Friday, 9 September 2011

[My 1st Kids' Workshop] Pizza Toast plus Red Angry Bird Bento

Yesterday we have a fun-filled day with all the wonderful kids and their parents who attended our very 1st Kids' Pizza and Bento Workshop. This workshop has being in my wishing list for so long because I always hope to be able to conduct a hands-on workshop for kids and their parents. For me I think hands-on workshop are a great way to show bonding between parents and their kids as most of the kids enjoy the time where mummy or daddy will be able to hold their hands and work together to complete an assigned task. And during the workshop I am so happy to see some heart-warming bonding time between parents and their kids.

At first my initial plan is to organise a workshop for 6 pairs of parents and kids so that all participants will have a fair chance on making the pizza and bento. But due to warm response I decided to have 2 sessions in order to let more kids join in the fun for this 3-hour workshop. As I still consider myself as an Amateur Bento maker this workshop is purely just a gather together session with minimum material fees collected. Below are some photos and recipes on what they kids get to learn during the workshop.

Garden Theme Toast

For the pizza toast we decided to have two themes:- Garden Theme for the girls and Ocean Theme for the boy. Although for the 1st session the age group is slightly younger ranging from 4 - 7 years old but you will be surprised on what these Junior Chef can do.

Look at this beautiful Garden Theme Pizza Toast done by Cheryl(6 years old) with minimum help from her mum. Isn't it beautiful! 

Ocean Theme Pizza Toast 

Since there are some boys in the workshop I decided to add-on this Ocean Theme Pizza Toast so that it will be more fun and we also get to see more interesting design from the kids. Below is the recipe on how to make this Ocean theme pizza toast.

Ingredients: (make 2 pizza toasts)
2 Slices Wholemeal Bread
1 Blanched Picnic Ham
1 Slice of Sandwich Cheese
1/2 Cup of Shredded Cheese
4 Tablespoons of Tomato Paste Sauce
Some Blanched Broccoli florets and Sliced Carrot
¼ Portion of Japanese Cucumber

1. Lightly toast the bread in toaster oven for about 30 seconds on each side. Remove and set aside.

2. Spread some of tomato paste sauce on the bread before topping it with generous amount of shredded cheese.

3. Next put the bread into the toaster oven for another 30 seconds or more till the cheese slightly melt, removed.

4. Using the assigned food cutters, cutout all the required shapes that are needed to form the ocean theme design.

5. Arrange the cutouts on top of the cheese to form your desire ocean theme layout. Pop the bread back into the toaster oven for another 1 minutes or so to heat up the ingredients and melt the cheese.

6. Remove from oven and served warm.

From the photo above you can see 3 Ocean Theme Pizza Toasts done by the boys, age 4 and 7 years old. (Photo credit to WaiFong from Fong's Kitchen)

Red Angry Bird Bento

Since nowadays everyone including kids and adults are in love with Angry Birds games, soft toys and etc. Here in this workshop I let the kids get hands-on in making their very own Red Angry Bird Bento which they all are excited about and can't bear to eat it. Recipe on how to make this Angry Bird Bento, please refer to HERE.

Red Angry Bird Bento made by Beatrice(6 years old girl) together with some help from her mummy. (Photo credit to Beatrice's mum, Belinda)

Here I would like to say "Thank You" to everyone who attended the workshop yesterday and I hope it would be a wonderful memory and experience for everyone. Please accept my apology if I did not host you well during the workshop. Lastly thanks WaiFong for giving me such a wonderful handmade Kitchen Sign which makes me feel so touch. Hope to see everyone again on the next workshop soon. 

More Photos of the Pizza Toast and Bento Workshop can be found HERE.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend times with the kids.The ideas and recipe are brilliant.

  2. Oh that looks like so much fun for the kids. I love the results too...such cool looking pizzas and bentos.

  3. How cute!!! :))

  4. This sounds like a wonderful experience for the children and their parents. I'm rather new to your blog and don't often comment but I wanted you to know how much I enjoy my visits here. you've created a lovely spot for your readers to visit and I always leave with a new idea or recipe. I hopeyou have a wonderful day.Blessings...Mary

  5. AJugglingMom11/9/11 12:42 am

    Wow all these are young master chefs in the making! 

  6. Parsley Sage11/9/11 1:56 am

    Amazing workshop!  That's so much fun, I love the ocean one :)  Great success

  7. A-mazing Ellena!!!!!!!!!!!!  I totally missed this post.  You are a wonderful mom and home cook who want to help the kids and I highly admire of you!  Wonderful job!


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
