Thursday, 16 August 2012

Zespri Kiwifruit Chiffon Cake plus Zespri Goodie Bags Giveaway

Finally today is the last day of the "Zespri® 14 days Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge (#14daysofZespri)" and I am sure some of you would be delighted that I won't be flooding your timeline with more "kiwifruit" related posts or photos :p

During these 14 days I have tried many different ways in utilizing this amazing fruits such as making compote, smoothie, milkshake, meat tenderizer and I even bake a chiffon cake using the fresh kiwifruit itself rather than kiwi jam which mentioned in most Kiwifruit Chiffon Cake recipes.


Although I love butter cake more than chiffon cake but at time I still bake one or two occasionally.  The idea of adding "Kiwifruit" into my chiffon cake comes from one of the Instagram conversation that I have with @keropokman on making special flavour chiffon cake. And from there I do a google search on the related recipe but most of it called for "kiwifruit jam" instead of using the raw fruit itself.

So in the end, with my basic chiffon cake knowledge I decided to try my luck using a similar Banana Chiffon Cake recipe that I have baked sometime back. And instead of using mashed banana, I replaced it with 1 ripe Zespri® Green Kiwifruit and keep my fingers cross all the way from whisking the batter till the cake rise in the oven and out on cooling rack. Although mine was not very professionally done (on it's appearance) but the cake was moist, fluffy and springy in texture. I guess most importantly is it did not sank or turn out disaster like what I imagine.

(Make: 7" Tube Pan   | Preparation: 15 minutes   | Cooking: 30 minutes)

1 Zespri® Green Kiwifruit, cubes and mashed into paste
3 Large Egg Yolks
20g Caster Sugar
50ml Corn Oil/Vegetable Oil
80g Cake Flour
4 Large Egg Whites
40g Caster Sugar

1. Whisk egg yolks, 20g sugar for 2 minutes till slightly pale in colour, stir in oil and mashed kiwifruit (just the paste, remove any excess juice in it) in sequence until everything is well combined.

2. Next slowly whisk in the sieved flour into the egg mixture till no trace of flour is found.

3. Preheat the oven to 180°C (degree Celsius).

4. Beat egg whites and 1/2 of the 40g caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy.

5.Add in the other 1/2 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until stiff peaks form. (the whole process takes less than 5 minutes and the egg whites remains in the bowl when it is over turn)

6. Using a balloon whisk carefully whisk in the stiff egg white into the egg yolk batter in 3 separate additions, with the 1st addition to incorporate the whites into the yolk mixture till combined leaving no trace of whites.

7. Next add in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off the air in the whites, just fold till no trace of whites and the mixture are well combined.

8. Lastly lift up the bowl to height, pour the mixture into the tube pan and tap the pan once or twice on a table top to get rid of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

9. Bake the cake in the preheated oven (on lower rack) for about 30 minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown. (you can insert a skewer into the centre and test if it comes out clean)

10. Remove it from the oven and invert the pan immediately to let it rest on top of a cup. Make sure it cool completely before unmould.

11. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife (i use a small rubber saptula) around the inside of the pan and the center core.

12. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee

When I shared this Kiwifruit Chiffon Cake via facebook and instagram it did bring up some raves and I am sure most of the people would love to try making one using fresh fruit rather than jam. And as for taste, it has a combination between sweet and sour taste plus hint of kiwifruit aroma in it.

ZESPRI® 14 days Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge

Lastly I would like to thank Zespri® and the folks from Edelman Public Relations for organizing such a fun event on this "ZESPRI® 14 days Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge". During the past 10 over days, it is really amazing on how these fuzzy brown fruits can fix into our daily diet in different ways from beverage to breakfast and event dinner and desserts. And with this low in calories and fat kiwifruit that contain high nutrition value and vitamin C, I am sure you would love to include them in your daily diet too!

Here in order to thank everyone for supporting my Zespri posts and photos in terms of "likes" and "comments", I would be giving away 3 sets of these items (ZESPRI® Green Kiwifruit thumbdrive, battery-operated massager, PVC apron and gloves, kitchen sponges, 2 Single Kiwifruit Containers, Keychain and Pen) sponsored by ZESPRI® to the 3 lucky readers.

Goodie bag includes this limited edition Zespri Green Kiwifruit Thumbdrive
To win:

1. Like the ZESPRI® Giveaway photo on Cuisine Paradise Facebook Page, AND

2. Leave a comment on facebook photo to name 2 benefits (clue:- answer can be found HERE) of eating Zespri® kiwifruits and which recipe(s) do you like most from my #14daysofZespri Album.

Closing Date: 18th August 2012 (Saturday), 9pm.
*only for readers living in Singapore*


  1. Your chiffon looks yummy, I like the golden skin! My chiffons usually turned out pale! would love to try this recipe as I love adding fresh fruits in my bakes too:D Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Jeannie,

      Thanks for your kind words. Do let me know how it goes if you try out the recipe :)

  2. I tried this recipe and it did not workout! As soon as I overturned it, the cake fell apart and it seemed too moist.

    Please help me! I'm not sure what went wrong!

    1. Emmm do you have the photo of your bake? Does your mashed kiwi have a lot of juice? As it depend on the ripeness of kiwifruit, too much juice will cause the batter to sink as it is too heavy. Perhaps you can remove the juice and just add in the paste. HTH.

  3. What a kiwilicious chiffon cake!! I never try making chiffon cake before but you really inspire me. ;)

  4. I was looking forward to your kiwi chiffon cake! You always make chiffon cake so perfectly, what's the trick? I love chiffon cake. I need to buy the pan if I want to bake my own. I will want to make it eventually. This looks so good and goes well with a cup of tea!

  5. Wow....An amazing creation - would never have thought to use kiwi.


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
