for 5 minutes.

5. Transfer to a wire rack to cool and serve muffin with tea and spread.

Look at the internal section of this Fruit And Muesli Muffin which is packed with wholesome of goodness that would definitely brighten up your breakfast or snack with a cup of your desire drink (I prefer having mine with a cup of fruit tea to further enhance it's taste) .  You can either serve it with some jam/butter or eat it on it's own which you could enjoy every single flavour of ingredients in it.


Other than the above VOGEL's Super Natural Muesli I also love this VOGEL's Cafe-Style Muesli which consists of real dried banana and apricot. It's big slices of apricots and bananas mixed with crunchy cluster of almonds, pepitas, cashews, linseeds and sunflower kernels which toasted with manuka honey that definitely adds extra taste and texture to my Homemade Plain Yoghurt.

Lastly if you are keen to read up a step-by-step post on making some Homemade Yoghurt. Do stay tune for my upcoming recipe soon.


  1. The fruit and muesli muffins look awesome and healthy, gonna bookmark this recipe and try it once I get a pack of the muesli :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Look at you making muesli look good!  When I was in Germany, I couldn't away from the stuff.  Being a highschooler though, my taste in food is a little bit embarrassing. I bet muesli tastes wonderful in these muffins :)

  3. Jacob Leong28/12/11 9:52 am

    Oh no ! Both you and Justin came up with posts for Vogel already. I haven't even got down to shooting it .. =(

  4. Hmm the muffins look really good! Wow! :D Ellena, you're a talented baker!

  5. Cookingrookie1/1/12 10:27 am

    Your muffins look so good and must taste even better :-). Happy 2012, Ellena!

  6. Those muffins looks really reaaly tasty!!


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