Thursday, 23 June 2005

American Chocolate Cake

Yesterday I finally had some spare time to try out  this tempting American Chocolate Cake recipe that I put on list. Perhaps due to the Chocolate Ganache Cream the tase of the cake is quite similar to MUD CAKE with a slight dense texture. But overall it still rated good for us with its chocolatey after taste. Thanks for the recipe from one of the Mummy from Mum's Website.

Ingredients for Cake: 

125g Unsalted Butter
175g Brown Sugar
½ Teaspoon Vanilla essence
2 Eggs
35g Cocoa Powder
130ml Warm Water
140g Self-Raising Flour

Ingredients for Chocolate Ganache:
100ml Dairy Whipping Cream
125g Dark Chocolate

Methods on Cake: 

1. Mix in cocoa powder and water. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
2. Add in eggs, one at a time. Add in vanilla essence, beating well after each addition until well combine.
3. Then add in a bit of cocoa mixture and flour slowly until finish.
4. Spoon batter into a 10”x14”x1” cake tin. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degree for 15-20 minutes.

Methods for Chocolate Ganache:
1. Heat whipping cream until it comes to just under the boil, remove from heat and add in dark chocolate and mix well.
2. Slice cake into 3 layers. Spread ganache over first layer, cover with another layer. Repeat twice. Cover the top with ganache. Posted by Hello


  1. I am an amateur baker so need your help. What is that white chocolate drizzle that you pour over your cake? How do you make that? I like your blog and its super good with the recipes which I plan to try it out over the weekend. Thanks for your help! Tiff

  2. Hi Tiff,
    Thanks for popping by my blog. Yup..the white colour drizzle on top of the cake is melted white chocolate. You can get any white chocolate and melted it over double-boiler or microwaves then pour in pipping bag ang pip the pattern that you want on it. HTH :)

  3. Thanks Ellena. Will try it out. Btw I am also a SG but married to HK. Will cont'd to read your blogs so cook more and write more. Say hi to your prince. Cheers! Tiff

  4. Thanks Tiff,
    Wow.. so u staying in HK. HK do have a lot of great baking stuffs rite... esp the disney design for kids! :p

  5. Hi,
    How do u cut your cake into 3 layers??

    Very new in baking but your blog is so delightful to follow!

    Tks for your help!

  6. Hi there,

    Thanks for dropping by this blog. U can used a cake knife to slit the cake into 3 layers or u can get those special cake cutter from those baking shop. Hope that help :)

  7. Hi ellena I'm AdeL. Really like your blog & sharing of your recipes. Thanks.

    I would like to bake this chocolate cake for my mum's coming birthday. Can you advise me on the whipping cream? Do we need to beat the whipping cream or just pour out from the box? So sorry just started to learn.

  8. Hi Adel,

    Thanks for dropping by and your kind comments :) Em.. as for the Whipping Cream use in the Chocolate Ganache, you don't need to whisk it. Just pour in a heave-based pan and bring it just to boil then remove from heat and add in the chocolate as mention in the recipe above :) Hope that help :)


  9. Thanks Ellena

    I'll try in out.


  10. hi Elena.

    i was wondering is this the wet kinda cake. all chocolaty. and will the chocolate topping gets hard if kept the cake in fridge. thank you .



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