Monday, 29 October 2018

[2 Videos + 3 Recipes] Philips Deluxe Collection Multicooker - Part !! + Giveaway

Have you check out our first review post on this amazing Philips Deluxe Collection Multicooker which allows you to prepare healthy and delicious meal in different ways all year round. For example: meat dish such as beef stew or rendang can be easily done in 40 minutes or less using the pressure cooking compared to 3 hours or more on stove cooking.

In this second post we continue to test other functions as such "steam and manual" feature to cook porridge, dessert and steamed cake.


We love porridge cooks in different type of texture such as Teochew style which the grains still remains whole or Cantonese congee where the texture is creamy and silky. The basic ingredients needed are grain of your choice plus water and the amount of water used and cooking time also determine the texture of your porridge.

One of the things I dislike about cooking porridge is if you have to keep an eye on the pot so that it won't overflow or get burnt at the bottom. Furthermore to achieve a smooth congee texture it needs about an hour or more simmering on low heat. But now it only takes "20 minutes" cooking with my new cooker.

Watch how we prepared this quick and easy Pumpkin Porridge.

(Yield: 4      | Preparation: 10 minutes      | Cooking: 20 minutes)

1 cup short grain rice
300g spareribs
2 medium potato, cut into chunks
1 medium carrot, cut into chunks
200g blue pumpkin, cut into chunk
2 each of dried scallop and oyster
2 slices ginger
2 stalks of scallions
1.8L Water

1. Blanch spareribs in boiling water for 2 minutes; remove then rinse and set aside.

2. To start with select "SAUTE/SEAR", set cooking time for 3 minutes and press "START". Add in some cooking oil and saute ginger, dried scallop, oyster and spareribs for a minute.

3. Next stir in drained rice and drizzle of cooking wine to enhance the taste. Lastly add water and carrot then close and lock the lid.

4. Select "MANUAL", set cooking time to "20 minutes", pressure to "40kpa" and press "START".

5. After 10 minutes of cooking time, select "Add Ingredient", the current cooking process pause and the cooker will automatically release pressure to "ZERO" then you can unlocked and open the lid to add in potato, pumpkin and scallions.

6. Close the lid and turn the handle clockwise to "Lock" and the pressure cooking program will resume cooking until it finishes.

7. Once the cooking process completes, the pressure will be released automatically again follow by beeps and the "Lid unlocked" indicator blinking on the display screen. Carefully unlocked to open the lid and remember to avoid the hot steam from the cooker.

我们家很喜欢和粥尤其是颗粒状的潮洲鱼片粥或者是粤式的那种顺滑可口的皮蛋瘦肉粥。因此虽然我常在家里煮但有一点我不喜欢的就是煮的时间很长而且还需要一直看着火和搅拌不然锅低有可能会烧焦。但是现有了新的厨房好帮手,我就能轻松地在 “20分钟” 内煮一锅香滑美味的粥。

(分量: 4人份   | 准备: 10分钟   |  烹调时间: 20分钟)

2 个中土豆,切块状
1 个中胡萝卜,切块状
200 克南瓜,切块状
2 个干扇贝和蚝豉
2 片生姜
2 根青葱
1.8 公升青水

1. 排骨洗净以滚水煮两三分钟,捞起再过冷水,备用。

2.按功能选择 "SAUTE/SEAR",设定3分钟模式及 "开始烹调 (START)"。接着内锅里加入少许油然后倒姜片,干贝,蚝豉和排骨翻煮1分钟。接着加米(洗好沥干)和少许花雕酒炒香,

3. 最后放胡萝卜和青水,盖好锅盖并且上锁。

4. 按功能选择 "自选功能 (MANUAL)" 设定20分钟 选"压力直"40 kpa 模式及 "开始烹调 (START)"。

5. 10分钟的烹煮时间过后选择 "中途加料 (Add Ingredient)", 程序就会暂停运做并自动压阀转至排气直 “0”。这时候你就可以解锁并打开盖子加马铃薯,金瓜和青葱。

6. 之后盖好锅盖并且上锁这样万用锅就会自动恢复烹煮程序。

7. 当程序完成后,紧接着就是"哔哔声"和开始压阀转至排气。当"开盖 (Lid unlocked)" 指示灯在显示屏上闪烁时即可小心地解锁并打开盖子享用或你也可以选择 "保温 (Keep warm)" 模式。



I am sure many of us loves a bowl of cold Green Bean soup especially during hot summer season because it can helps to relieve summer heat in the body as well as detox and quench thirst. But since not everyone is suitable to consume green bean due to certain health condition I will suggest to eat it in moderation like once or twice a month.

For those who boiled green bean soup before I think you most properly need around 40 minutes to an hour to get it done. But with this all-in-one cooker it takes about "15 minutes" cooking time with just a touch on the "Soup/Lentils" function button and you see the beans are well cooked and split.

(Yield: 4      | Preparation: 10 minutes      | Cooking: 15 minutes)

3/4 cup green or red bean
1 pack of gingko nuts; about 20 pieces
knot of pandan leaves
some cane sugar to taste
1.5L Water
1/3 cup of pre-cooked pearl sago, optional

1. To start with: in the inner pot add green bean, gingko nuts, pandan leave and water then close and lock the lid.

2. Select "SOUP/LENTILS", set cooking time to "15 minutes" and press "START".

3. Once the cooking process completes, the pressure will be released automatically again follow by beeps and the "Lid unlocked" indicator blinking on the display screen. Carefully unlocked to open the lid and remember to avoid the hot steam from the cooker.

4. Remove the pandan leave, stir in pearl sago and cane sugar. Close the lid and select "Keep warm" mode for about "5 minutes" to allow the heat to dissolve the cane sugar.

If Using Pearl Sago: bring a small pot of water to boil and pour in pearl sago (do not rinse) and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes or so until it turns transparent. Rinse with cold water, drain well and set aside.


(分量: 4人份   | 准备: 10分钟   |  烹调时间: 15分钟)

3/4 杯绿豆或红豆
1 包银杏果仁; 大约20颗
1.5 公升青水
1/3 杯预先煮好的真珠西米,可以不放

1. 内锅里倒入绿豆,银杏果仁,香兰叶和1.8公升青水之后盖好锅盖并且上锁。

2. 按功能选择 "煲汤 (SOUP/LENTILS)" 设定15 分钟模式及 "开始烹调 (START)"。

3. 当程序完成后,紧接着就是"哔哔声"和开始压阀转至排气。当"开盖 (Lid unlocked)" 指示灯在显示屏上闪烁时即可小心地解锁并打开盖子。

4. 取出香兰叶,加入甘蔗糖和真珠西米然后搅拌均匀。盖好锅盖并选择 "保温 (Keep warm)" 模式 大约 "5分钟" 让锅内的温度融解蔗糖。


Although we often made steamed cake using either electric steamer or stove method with a pot and steam rack I still can't resist my curiosity to test it with this multi cooker. And guess what, the end result amazed with me soft, fluffy and moist texture of Japanese alike steamed cake in 8 minutes.

Watch how we prepared this quick and easy Steamed Cake.

(Yield: 4 (W:6.5cm H:4cm)   | Preparation: 5 minutes   | Cooking: 8-10 minutes)

1 packet (150g) pancake mix
120ml fresh milk or unsweetened soy bean milk
25g caster sugar
1 egg, 60g
15ml salad oil
1 tsp beetroot or cocoa powder, optional

1. In a mixing bowl, whisk egg and sugar till combined. Next stir in milk, pancake mix and oil in order till it forms a smooth batter.

2. Remove 2 tablespoons of the batter and mix in either beetroot or cocoa powder. Set aside.

3. Fill each disposal cupcake liner till about 3/4 full, pipe some pattern on top if you wants some design.

4. To start with: in the inner pot add 1 cup of water and insert the steaming rack then arrange the steamed cake liners on it. Close and lock the lid.

5. Select "STEAM" and press "START". Alternatively you can adjust the steaming time from "6 - 12 minutes" depending on the size of the cake.

6. Once the cooking process completes, the pressure will be released automatically again follow by beeps and the "Lid unlocked" indicator blinking on the display screen. Carefully unlocked to open the lid and remember to avoid the hot steam from the cooker.


(分量: 4个宽6.5cm 高:4cm 的蛋糕  | 准备: 5分钟   |  烹调时间: 8-10分钟)

1 包 (150克)松饼粉
120 毫升鲜牛奶或不加糖的豆浆
25 克砂糖
1 个鸡蛋,约60克
15 毫升沙拉油
1 茶匙甜菜根或可可粉,可选不放

1. 大碗中加鸡蛋和砂糖然后用手拌器打到均匀。接着依照次序拌入鲜牛奶,松饼粉和沙拉油成光滑的面糊。

2. 取出2汤匙面糊,混合甜菜根或可可粉拌均匀,备用。

3. 将每个蛋糕杯里填大约3/4满的面糊。此时如果你想要一些可爱的图案就可以用调好的颜色面糊挤出想要的图案。

4. 内锅倒入一杯水,放上专用的蒸架然后把准备好的蛋糕面糊放在架上盖好锅盖并且上锁。

5. 按功能选择 "蒸煮 (STEAM)" 模式及 "开始烹调 (START)"。蒸之前你可以根据蛋糕的大小把时间设定在6-12分钟之间。

6. 当程序完成后,紧接着就是"哔哔声"和开始压阀转至排气。当"开盖 (Lid unlocked)" 指示灯在显示屏上闪烁时即可小心地解锁并打开盖子取出蛋糕。


For this collaboration Philips Singapore is sponsoring away ONE SET of this "Philips Deluxe Collection Multicooker" worth S$369 to ONE of our lucky readers.

To Participate:-
1. Head over to our Facebook page here;

Terms and Conditions
* Giveaway ends on Wednesday, 31st October 2018 (9PM, Singapore time).
* Only for readers living in SINGAPORE.
* Participants must follow the instructions mentioned above to be eligible for the giveaway.
* Winner will be notify and self-collect prize from Philips assigned agency.

*Disclosure: I was given a set of the new Philips Deluxe Collection Multicooker from Philips Singapore for this review purpose but all opinions expressed in this post are of my own and there is no monetary compensation received.

All images, videos and recipes are copyright to ©Cuisine Paradise.

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