Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Parents World - July & August Issue

Wow.. just received my latest issue of Parents World for July & August. I was so busy these few weeks that I totally forgot about this bi-montly Parents' and Kids' magazine that I have contributed my recipes with. This month cover page mum is Cecilia Cheung, one of the beautiful Hong Kong Celebrities whom most of us known of.

In this issue you will find a lot of interesting stuffs and factors that might trigger your curiosity of grabbing a copy of it. And further more, my recipes for this issue will be "Buttermilk Pancakes With Strawberry Mint Sauce" which is great for breakfast or tea-time.

Follow by this "Claypot Ginseng Chicken Rice" which I come out with from the idea of Steam Herbal Chicken. And there is another kiddy porridge which is "Cod Porridge with Lotus Seeds & Wolfberries" which is not shown here. But if you are interested in these recipes do check out the copy in your kids' school bag which they might have a complimentary copy from school or you can grab at copy at most 7-11 stores and newsstands. Thank you for your support.Posted by Picasa


  1. Wow Ellena,

    The pictures of the pancakes look great. You are always so creative! I shall go buy a copy for my sis to take a look at your recipes! :)

  2. Very nice Ellena. You have the patience and time to come up with recipe which I find is such a heavy commitment!

  3. Hi Open Kitcken Concept,
    thanks for your kind comments a support on the magazine :) Hope it can be some use to yr sister :p

    Yo... Quinn,
    Thanks for dropping by dispite your busy schedule :)


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
