Thursday, 23 August 2012

Pandan Chiffon Cake

This is rather my "first post" on making a proper Pandan Chiffon Cake using tube pan (similar to an angel food cake pan) method rather than the previous two (recipes) I made using Happy Call Pan (HCP). Although the recipe is quiet similar but for this round I replaced the usual pandan paste /pandan juice with pandan flavour coconut milk (obtain by blending some fresh pandan leave and coconut milk together) which I have some leftover while making Pandan Kaya (recipe).

(using fresh Pandan Juice)

As you can see from the above photo, the texture of the chiffon cake is light and fluffy with a natural jade green colour from the fresh pandan juice.  When eaten it has a aromatic pandan fragrant which taste so much better when compared in using those commercial pandan paste or essence. So if you have small blender/chopper at home, do try taking this extra steps of 5 - 10 minutes blending some natural pandan juice for your pandan chiffon. And I assured you this would definitely worth the effort.

(Using: 17cm Chiffon Tin | Preparation: 15 minutes | Cooking: 30 minutes)

  • 3 Egg Yolks
  • 90g Top Flour
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 25g Caster Sugar
  • *100ml Pandan Coconut Milk
  • 1.5 Tablespoon (25ml) Vegetable/Corn Oil
  • 4 Egg Whites
  • 60g Caster Sugar

1. Whisk egg yolks and 25g sugar for 2 minutes till slightly pale in colour, stir in oil and pandan coconut milk in sequence until everything is well combined.

2. Next slowly whisk in the sieved flours mixture (cake flour with baking powder) into the egg mixture till no trace of flour is found.

3. Preheat the oven to 180°C (degree Celsius).

4. Beat egg whites and 1/2 of the 60g caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy.

5.Add in the other 1/2 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until stiff peaks form. (the whole process takes less than 5 minutes and the egg whites remains in the bowl when it is over turn)

6. Using a balloon whisk carefully whisk in the stiff egg white into the egg yolk batter in 3 separate additions, with the 1st addition to incorporate the whites into the yolk mixture till combined leaving no trace of whites.

7. Next add in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off the air in the whites, just fold till no trace of whites and the mixture are well combined.

8. Lastly lift up the bowl to height, pour the mixture into the tube pan and tap the pan once or twice on a table top to get rid of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

9. Bake the cake in the preheated oven (2nd lower rack) for about 30 minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown. (you can insert a skewer into the centre and test if it comes out clean)

10. Remove it from the oven and invert the pan immediately to let it rest on top of a cup. Make sure it cool completely before unmould.

11. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife (i use a small plastic spatula) around the inside of the pan and the center core.

12. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee.

- The eggs used in this recipe is 55g each with shell.

- To obtain 100ml Pandan Coconut Milk:- blend 120ml of coconut milk with at least 8 leaves of pandan leave (cut into smaller pieces and add into the blender) and strained them to get pandan flavour coconut milk.

Other than baking the Pandan Chiffon Cake, I also made some Pandan Kaya using my new Joyoung Soymilk Maker (九阳豆浆机, read more here) which helps to cut down a lot of the tedious cooking and stirring time.  So stay tune for the recipe which can be used for either stove cooking, bread machine or soymilk maker that comes with the "jam" function.

Below are some Chiffon Cake Recipes for your interest.

Pandan Chiffon Cake (HCP)

Zebra Pandan Chiffon

Chiffon Cake Recipes


  1. Very nice pandan cake with fresh pandan juice. Can I have a slice for tea time?

    1. Sure Anna! I love your new orange cake too! Will try that soon :)

  2. I like this chiffon very much!Thanks for sharing~

  3. I like your method for the pandan and coconut milk. Makes a lot of sense. Will try that next time.

    1. This is a great way to maintain the fresh pandan juice being diluted with water :)

  4. Ellena, your chiffon is so pretty, hope I am able to churn up one like this :P.

  5. Swtd12eams24/8/12 2:15 am

    Hi Ellena,

    This pandan cake looks absolutely delicious. It looks nice & fluffy. Unfortunately, I don't think we have fresh pandan here in the States. I think the closest thing I can get to pandan is the essence/juice at the Asian market.

    Part of your recipe is in grams, can you convert it to cups (e.g. flour, sugar)?


    1. Hi Swtd12eams,

      Emmm do they have any in freezer department. As i remember while i was staying in Australia i used to get those frozen pandan leave. Or else like you mentioned, pandan paste will be great.

      90g Cake Flour = 3/4 Cup
      25g Caster Sugar = 1/8 cup
      60g Caster Sugar = 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon (flat)

    2. I recognized the handling name - Swtd12eams. She's in SF so I wanted to mention that I heard from a couple of food bloggers that Pandan leaves are in frozen section in Asian market. I heard 99 Ranch has it. I haven't checked myself yet but I'll have to double check. Thanks!

    3. hi! i just bake a pandan chiffon cake yesterday, using recipe found online. today i found your blog. very nice cake indeed. will try to bake using ur recipe. i don't have top flour. can i replace it using self raising flour. the cake i cake it yesterday was using self raising flour. besides, i don't have a 17cm tube pan. mine is 23cm. how can i alter your recipe to use 23cm tube pan? thx!

  6. Wow, this is my favourite.
    I love your cake, its tall & fluffy. ^o^

  7. I baked Pandan chiffon 2 days ago as well..^^

    1. Hi Jasmine,

      Yeah! Pandan Chiffon is always an all-time favourite :)

  8. Honestly Ellena, I think this chiffon cake is the PERFECT chiffon cake! Thanks for sharing ultimate cake with us! Looks so good. I wish I can reach it and have it with my hot tea. Delicious!

  9. Dear Ellen,

    Kudos to you for making this at home when there are so many Asian groceries that sell this cake. I'm sure those fresh ingredients have some awesome flavours.

  10. Dear Ellen,

    Can I please know what is Top flour, can you get it anywhere, or is it same as plain flour or self raising flour


    1. HI Gou, Top Flour is much finer in texture and if you are staying in Singapore you can get it from local supermarket. I bough the "Prima" brand top flour. Plain flour can be used to substitute if you can't find top flour, but 1 teaspoon of baking powder can be added.

  11. Hey, nice meeting you just now at Swensen's, looking forward to ur bfast entry, great recipes going on here, will try this recipe :) cheers!

    1. Hi Adeline, Glad to catch up with you last week. You have an awesome blog too :) Cya soon.

  12. I like it! Looks very appetizing! Thanks!

  13. hello Ellena

    tried your chiffon recipes and it turned out supper, thanks very much

    what if i like to bake two 17cm chiffon, do i still use the same temperature and bake 30 mins? is the 170"c fan assisted oven


    1. Hi Angie,

      Yes you can bake two together using the same time but just give a check after 30 minutes to make sure they are good :) Nope 170 degree is normal oven temperature :)

  14. Hi Ellena

    I have tried your chiffon cake recipe many times and the cake texture is soft and fluffy but I just couldn't get the cake to maintain its shape even when I inverted the pan after baking. It always collapse by 20 to 30% from its original height in the oven. What could be the problem. Is it because I am using a microwave oven or could it be that I am using a 23 cm tube pan which is too big?

    1. Hi Mimi,
      I did my pandan chiffon cake today and I am facing the same problem as you. Is it becos of the tube pan? Do share if you have found any solutions. Thanks :)

  15. Ellena

    I just started baking, totally inspired by you and a couple of my friends. I tried baking this chiffon cake, but apparently my cake collapse :(

    1. Don't be upset Diddy. Practice make perfect I am sure you can do it. Just that chiffon batter cannot be over mix or else it will be too watery (heavy) and cause the cake to collapse.

  16. Hi ellena

    What much flour n eggs shd I add in if my chiffon pan is 23cm. Tks in adv


    1. Hi Huiqi, As i only have a 17cm and 20cm pan i am not sure about 23cm. But you can try with :-

      5 Egg Yolks
      30g Caster Sugar
      130g Cake Flour
      1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
      120ml Pandan Coconut Milk
      40ml Vegetable/Corn Oil

      7 Egg Whites
      80g Caster Sugar

  17. Hi Ellena, do you think it's ok to use olive oil instead of vegetable cus thats the only type of oil I have on hands! Would the taste differ because of this?

    Thank u in advance!


    1. Hi Des, yes you can used olive oil but the cake might have a strong olive oil taste as compared to the normal cake. But for healthier choice I guess it should be alright :) Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extra to it perhaps u can mark out the difference. HTH :)

  18. Hi Ellena,

    Possible to replace coconut milk with fresh milk?

    1. Hi Mandy,

      Yes you can but the taste and fragrant will be lighter as compared with using coconut milk :)

  19. Hi Ellena,

    Can I replace the baking powder with cream of tartar?


    1. Hi Tammy, you can ignore the baking powder if you don't have. It will still raise good due to the mixing in of meringue :)

  20. Hi I tried making your pandan cake but firstly I used a bundt non stick tin instead and I think it was too big then when I inverted it it fell right out of the tin and it flattened and became a disaster... Help ! Lol thanksssss a million

    1. Hi Joyce, did you grease you pan? I hope you did not :) Emmm if the cake fell off immediately after inverting meaning it's too heavy to hold its weight, you might have over mixed the batter or it's too wet or dense. Try to go easy while mixing the meringue into the flour batter. Hope that helps :)


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)