Monday, 22 October 2018

[3 Videos + 4 Recipes] Philips Deluxe Collection Multicooker (HD 2145) - 飞利浦智慧万用锅

Recently I added a new kitchen helper known as "Philips Deluxe Collection Multicooker". With this intelligent cooking system it can help to slow cook, pressure cook as well as multi-cook (pot roast, bake or yogurt) all in one appliance. The cooker also comes with "Add Ingredient" and "Sauce Thickening" functions that helps to cook food to the texture you prefer with one single touch of the button. Below are my verdict on using this cooker as well as some simple recipes for your reference.


Philips Deluxe Collection Multicooker retailing at SG$369 that comes with a power between 910W - 1090W (depends on the selected cooking method) and capacity size of 6.0L. With its user-friendly touch screen digital control panel, everyone at home including kids can help up to whip up a quick and healthy meal with just a few touch on the buttons.

Full review and detail functions of this cooker is available at Cuisine Paradise Kitchen Tips @


Potato and radish are perfect ingredients to add into Beef Stew because they can really adsorb the flavor of the dish and somehow to thicken the sauce too. Beside the two onion and tomato also helps to blend in some slightly sweet and sour aftertaste.

This is the first dish I test with my new cooker because I always wanted to make a good beef stew but end up the meat was rather a bit tough even after long simmering time on stove. But now with "pressure cook" function I can easily enjoy this comfort dish in about 45 minutes and it comes with soft and tender meat texture too.

Watch how we prepared this quick and easy Beef Stew.

(Yield: 4 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 40 minutes)

600g beef brisket, cut into 1.5" cubes
2 medium potato, cut into chunk
1 medium carrot, cut into chunk
1 medium radish, cut into chunk
1 medium brown onion, sliced
2 stalks scallions, cut into section
8 slices ginger
some cherry tomato
500ml water
1 cinnamon stick, optional

1/2 tablespoon cooking wine
1/2 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1/2 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 dried chilli, optional

1. To start with select "SAUTE/SEAR", set cooking time for 6 minutes and press "START". In the inner pot add cooking oil and saute potato and carrot for 3 minutes. Remove and set aside.

2. In the same pot add in 1 teaspoon of oil and saute ginger, scallion and cinnamon stick (and chilli if using) for a minute before adding beef (you can choose to blanch the beef in boiling water before using to remove any blood or dirt residue). Give it a quick stir then add in seasoning in sequence shown above.

3. Next stir in radish follow by water (cover the mixture) then close and "lock" the lid.

4. Select "BEEF/LAMB" and press "START". The cooking time will be 30 minutes and the cooker will automatically built up the cooking pressure shown on the display menu.

5. During the last 10 minutes of cooking time, select "Add Ingredient", the current cooking process pause and the cooker will automatically release pressure to "ZERO" then you can unlocked and open the lid to add in potato, carrot and tomato.

6. Close the lid and turn the handle clockwise to "Lock" and the pressure cooking program will resume cooking until it finishes.

7. Once the cooking process completes, the pressure will be released automatically again, follow by beeps and the "Lid unlocked" indicator blinking on the display screen. Carefully unlocked to open the lid and remember to avoid the hot steam from the cooker.


(分量: 4人份   | 准备: 10分钟   |  烹调时间: 40分钟)


1/2 汤匙料酒
1/2 茶匙黑酱油
1/2 汤匙糖
1/4 茶匙盐
2 根辣椒干,可以不放

1. 按功能选择 "SAUTE/SEAR",设定6分钟模式及 "开始烹调 (START)"。接着内锅里加入少许油然后倒入洋葱,胡萝卜和土豆翻煮3分钟。捞起备用。

2. 锅里再加入1茶匙的油把姜,葱,肉桂棒和辣椒干一起爆香一分钟才放牛肉翻和调味料翻炒上色。

3. 最后放白萝卜和水然后盖好锅盖并且上锁。

4. 按功能选择 "牛肉/羊肉 (BEEF/LAMB)" 模式及 "开始烹调 (START)" 大约30分钟的设定时间。

5. 在最后10分钟的烹煮时间选择 "中途加料 (Add Ingredient)", 程序就会暂停运做并自动压阀转至排气直 “0”。这时候你就可以解锁并打开盖子加马铃薯,胡萝卜和番茄。

6. 之后盖好锅盖并且上锁这样万用锅就会自动恢复烹煮程序。

7. 当程序完成后,紧接着就是"哔哔声"和开始压阀转至排气。当"开盖 (Lid unlocked)" 指示灯在显示屏上闪烁时即可小心地解锁并打开盖子, 整锅取出即可上桌享用或你也可以选择"保温 (Keep warm)"模式。

Chicken Rice
(万用锅鸡饭 )

I have cooked and shared many easy Chicken Rice recipes either using rice cooker or stove method. In this recipe we continue to test out the cooker by selecting "RICE" function where it takes a preset 14 minutes cooking time with 30 kPa pressure.

The texture of the rice is almost the same as those store bought and the half portion of chicken is pretty well cooked (even though it is not boneless) with juicy and tender meat. 

Watch how we prepared this quick and easy Chicken Rice & Lotus Root Peanut Soup.

(Yield: 2-4 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 15 minutes)

1.5 cup long grain rice
1/2 portion of marinated chicken
3 shallot
2 slices ginger
2 cloves garlic
sesame oil
knot of pandan leaves
some baby bok choy

1. To start with add ginger, garlic, shallot, sesame oil, pandan leaves and rice (rinse and drain well) in the cooker inner pot (do not close the lid).

2. Select "SAUTE/SEAR", set cooking time for 3 minutes and press "START".

3. Saute the rice for about 2 minutes, stirring in between then add in water and marinated chicken. Close and lock the lid.

4. Select "RICE/RISOTTO" and press "START".

5. Once the cooking process completes, the pressure will be released automatically follow by beeps and the "Lid unlocked" indicator blinking on the display screen.

6. Carefully unlocked to open the lid, arrange bok choy on the rice and drizzle some sesame/shallot oil over it then close the lid and let it stand for 5 minutes before serving (the heat from the cooker will steamed cook the vegetable on "keep warm" mode).


Lotus Root Peanut Soup is one of our family favourite but sometime the peanuts tends to take longer time (more than an hour) to become soft when simmering over stove heat. So to test out the "SOUP" mode on pressure cook I decided to use lotus roots, peanuts and beans to compare the result with my usual peanut soup.

To my surprise those mentioned ingredients were really soft to bite especially the lotus root and peanut.

(Yield: 4 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 40 minutes)

1 dozen chicken feet or 1/2 portion chicken
300g lotus roots, sliced 0.5cm thick
1/2 cup soup peanut
3 tablespoons red bean
3 tablespoons black eye bean
1 dried fig
2 slices ginger
3 garlic cloves
handful of red dates
2 dried scallop or dried cuttlefish, optional
1.2L of water

1. Blanch chicken in boiling water, rinse and set aside. Soaked peanut and beans in hot water for 10 minutes, rinse and set aside.

2. To start with select "SAUTE/SEAR", set cooking time for 5 minutes and press "START". Add in some cooking oil and saute ginger, garlic, peanut and beans for 2 minutes.

3. Next stir in blanched chicken and lotus root and continue to saute for another 3 minutes then add in red dates, dried fig and water. Close and lock the lid.

4. Select "SOUP/LENTILS", set cooking time to "35 minutes" and press "START".

5. Once the cooking process completes, the pressure will be released automatically follow by beeps and the "Lid unlocked" indicator blinking on the display screen. Carefully unlocked to open the lid and remember to avoid the hot steam from the cooker.


Bittergourd Chicken Soup is one of the soup which I learnt during my Taiwan trip years back. This soup is often serve during hot summer because bitter gourd has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying the body. Therefore I often boiled this soup for my family and sometime I will add in some pineapple to enhance the taste so as to mask the bitterness.

Now with this new cooker it makes soup preparation easier by by just adding all ingredients into the pot, select "SOUP" function and it will cook automatically without you checking on the stove heat or worry the soup might dry up.

Watch how we prepared this Bittergourd Soup.

(Yield: 4 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 30 minutes)

500g spareribs and/or 1/2 portion chicken parts
1 medium bitter gourd (400g), cut into section
1 medium carrot, cut into chunk
8 dried shiitake mushrooms, soak till soft
2 slices ginger
2 dried scallops or oyster
1 dried fig
couple of red dates

1. Blanch spareribs or chicken in boiling water, rinse and set aside.

2. Slice the bitter gourd lengthwise into half, scrap off the seeds and rub it generous amount of sea salt. Rinse and cut it into thick chunk and set aside.

3. In cooker inner pot add in all the above ingredients, close and lock the lid.

4. Select "SOUP/LENTILS", set cooking time to "30 minutes" and press "START".

5. Once the cooking process completes, the pressure will be released automatically follow by beeps and the "Lid unlocked" indicator blinking on the display screen. Carefully unlocked to open the lid and remember to avoid the hot steam from the cooker.

苦瓜鸡汤最适合在炎热的夏天喝了因为苦瓜有清热解毒和降火的功效。 因此我们家常常都会煲这个汤有时我还加些凤梨提味。现在有了万用锅煲汤更容易了,只要直接把材料放内锅然后设定 "煲汤 (SOUP)" 模式即可。

(分量: 4人份   | 准备: 10分钟   |  烹调时间: 30分钟)

1 个中苦瓜 (约400克),切段
1 个中胡萝卜,切块状
8 朵干香菇,浸泡至柔软
2 片生姜
2 粒干贝或蚝豉
1 粒干无花果

1. 排骨或鸡肉洗净以滚水煮两三分钟,捞起再过冷水,备用。

2. 将苦瓜横切成两半,去掉种子并用海盐揉搓(这样可以去掉苦涩)一分钟然后冲洗切成厚块备用。

3. 内锅里加入所有的材料然后盖好锅盖并且上锁。

4. 按功能选择 "煲汤 (SOUP/LENTILS)" 设定30分钟模式及 "开始烹调 (START)"。

5. 当程序完成后,紧接着就是"哔哔声"和开始压阀转至排气。当"开盖 (Lid unlocked)" 指示灯在显示屏上闪烁时即可小心地解锁并打开盖子或你也可以选择 "保温 (Keep warm)" 模式。

Overall I am pretty satisfy with this new cooker which can helps to prepared quality meals up to 6 times faster and yet without compromising on taste. My family is also amazed with on its multi function cooking technique and they love the tender beef stew as well as Chinese soup. If you are interested to find out more functions and recipe about this All-In-One Cooker, do stay tune for next post as we will be featuring pumpkin porridge and steamed cake.

Oh ya there is also a BIG SURPRISED for you peep too.

*Disclosure: I was given a set of the new Philips Deluxe Collection Multicooker from Philips Singapore for this review purpose but all opinions expressed in this post are of my own and there is no monetary compensation received.

All images, videos and recipes are copyright to ©Cuisine Paradise.

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