Wednesday 27 April 2016

[Recipes] 5 Quick & Easy Pasta Dish

Pasta is a hearty dish that suits the needs of both adults and children. You can either use dry pasta noodles or make your own with the help of pasta machines or hand knead by adding simple ingredients like flour, water and eggs. When done it can be used to cook with different ingredients such as spinach, mushroom, seafood or beef together with sauce of  our choice.

Best of all, pasta makes a quick-and-easy weeknight meal for the family. Below are five of our family favourite pasta recipes which I often rotate around with the bake version. Hope these it will be a useful reference for your weeknight dinner.


Tagliatelle (or tagliolini) is a traditional type of pasta that is long and flat ribbons which similar in shape to fettuccine. For this recipe I used spinach tagliatelle nests which I bought from supermarket together with ingredients like button mushrooms, bacon, asparagus and etc to whip up a "white sauce pasta".

(Yield: 2 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 15 minutes)

2 servings of Spinach Tagliatelle nests
80g bacon, cut into 1cm wide strips
250g assorted mushrooms, sliced
200ml cooking cream
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
80g asparagus
some cherry tomato, halved
salt and pepper to taste
freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1. Cook spinach tagliatelle according to packet instructions till al dente. Drain well and return to pot.

2. Using a vegetable peeler remove the outer skin of the asparagus, cut into 2-3 sections (depending on its length) and blanch in salted boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove, drain well and set aside.

3. Next sauté bacon till slightly crisp, remove and set aside.

4. With the same pan, saute minced garlic with butter and olive oil till fragrant.

5. Add sliced mushrooms and continue to cook until soften (you will see water appear). Stir in cooking cream and bring to simmer for 2 minute.

6. Next toss in tagliatelle, asparagus and cherry tomato then season to taste.

7. Lastly divide pasta into serving plates, top with bacon and some freshly grate Parmesan cheese before serving.


(份量: 2人份       |      准备: 10分钟     |     烹调时间: 15分钟)

1. 先将一锅水煮开后,放少许盐及意大利面然后按照包装的指示煮至面软硬适中。

2. 芦笋除去外皮,切成两三段(看长度)再用加了盐的热滚水烫30秒,沥干备用。

3. 用平底锅把培根煎到金黄色又带点脆,取出备用。

4. 接着用牛油和橄榄油把蒜末爆香,之后倒入蘑菇继续翻炒到蘑菇开始出现水份就可加入鲜奶油用小火慢煮两分钟。

5. 最后放进煮好的意大利面,芦笋和小番茄稍煮一会儿然后调味即可装盘。

6. 上桌前撒上些培根和芝士粉就可享用。

(serve with pan-fried sole fillet)

Love this tangy cream sauce with hint of lemon scent which goes well with any seafood such as shrimps or fish. Here we are using sole fish fillet which I lightly marinated it with some cooking wine and ground paprika before pan-fried. To finish off this Fettuccine in Lemon Cream Sauce, sprinkle as much or little freshly grated Parmesan and chopped parsley to enhance the taste.

(Yield: 2 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 20 minutes)

2 servings of Fettuccine
250g hailbut/sole fillet, cut into halved
1 small red onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
200ml cooking cream
zest & juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon olive oil
150g mushrooms
some cherry tomato, halved
salt and pepper
50ml white wine, optional

1. Marinate fish fillet with some cooking wine, salt, ground paprika and cornflour for 5 minutes.

2. Cook fettuccine according to package instructions until al dente. Drain well and set aside.

3. Using a non-stick pan, drizzle some olive oil and pan-fried sole fillet for 2 minutes on each side till brown and slightly crisp.

4. At the meanwhile heat up 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in a heavy-duty pot (I am using a le creuset french oven), saute onion till soften.

5. Add add in minced garlic and dried chili flakes then continue to cook on low heat till garlic turns brown.

6. Pour in cooking cream, lemon zest and juice then bring mixture to a simmer and cook for 2 minutes. Toss in mushroom and cook for 1 minute.

7. Next add in pasta and cherry tomato then stir to coat well with the sauce (you can enhance thin the sauce with 50ml of white wine or boiling water according to your preference), simmer for another minute.

8. To serve, top with fish fillet and chopped parsley or coriander.

A demo clip on how to prepare fettuccine with lemon cream sauce.

意大利面的变化很多,酱类也有好几种比如;红酱, 白酱, 青酱任你挑选。要做好吃又美味的意大利面主要是面煮的必须软硬适中, 然后配搭适合的酱料和肉类或蔬菜。这道柠檬奶油鱼柳意大利面我们在白酱加了柠檬汁和柠檬皮让奶油酱汁吃起来更香浓又不油腻;而且还有一丝淡淡的清香味。

(份量: 2人份       |      准备: 10分钟     |     烹调时间: 20分钟)
1粒红洋葱,切丁 1茶匙蒜末
1粒柠檬汁和皮屑 (juice and zest)

1. 首先将鱼柳用适量的料理酒,盐,辣椒粉 (paprika) 和玉米粉醃5分钟。

2. 接着将一锅水煮开后,放少许盐及意大利面然后按照包装的指示煮至面软硬适中。

3. 煮面的当儿用平底锅淋上少许橄榄油把醃好的鱼柳煎到两面都呈现金黄色,捞起备用。

4. 用另一个锅和少许橄榄油把洋葱爆香然后才加入蒜末和干辣椒片 (dried chilli flakes) 一起炒香。

5. 接着倒入鲜奶油,柠檬皮屑和汁用慢火煮2分钟。加蘑菇继续煮1分钟。

6. 最后拌入意大利面和番茄(这时你可倒入50毫升白酒调味)再煮1分钟即可装盘。

7. 上桌前撒上些芝士粉和欧芹就可享用。

(with tomato sauce)

I love fuss-free Seafood Pasta on weekday night because what I need is to grab a bottle of ready-made pasta sauce (tomato base), seafood of our choice and a packet of spaghetti. Recently I just discovered Basilico (tomato and basil) pasta sauce from Barilla and we love it on pasta as well as meatball stew. The overall taste is just right for us; not too sour nor salty and I love the hint of basil aroma in it.

(Yield: 2 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 15 minutes)

2 servings of Spaghetti
10 medium prawns, shell removed
150g fish fillet, cut into chunks
1 small onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
some cherry tomato, halved
some broccoli florets, blanched
1 cup of tomato base pasta sauce
100ml hot water

1. Marinate seafood with some cooking wine, light soy sauce and cornflour for 5 minutes.

2. At the meanwhile cook spaghetti according to package instructions until al dente. Drain well and return to pot.

3. Sauté onion and prawns (I leave half of it with shell on to enhance the flavour) until prawns almost cooked through. Remove prawns and set aside.

4. With onion still in pan, add in garlic and drizzle of olive oil to cook them until fragrant then add in tomato and fish.

5. Carefully stir the fish to cook evenly for a minute before pouring in pasta sauce and hot water.

6. Bring the mixture to boil for a minute, add back prawns and spaghetti. Simmer for 30 seconds before adding in blanched broccoli.

7. Lastly divide pasta into serving plates and serve immediately.

A demo clip on how to prepare the above Seafood Pasta.


(份量: 2人份       |      准备: 10分钟     |     烹调时间: 15分钟)
1杯番茄酱 (tomato pasta sauce)

1. 首先将海鲜用适量的料理酒,酱油和玉米粉醃5分钟。

2. 接着将一锅水煮开后,放少许盐及意大利面然后按照包装的指示煮至面软硬适中。

3. 煮面的当儿用平底锅淋上少许橄榄油爆香洋葱和虾。虾煮熟后便捞起备用。

4. 把蒜末(如果太干就放少许橄榄油)加入锅里和洋葱一起炒香才放番茄和鱼。

5. 小心翻炒鱼片(不要太大力不然会鱼片散开),快要熟时倒入番茄酱和热水煮滚。

6. 食材煮一分钟后就可放虾和意大利面条焖30秒。最后拌入烫熟的西兰花朵即可装盘享用。

(serve with tomato meatball sauce)

This Ham & Kale Spaghetti with tomato meatball sauce is one of the lunchbox which I made for my boy when he needs to stay back for enrichment classes. Purposely separate the sauce and pasta so that the noodle won't soak up the sauce by the time he had it. But if you are having this at home, by all means you can toss in the pasta and mix well before serving. Love the additional fried egg which enhance the flavour of the pasta.

(Yield: 1 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 20 minutes)

1 serving of Spaghetti
2 leaves of kale, tear into smaller pieces
1 slice of honey baked ham, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 egg, optional

Meatball Sauce:
6 IKEA meatballs
1/2 cup tomato base pasta sauce
1 small red onion, diced
4 cherry tomato (optional), halved
80ml hot water

1. Using a small saucepan browned the thawed meatballs with drizzle of olive oil before adding in diced onion.

2. Cook onion until soften and almost translucent, add in pasta sauce and water then bring it to simmer for 5 minutes.

3. Lastly add in cherry tomato remaining kale (if using) and cook for another minute.

4. While simmering the meatball sauce, cook spaghetti according to package instructions, drain well and return to pot.

5. In a frying pan drizzle some oil and fry the sunny-side-up egg and set aside.

6. With the same pan sauté minced garlic & dash of dried chilli flake (optional) with olive oil till fragrant, add half portion of kale leaves and stir for 30 seconds.

7. Next toss in spaghetti and ham to warm through. Remove to serving plate, top with fried egg and enjoy together with meatball sauce.


Replicate this Bacon & Sausage Pasta dish from the one we had at Hoshino Coffee because we love the combination of ingredients used. Although I am not sure exactly what type of sauce/seasoning they used but for our version I cook it Aglio Olio style using generous amount of olive oil, minced garlic and chilli flakes to spice up the flavour.

(Yield: 2 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 15 minutes)

2 serving of Spaghetti
4 bacon rashers, cut wide strips
150g brown mushrooms, quarters
2 cheesy sausage, cut diagonally into thick slices
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon olive oil
some cherry tomato, halved
salt and pepper to taste
dried chilli flakes & parsley

1. In a big pot cook spaghetti according to package instructions, drain well and return to pot.

2. Sauté bacon till slightly crisp, remove and set aside.

3. Using the same pan, saute minced garlic with olive oil till fragrant. Add in chilli flakes, sausage, mushroom and continue to cook for another minute.

4. Toss in spaghetti to heat through then remove to serving plates.

5. To serve top with bacon, fried egg and sprinkle of parsley flakes.

Hope you enjoy the above recipes and wishing a great week ahead!

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