Monday, 19 September 2011

Yang Sheng Le(养生乐) - Cordyceps Concentrated Herbal Soup

Last monthly, I have bought a few bottles of these Yang Sheng Le(养生乐), concentrated herbal soup from Fairprice during one of it's promotion. And for your information this concentrated soup is a collaboration by two trusted brand names Eu Yan Sang and MAGGI. Although for most of us this might be just another "instant" soup base which enables you to prepare quick and easy soup within minutes but with some extra bits of ingredients you could also turn this into a once pot dish too.

To enjoy and prepare these delicious herbal soup, what you need to do is to dilute the mixture with water and simmer it for about 20 minutes before serving. Yan Sheng Le Concentrated Herbal Soup is also endorsed as the "Healthier Choice" by the Singapore Health Promotion Board and as well with the following :-.

~ All Natural
~ No Preservatives
~ No Added MSG
~ No Added Artificial Colouring/Flavoring

Retail Price: From S$7.50 per bottle onwards

Ingredients: (serve 3 - 4)
1 Bottle of Cordyceps Concentrated Herbal Soup
1 Black Chicken (乌鸡) or 600g Chicken Pieces
1 Litre Boiling Water
Some Wolfberries and Red Dates

1. Trim and cut the black chicken into quarters, rinse and blanched in a pot of boiling water for a about 3 minutes. Remove, rinse and set aside.

2. Empty contents of herbal concentrate from bottle into 1 litre of boiling water and mix well.

3. Add chicken pieces, bring to boil.

4. Lower the heat and simmer for 20 minutes and serve hot.

These concentrated Herbal Soup comes in a few different types of flavour but we loves the American Ginseng Concentrated And Cordyceps Concentrated most. The photo shown above is Black Chicken with Cordyceps Herbal Soup in 20 minutes. The Cordyceps Concentrated Herbal Soup consist of 5 herbs such as :-  Cordyceps, Bei Shan Shen, Bei Qi, Yu Zhu and Chi Pi which provides nourishing goodness for the body.


  1. How comes the chicken is black?I will look for this paste.I actualy always have niso paste at home...this is my help me out gain back energy:))

  2. Thanks for sharing this healthy and easy way of preparing this soup. Will get this concentrated herbal soup for my family.

  3. Parsley Sage20/9/11 6:04 pm

    Need to check this out!  Looks yummy :)

  4. Does it really taste authentic?  Some how I also associate Maggi with plenty of seasonings.

  5. Oy...... black chicken..... I saw this chicken dish in Taiwan before and I get....goosebumps.  I'm pretty positive I had tried once or so.  But still.... I'm not used to it.  So weird, but black chicken is more scary than regular brown chicken.  I think I think of it as "crow".  I know it's silly.  But I'm scarrrrrrrrrrrred.  LOL.

  6. Hi Dzoli, this is black chicken that we use in most of our Asian tonic herbal soup to strength our body.

  7. Emmm if you are looking for quick and easy soup with minimum time of preparation then this could be consider good. But then definitely cannot compare to those freshly brewed/double-boiled soup we made at home :p

  8. Lol... Nami, when i 1st saw/tried this black chicken during my teens i was just like you. The "black" look off it really turns me off from my soup.lolz


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