Friday 2 September 2005

Snowskin Mooncake

Managed to make these assorted mini Snowskin Mooncakes today with my mum. Snowskin version is rather easy when compared to those traditional bake mooncake where you need to prepare the dough, wrapped it with filling in the mooncake mould and bake in the oven.

Likewise for snowskin version you can do a short-cut by using premixed snowskin flour mixture with shortening and liquid such as juice, red wine, and etc.

Ingredients: (Make 16 small)
4 Salted Egg Yolks , cut into quarter each
250g Premixed Snowskin Flour 
50g Shortening
100-110ml Ice Cold Water
Food Colouring
250g - 300g White Lotus Paste 
50 -100g Melon Seeds, lightly roast

1. Rinse salted egg yolks with water and coat them with cooking oil then place them on an oiled plate and steam for 10 minutes. Remove and set aside.
2. Add the premixed flour into a mixing bowl, slowly stir in cold water to form a dough.
3. Next add in shortening and desire colouring and knead for about 5 minutes.
4. Rest the dough aside for about 20 minutes before wrapping the fillings.
5. Take about 1 - 1 1/2  tablespoons of white lotus paste, wrap with 1/4 of salted egg yolk then roll it into a ball shape.
6. Divide dough into equal portions, wrap each dough with prepared lotus paste fillings and sealed dough to enclose the filling completely and press it into the mould.

Note: You can used wooden mould if you want a distinctive pattern or else you any plastic mould design will do. 

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