Friday, 4 November 2016

[Recipes + Video] Onigirazu (rice sandwich) - 免捏御饭团

Hi everyone, today I am sharing a long overdue post on making Onigirazu (おにぎらず) which I have posted months back over at Instagram and Dayre. This super easy to make rice balls is similar to sandwich concept using "stacking/layering" method with rice and assorted fillings such as meat, vegetables and or egg to make rice parcel.

In the step-by-step recipes below I made both version of Pork and Chicken Katsu Onigirazu as well as some with egg mayonnaise, luncheon meat and etc. So be creative and create your very own onigirazu with your favourite ingredients.


Using deep-fried chicken cutlet to make onigirazu and kimbap in a box serve with steamed pumpkin and soy egg. The rice ball and roll are loaded with meat and veggie which definitely a good "gimmick" to get the kids to eat their greens without much compliant.

(Yield: 2   | Preparation: 10 minutes  | Cooking: 15 minutes)

1 cup uncooked rice
2 deep-fried chicken cutlet
Blanch spinach
Shredded carrot
Mayonnaise sauce
2 square seaweed sheet

1. Rinse and cook rice using rice cooker or stove method. Blanch spinach in boiling water for 20 seconds, rinse and squeeze dry.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon Korean sesame oil together with 1/4 teaspoon of light soy sauce & 1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds then drizzle over the spinach and toss well.

3. To make onigirazu: Place a sheet of seaweed over a heavy duty cling-wrap, spread about 2 tablespoons of cooked rice on the middle shown above.

4. Top with blanch spinach, shredded carrot follow by chicken cutlet. Spread a teaspoon of mayonnaise, tomato sauce and/or mustard sauce on the meat.

5. Flip the meat over (sauce facing down), spoon another layer of rice over the top.

6. Fold the four corners of seaweed toward the rice shown above to wrap it into a rice parcel.

7. Secured rice parcel tightly with cling-wrap and set aside for while to hold the shape before cutting into half.

8. Alternatively you can use half of the ingredients (make two version) to make a Kimbap (Korean style sushi roll) and serve them together with steamed pumpkin and fruit salad.

最近我们大家都被"免捏御饭团 - Onigirazu"的魅力给迷住了。这款新奇又多样化的饭团不像日式传统饭团那样需要用手去捏米饭, 而是用做三明治的方法把材料叠一叠然后包起来。做法整体也只需要四个简单的步骤就能快速完成:海苔片,叠上米饭和配菜,接着从四边折起固定饭团后就可切半享用。

以上是我先前做的炸鸡排蔬菜饭团, 用的是炸鸡排和一些蔬菜吃起来口感特好, 因为香脆的鸡排陪上温温的米饭真是赞。 你可以用不同的外皮如煎蛋皮,高丽菜或海苔片加上自己喜爱的配菜和米饭来做出各式各样口味的饭团。这可是出外野餐和准备便当的好点子。

(分量: 2人份     |    准备: 10 分钟    |    烹煮时间: 15 分钟)


1. 香米洗净沥干后加入适量的水用饭锅或火炉煮熟,备用。

2. 菠菜用热水烫后拌入调味料(1茶匙芝麻油,1/4 酱油和1茶匙烤过的芝麻),备用。

3. 免捏御饭团的步骤:首先将1张海苔片放在保鲜膜上然后均匀地把2汤匙的饭铺平在中央。

4. 依照次序把少许的菠菜,红萝卜丝和1片炸鸡排放在饭上。接着在鸡排抹上美乃滋(也可用其它酱料)再叠上一层饭。

5. 最后将海苔片从左右四方往中央折包覆住食材,再用保鲜膜包好固定形状稍等5分钟就可切对半享用。

Here is a clip on how to prepare Onigirazu.


The idea of making onigirazu with stir-fry pork comes from one of my favourite Japanese dish known as Gyudon (Beef Bowl). As I am not good in handling "beef" I decided to do a cheat version using pork fillet and store bought yakitori sauce. Trust me the result was amazing and we love the sweet and savoury pork that wrapped between some warm rice. With that I also made miso tofu soup to go with the meal.

(Yield: 2   | Preparation: 10 minutes   | Cooking: 10 minutes)

1 cup uncooked rice
100g pork fillet, thinly sliced
1 small brown onion, thinly sliced
2 fried eggs
1.5 tablespoons yakitori sauce
some romaine lettuce
2 square seaweed sheets

1. Rinse and cook rice using rice cooker or stove method.

2. Meanwhile drizzle 1 teaspoon of oil in pan and saute onion till slightly brown and soft.

3. Add in marinated pork fillet (lightly marinate it with light soy sauce, pepper, cooking wine and ginger juice for at least 15 minutes) and give it a few stirs to break up the lump.

4. When the meat is almost cooked, stir in 1.5 tablespoons of yakitori sauce and continue to cook for another minute. Remove and set aside.

5. To make onigirazu: Place a sheet of seaweed over a heavy duty cling-wrap, spread about 2 tablespoons of cooked rice on the middle shown above.

6. Top with romaine lettuce, pork fillet and fried egg then spoon another layer of rice over the top.

7. Fold the four corners of seaweed toward the rice shown above to wrap it into a rice parcel.

8. Secured rice parcel tightly with cling-wrap and set aside for while to hold the shape before cutting into half.

Miso soup is a traditional Japanese savoury soup serve with chopped spring onion and silken tofu in it together with meal or sushi. Above is our version of Miso Tofu Soup which I often serve together with homemade sushi or onigirazu.

(Yield: 2 | Preparation: 5 minutes | Cooking: 5 minutes)

1/2 box of silken tofu, cubed
500ml of water
5cm long kombu (昆布)
1-2 slice of ginger
1.5 - 2 tablespoons white miso paste

1. Using a damp cloth to clean the kombu and add it into a pan filled with 500ml of water and stand for at least 30 minutes or more.

2. Heat up the pot slowly over low heat and turn off the heat once the stock starts to boil. Remove kombu and strain the stock through a sieve.

3. Next return stock back to the pot and blend 1 tablespoon of miso paste in a bowl or soup ladle with 2 tablespoons of the stock till thoroughly mixed then stir it into the stock. (Do a taste test as perhaps you might need to add in extra miso according to your preference.)

4. Lastly add in tofu, warm the soup and serve immediately with some chopped spring onion.


Making use of some fresh prawn which I bought from the wet market I decided to make this prawn onigirazu using one of my favourite super food; "avocado". With that I also add in egg mayo to boost up extra protein plus a bowl of hearty ABC Soup (recipe here) to warm the stomach and soul.

(Yield: 2-3 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 10 minutes)

1 cup uncooked rice
6 medium prawns
1 hard-boiled egg
1 avocado, seed remove and sliced thinly
1 tablespoons mayonnaise sauce
freshly ground pepper
some romaine lettuce
2 square seaweed sheets

1. Rinse and cook rice using rice cooker or stove method.

2. Meanwhile cook prawn in lightly salted water till cooked. Remove. drain and soaked in ice water for 2 minutes before removing the shell and set aside.

3. Mashed hard-boiled egg, dash of pepper and mayonnaise together with a fork till combined.

4. To make onigirazu: Place a sheet of seaweed over a heavy duty cling-wrap, spread about 2 tablespoons of cooked rice on the middle shown above.

5. Top with romaine lettuce, egg mayonnaise and 3 prawns then spoon another layer of rice over the top.

6. Fold the four corners of seaweed toward the rice shown above to wrap it into a rice parcel.

7. Secured rice parcel tightly with cling-wrap and set aside for while to hold the shape before cutting into half.

8. Repeat the above steps with the remaining ingredients (i made one with luncheon meat, egg mayo and avocado too).


(分量: 2人份     |    准备: 10 分钟    |    烹煮时间: 10 分钟)


1. 香米洗净沥干后加入适量的水用饭锅或火炉煮熟。

2. 虾用热水煮熟后捞起再过冰水2分钟才取出壳,备用。 把水煮蛋,胡椒粉和美乃滋酱放在一个小碗然后用叉子压碎,备用。

3. 免捏御饭团的步骤:首先将1张海苔片放在保鲜膜上然后均匀地把2汤匙的饭铺平在中央。

4. 依照次序把少许的生菜,美乃滋蛋,3只虾,几片鳄梨放在饭上接着再叠上另一层饭。

5. 最后将海苔片从左右四方往中央折包覆住食材,再用保鲜膜包好固定形状稍等5分钟就可切对半享用。


For many of us luncheon meat (spam ham) and egg are one of those comfort food that often filled up our hungry stomach when pair with bread or instant noodles. Here beside using fried pork cutlet, I also made an onigirazu with luncheon meat and soft centre egg upon the boy request. We super love this combination as it make a great handy meal at all time of the day.

(Yield: 2-3 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 10 minutes)

1 cup uncooked rice
4 pieces fried pork cutlet
1 soft centre fried egg
2 slices of luncheon meat, optional
1 tablespoons mayonnaise sauce
some romaine lettuce
2 square seaweed sheets

1. Rinse and cook rice using rice cooker or stove method.

2. Prepared fried pork cutlet (refer to recipes here), luncheon meat and egg. Set aside.

3. To assemble onigirazu, please refer to the samples above for steps on wrapping.

Lastly hope you find the above post useful while planning for some quick meals. Till then have a great weekend ahead and I will try to update more backlogs soon.

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