Thursday, 5 March 2009

Features Of My Exclusive Recipes

Dear readers of Cuisine Paradise, thank you for your support during these years. Today I have a good news to share with you, the Author of Cuisine Paradise, who is me, Ellena, has being invited to be a featured recipes contributor for a Singapore leading kids and parents magazine name "Parents World".

I have never dream that my blogs writing hobbies can bring me so far to such a stage that my recipes can actually be published on a local magazine. All these credit to the editor, Daniel Goh who is willing to give me such an opportunity to feature and published some of my very own exclusive recipes that is not posted in my blogs. So if you happen to find this Magazine in your kids school bag or at any newsstands or bookstores do give it a flip through and you will find that it acutally contains a lot of useful information and tips on parenting and kids issue.

Furthermore, you might also find some of my exclusive recipes in the magazine too... :0

p/s: So sorry I won't be able to post the recipes from the magazine here as due to copyrights issue.


  1. Wow, congrats Ellena! Too bad, I don't read parenting magazines. :) Won't be able to read your exclusive recipes. Maybe next time you can compile everything into a cookbook!

  2. Hi SSB,

    Thank you for your support and your compliment.. :) Even.. mb u can take a look on it if u happen to saw it on any newsstands or bookstore too .. :)

  3. Congratulation !

    Will try catch a glimpse of it. Thanks for sharing

  4. From which month onwards will your recipes be published? I see if I can find and flip through at bookstores. :)

  5. Hi Art of Eating,
    Thanks for dropping by and your support :)

    Hi SSM,
    It'had already being published in this March & April issue of Parents World :)

  6. Wow! Congratulations!
    Will try to get a peek. ;)


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
