Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Lemon Butter Muffins

Recently my mum has such a great craving for Lemon Butter Cake that she kept reminding me for a suitable recipe where she can try making some to share with her friends. So from her requirements, I managed to come out with some Lemon Butter Muffins which are full of lemon fragrant, taste and sponge cake like texture.

These are some of the photos of the ingredients and steps on how to prepare the batter.

Ingredients: (makes 6 muffins)
110g Butter, soften
100g Caster Sugar
2 Medium Eggs
130g Plain Flour
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Lemon Rind
50ml Lemon Juice
30g Dried Cranberries, roughly chopped
Extra Lemon Peel for Garnish

1. Sift the flour and baking power and set aside.
2. Cream butter and sugar with electric beater till light and fluffy(about 3 - 5 minutes on medium speed depending on your beater).
3. Add in egg one at a time and beat till the mixture is well combine without any egg trace.
4. Add lemon rind and 3/4 of the chopped cranberries into the butter mixture and give it a quick whisk.
5. Lower the mixer speed, add flour mixture and lemon juice alternately and beat it till smooth batter.
6. Scoop the mixture into prepared muffin cups to 3/4 full.
7. Top the muffin batter with some extra chopped cranberries and lemon strips.
8. Bake them in preheated 180 degree oven for about 20 - 25 minutes or till a toothpick inserted in the center and comes out clean.

From the photo you can notice that this is those light and fluffy cake texture compare to the usual butter pound cake which is heavier and dense. The adding of fresh lemon juice gives this muffin a fragrant and refreshing citric scent that makes you crave for more. If you are a fan of lemon curd, lemon bar or even lemon pound cake, you should not give this a missed. Posted by Picasa


  1. Hi
    May I know when do you add in lemon juice?

  2. Hi agapejen, sorry i have missed it out. The lemon juice shld hav being added in together with the flour mixture. I already amended the steps above :) Thanks.

  3. I love cake with lemon taste, will keep this recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Dear Ellena

    Sorry for posting my comments here as i do not have a facebook account. And i dont see there is a need for me to create a facebook account. Regards to the coffee muffins, i will sugguest u add almonds as it will give the muffin an extra crunch and it will not cover the coffee flavours it will be a perfect match for the coffee muffins. I will also sugguest u would be able to add a poll in this blog for an other sugguestions in future for those fans who do not have any facebook account as well. Thanks

  5. Hi Kitchen Corner, Mee too...if u have any interesting recipes on lemon cake, do let me knw k :)

    Hi Anonymous: I used to have a chat box in this site but since not really popular i have moved it over to the kitchen tips area. :) but thanks for your suggestion will keep in view :)

  6. Hi,

    I tried this recipe today and its wonderful! I like the light and fluffy texture of the muffins!
    Thanks for sharing!


  7. Hi,

    Would it be possible to bake it in a round cake pan instead of muffin?



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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
