Showing posts with label Hakka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hakka. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 February 2013

[With Recipes] Lunar New Year Lunch Gathering With Relatives

This year mum and I decided to do a combined New Year lunch gathering to invite our relatives over for a festive lunch. We hope to take this opportunity to get touch and mingle with everyone since we seldom get a chance to eat together as a big group during normal days of the year.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Hakka Abacus Seeds - 客家算盘子

Time flies fast and today it's Friday again where we have another interesting recipe theme for our Photo Friday. Just for a quick introduce, the above Abacus Seeds is one of the Hakka's specialty where the family will get to eat them during special occasions or gatherings. Since olden time till now, the side ingredients have become varied such as minced meat, cuttlefish, mushrooms, dried shrimps, tau kwa (firm beancurd) and etc.
