Brioche is made using similar method as compared to bread doughs. It is make from enriched French pastry with high egg and butter content that give it a rich and tender crumb. The texture is "light and slightly puffy" with a dark, golden and flaky crust achieved from the egg wash applied after proofing.
Although I have seen and read up different brioche recipes from baking books but it has never trigger me to work on it until I saw how easy Bryan Wong made his brioche on last Wednesday, Knock ! Knock ! who's there? (Episode 10) cooking variety show.
Since I cannot find any related recipe that Byran (on episode 10) used, I decided to Google the most suitable and foolproof recipe to try it myself. So from the lists that I searched, I finally set my eyes on this Quick Brioche Braid by Nick Malgieri from his book The Modern Baker.
This recipe is done using a food processor and the steps are quite easy to follow plus it's bonus point is; it required zero to a few kneading of the dough depending on it's texture and weather. So if you like crusty bread with soft and buttery texture, this brioche recipe is definitely to be added to your "Must-do-list". And for those who do not have a food processor, you can use a heavy duty mixer with dough hook attached for this recipe too.
Pin It For ME: I ate it with some Orange Marmalade where the tangy taste of the marmalade blends well with the rich buttery pastry.
For My Boy: He loves his Brioche with his favourite Nutella and since he has set his heart for this he don't even agreed to share the very last slice of the loaf with anyone of us.
For FRIENDS: I have packed a few slices in each bags to share with friends on what's our new love for this month. Thankfully for those who tried loves these brioche to bits.

Although I have seen and read up different brioche recipes from baking books but it has never trigger me to work on it until I saw how easy Bryan Wong made his brioche on last Wednesday, Knock ! Knock ! who's there? (Episode 10) cooking variety show.
Since I cannot find any related recipe that Byran (on episode 10) used, I decided to Google the most suitable and foolproof recipe to try it myself. So from the lists that I searched, I finally set my eyes on this Quick Brioche Braid by Nick Malgieri from his book The Modern Baker.
This recipe is done using a food processor and the steps are quite easy to follow plus it's bonus point is; it required zero to a few kneading of the dough depending on it's texture and weather. So if you like crusty bread with soft and buttery texture, this brioche recipe is definitely to be added to your "Must-do-list". And for those who do not have a food processor, you can use a heavy duty mixer with dough hook attached for this recipe too.
Recipe adapted from The Modern Baker, Quick Brioche Braid.
(Make: 2 Standard Loaf | Preparation: 10 mins | Waiting: 1.5 hours | Baking: 20 mins)
1/4 Cup(60 ml) Lukewarm(43°C) Milk
1 1/2 Cup Unbleach Plain Flour
1 1/4 Teaspoons Active Dry Yeast
56g Cold Unsalted Butter, cut into small cubes
28g Caster Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 Large Egg
1 Egg Yolk
Egg Wash:
1 Egg + Pinch of Salt, lightly beaten
Method:-1. Pour lukewarm(43°C) milk in a bowl and whisk in yeast till well-mixed. Next with a whisk stir in 1/2 cup of flour till it became a sticky dough.
2. Loosely cover the bowl with cling wrap and set aside until the dough slightly risen (about 20 minutes).
3. In a food processor fitted with dough blade, add in butter cubes, sugar, salt, egg and extra yolk.
4. Pulse the mixture until butter is finely chopped and well mixed throughout the mixture.
5. Scrape yeast mixture into the food processor and pulse about 5 - 6 times to till well mixed.
6. Add 1/2 cup of flour and pulse till the mixture is smooth(refer to the photo above).
7. Scrape down mixture in the bowl, add the remaining 1/2 cup of flour and pulse again until the mixture is well blended. Rest dough in food processor for about 10 minutes.
8. Start the processor and let it run continuously for 10 seconds till dough leaves the side of the processor.
9. Turn dough out on floured surface and give it a quick knead. Divide dough into half portion to make 2 loves of brioche.
10. Cut each dough into 3 equal pieces and roll each pieces into a thick rope (if the dough is too sticky, keep in the fridge for 20 minutes before plaiting).
11. Line baking tray with greaseproof paper, plait the dough and shown above and let it rise till dough in size (about 60 - 90 minutes, depending on the weather and room temperature)
12. Just before baking, lightly brush the dough with egg wash and bake in preheated 180°C oven for about 20 - 30 minutes(i bake mine for 22 minutes) or till golden and glossy in colour. Cool bread before slicing.
Pin It For ME: I ate it with some Orange Marmalade where the tangy taste of the marmalade blends well with the rich buttery pastry.
For My Boy: He loves his Brioche with his favourite Nutella and since he has set his heart for this he don't even agreed to share the very last slice of the loaf with anyone of us.
For FRIENDS: I have packed a few slices in each bags to share with friends on what's our new love for this month. Thankfully for those who tried loves these brioche to bits.