Saturday, 11 June 2005

Steam Egg White Rainbow Cake

Got this recipe from one of the mum's Zur (click on link for her recipe) from the M4M website. It's a very interesting cake with colourful layers that definitely caught everyone's attention. The cake itself is very soft with a fluffy and good texture for steamed cake. Other than the colours this can be consider as s health cake since the main ingredients are Egg Whites instead of whole egg plus only small amount of sugar is used.

Overall it took about 1/2 hrs to prepare the cake and 30 minutes to steam. Posted by Hello


  1. Hi there... thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope u find something that interests u. Yup... i have the recipe to this steam cake.. but how do i email to u... maybe u can leave yr email address for me... thanks.

  2. Hi, I saw the recipe uses top flour. May I know what is top flour?

  3. Top flour is also called Hong Kong Flour... hope that helps..

  4. Hi Ellena, i really enjoy reading ur blog, & i love this steam egg white raimbow cake very much. can i have the recipe as well? pls send 2 my e-mail add thanks

  5. Hi Ellena

    Love your blog and colourful presentation! Can you email me your recipe for the rainbow cake?
    My email address is



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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
