Friday, 21 December 2018

[recipes + videos] Healthy Meals with WMF KITCHENminis Steamer - 福腾宝电蒸锅

Steaming foods help to preserves the original flavour and retain its natural nutrients which is in a better way to cook healthier oil free dishes. In this post I will be sharing a few recipes on how to cook over a single heat source with 2 layers of different food stacked on top of the other making it time, energy and money saving deal.

"蒸" 料理的特点是保持菜肴的原型,原汁及愿味并且从而保存食材的各种营养素。

I am excited to review this new WMF KITCHENminis Steamer (福腾宝电蒸锅) which made with rust resistant Cromargan stainless steel 18/10 and is BPA-free. It comes with TWO 2.15-Litre cooking compartment to cook a full meal at the touch of a few buttons on the LCD screen.

Full review and functions of the steamer is available at Cuisine Paradise Kitchen Tips @


I believe there are many chocolate lovers out there and cake is one of the all-time favourite choice to go with coffee or tea. In this breakfast menu I will share a very simple "stir, mix and pour" Steamed Chocolate Cake recipe by using this WMF steamer. The cake will be steamed together with some sweet potato and eggs in different layer of cooking compartment.

Watch how we prepared quick breakfast using WMF KITCHENminis Steamer.

Yield: 2 servings       |     Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: Cake 20 minutes;    Sweet Potato 25 minutes

400g sweet potato, wash & scrub clean
2 medium egg

Steamed Cake:
90g cake flour
10g Dutch processed cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
40g caster sugar
1 medium egg
100ml fresh milk/ unsweetened soybean milk
2 tablespoons corn oil

1. In a mixing bowl whisk egg for 20 seconds then beat till sugar till combined.

2. Next stir in milk follow by corn soil and mixed well.

3. Sieve in flour mixtures (cake flour, cocoa powder and baking powder) and stir until it forms a smooth batter.

4. Last add in chocolate chips and give it a few stir then pour into the lined Cromargan Cooking Bowl and top with some extra chocolate chips if desired.

5. Arrange sweet potatoes and eggs in the "Lower Cooking Compartment" then insert the steam pipe and upper water collection tray over before placing the upper cooking compartment with Cromargan bowl filled in cake batter.

6. Wrapped a clean tea towel over the glass lid shown above before covering the cooking compartment so that the steamed water droplet won't drip on the cake.

7. To Start Cooking: First select the button for "lower cooking area" then rotate the selection button to "2" for 2 serving portion and confirmed the setting by pressing the "selection button' once.

8. Next rotate the selection button again to adjust the cooking time to "25 minutes" and confirmed by pressing the "selection button'.

9. Repeat for the top layer by selecting the "upper cooking area" button then rotate the selection button to "1" for 1 serving portion and confirmed the setting by pressing the "selection button' once.

10. Rotate the selection button again to adjust the cooking time to "20 minutes" and confirmed by pressing the "selection button'.

11. Start cooking by pressing the start button which looks like a "steam cloud" and you can see the cooking time on the display.

12. The steamer will automatically switch off after coking is completed with a few beeping alerts. Careful of the hot steamed when removing the glass lid or cooking compartments to avoid scalding.

我相信大多数的你们都喜欢吃巧克力蛋糕吧。这里我就和大家分享一个非常简单的食谱,只需要把食材搅拌均匀然后就能快速 “蒸” 出湿润又美味的巧克力蛋糕当早餐。

(分量: 2-3人份   | 准备: 10分钟   |  蒸煮时间: 25分钟)



1. 在一个大碗里加入鸡蛋用手拌器打20秒然后倒入细砂糖搅拌均匀。

2. 接着拌入牛奶和玉米油。

3. 把低筋面粉,可可粉和发酵粉一起筛如鸡蛋液体碗中搅拌成光滑的面糊。

4. 最后加入巧克力豆拌一下才倒入放好烘培纸的Cromargan烹饪碗中。你也可以依照各人喜好在面糊上添加一些额外的巧克力豆。

5. 把蕃薯和鸡蛋放在“底层的蒸格”然后插入蒸汽管和架上黑色的隔水层就可放 "层的蒸格"和碗里准备好的蛋糕面糊。

6. 在蒸煮之前用一块干净的餐巾把玻璃盖包裹起来这样在煮的时候水汽就不会滴在蛋糕上。

7. 首先在液晶显示屏上选 "底层烹饪区" 的按钮,然后顺时钟方向把右边的旋转钮转到 "2" 来显示2人份就可再按一次确认设定。

8. 跟着从显示屏上的时间再用旋转钮转到 "25分钟" 来设定蒸煮时间即可再按一次确认。

9. 接着选 "上层烹饪区" 的按钮,然后顺时钟方向把右边的旋转钮转到 "1" 来显示1人份就可再按一次确认设定。

10. 蒸煮时间设定为 "20分钟" 即可再按一次确认。最后在显示屏上按一个看像“蒸云”的按钮就可启动蒸煮程序。


We love steamed egg because you have it either on its own or add in extra ingredients such as clams, shelled prawns, minced meat and etc to create another new dish out of it.

With the help of the mulit-layer cooking compartments steamer I can easily prepared our two all-time favourite dish in just 15 minutes cooking time. Best of it I can even serve the food straight on the dining table with the cooking compartment.

Watch how we prepared quick healthy meal using WMF KITCHENminis Steamer.

Yield: 2 servings       |     Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: Egg 12 minutes;    Fish 15 minutes

Ingredients For Steamed Egg With Clams:
200g flower clams
2 medium egg, 55g each
200ml packet chicken broth
3 slices ginger
1 teaspoon cooking wine
1 tablespoon chopped scallions
some shallot oil, optional

1. Soak clams in salted water for about 30 minutes until they spit out sand. Rinse and drain well.

2. You can either bring a pot of water to boil with ginger and cooking wine then add in clams and cook until the clams slightly open. Drain and discard unopened clams.

Alternately you can place the clams with 50ml of water, cooking wine and ginger in the Cromargan Cooking Bowl and cook in the "lower cooking compartment" with "1 serving" setting for "5 minutes".

3. Meanwhile whisk egg with pinch of salt then stir in chicken broth and mix well. Strain egg mixture with a sieve into the Cromargan cooking bowl with drained clams.

Ingredients For Steamed Fish:
1 small (150g) sea bass, butterfly
2 fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced
3 slices ginger
some scallion and shallot oil, optional

4. Arrange the fish, mushroom and ginger on a steaming plate and place in the "Lower Cooking Compartment" then insert the steam pipe and upper water collection tray over before placing the upper cooking compartment with Cromargan bowl filled in egg and clams.

5. Wrapped a clean tea towel over the glass lid shown above before covering the cooking compartment so that the steamed water droplet won't drip onto the surface of the egg.

6. To Start Cooking: First select the button for "lower cooking area" then rotate the selection button to "1" for 1 serving portion and confirmed the setting by pressing the "selection button' once.

7. Next rotate the selection button again to adjust the cooking time to "15 minutes" and confirmed by pressing the "selection button'.

8. Repeat for the top layer by selecting the "upper cooking area" button then rotate the selection button to "1" for 1 serving portion and confirmed the setting by pressing the "selection button' once.

9. Rotate the selection button again to adjust the cooking time to "12 minutes" and confirmed by pressing the "selection button'.

10. Start cooking by pressing the start button which looks like a "steam cloud" and you can see the cooking time on the display.

Steaming time for the fish, clams and egg might different by 2 - 5 minutes depending on the size of the ingredients used.

When the dishes are ready sprinkle some fried shallot oil and chopped scallion and serve it immediately with steamed white rice.


Have you ever eaten peach gum dessert? Peach Gum is actually the oil that is naturally secreted from peach trees. After soaked and expand you have to clean it before using it for sweet or savoury dish. There are many benefits of eating peach gum and one of it is for beauty purpose where it can helps to reduce pigmentation on skin and smooth the intestine function.

I prepared a main course with Steamed Rice and Chicken serve with assorted vegetables plus Peach Gum with ginkgo nuts as after meal dessert all done within the electric steamer in 45 minutes.

Watch how we prepared quick steamed rice & dessert using WMF KITCHENminis Steamer.

Yield: 2 servings       |     Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: Rice 30 minutes;    Dessert 45 minutes

Ingredients For Steamed Rice:
1/2 cup (60g) white rice, rinse and drain well
150ml water
1 piece of marinated boneless chicken leg with thigh
1 preserved chinese sausage, sliced
1 small carrot, cut into chunk
some broccoli and pumpkin
some ginger, scallion and chilli

Ingredients For Peach Gum Dessert:
1/2 cup of soaked peach gum
6 red dates
10 ginkgo
1/2 tbsp wolfberry
2 slice of ginger, optional
some cane sugar to taste
some pandan leaves
500ml drink water

1. To Assemble Dessert: get two chawanmushi or small deep bowl then divide the ingredients among it and place it inside the "Lower Cooking Compartment".

2. Insert the steam pipe and upper water collection tray over the lower compartment before placing the "Upper Cooking Compartment" with Cromargan bowl filled in rice and water. On the side of the bowl place the food divider and carrot then put the glass lid on.

3. To Start Cooking: First select the button for "lower cooking area" then rotate the selection button to "2" for 2 serving portion and confirmed the setting by pressing the "selection button' once.

4. Next rotate the selection button again to adjust the cooking time to "30 minutes" and confirmed by pressing the "selection button'.

5. Repeat for the top layer by selecting the "upper cooking area" button then rotate the selection button to "1" for 1 serving portion and confirmed the setting by pressing the "selection button' once.

6. Rotate the selection button again to adjust the cooking time to "15 minutes" and confirmed by pressing the "selection button'.

7. Start cooking by pressing the start button which looks like a "steam cloud" and you can see the cooking time on the display.

8. The steamer will automatically switch off after coking is completed with a few beeping alerts. Carefully open the lid, place the marinated chicken over the rice follow by some shredded ginger and scallion on top.

9. On the side of the rice place the sausage then add in broccoli and pumpkin in the vegetable corner.

10. Repeat steps 3 - 6 to set up the cooking functions but change both the cooking time to "15 minutes" then press "Start button".


(分量: 2人份   | 准备: 10分钟   |  蒸煮时间: 45分钟)

1/2 杯白米(大约60克),冲洗两三次
1 片腌制的起骨鸡腿
1 条腊肠,切片
1 小条胡萝卜,切块

1/2 杯泡发洗静的桃胶

1. 把甜点的材料均匀的分配在两个小炖碗里然后放在“底层的蒸格”再插入蒸汽管和架上黑色的隔水层就可放 "上层的蒸格"。

2. 接着把米和水倒入Cromargan烹饪碗里和胡萝卜隔开一起放在上层的蒸里。

3. 首先在液晶显示屏上选 "底层烹饪区" 的按钮,然后顺时钟方向把右边的旋转钮转到“2”来显示2人份就可再按一次确认设定。

4. 跟着从显示屏上的时间再用旋转钮转到 '30分钟" 来设定蒸煮时间即可再按一次确认。

5. 接着选 "上层烹饪区" 的按钮,然后顺时钟方向把右边的旋转钮转到“1”来显示1人份就可再按一次确认设定。

6. 蒸煮时间设定为 "15分钟" 即可再按一次确认。最后在显示屏上按一个看像“蒸云”的按钮就可启动蒸煮程序。

7. 蒸煮程序完成后电蒸锅会在几秒段需的声响后自动关掉。这时小心打开玻璃盖子将腌好的鸡肉和腊肠片放在米饭上。

8. 你可以在鸡肉上面放一些切丝的姜和葱然后把西兰花和南瓜放在蔬菜区。

9. 重复步骤 3-6 的蒸煮设定功能,但把上下层的蒸煮时间更改为 "15分钟" 然后按 "开始按钮"。

Peach Gum (桃胶)is the resin secreted from the bark of peach tree. The gum crystals are used for cooking dessert because it is an excellent skin tonic that clears the blood and cures pimples and acne. Furthermore it also helps harmonizes the spleen and stomach as well as activates the blood and replenish Qi.

To prepare it just Just take about 10 clusters and soak in a big bowl of water overnight then change water a few times to remove the black dirt that stick on the gum when it expanded. You soaked more at a time and keep the unused portion in container and chill in the fridge for about 1-2 weeks.

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*Disclosure: I was given a set of the new WMF KITCEHNminis Steamer from WMF Singapore for this review purpose but all opinions expressed in this post are of my own and there is no monetary compensation received.

All images, videos and recipes are copyright to ©Cuisine Paradise.

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