Showing posts with label Lemon Cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lemon Cake. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Lemon Pound Cake With Lemon Glaze

Meeting out with bestie who shares the same interest always spark-up new inspirations during our conversation. As I have being craving for some good lemon pound cake for tea, my dear friend Sherie without hesitate shares her "pound cake" tips with me so that I could make one.

Like she said, pound cake ingredients are quite standardize with the same amount of flour, sugar and butter used. And for a healthier choice, it is also alright to reduce the amount of sugar slighter; perhaps by 1/4.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

8th Anniversary of Cuisine Paradise

Today Cuisine Paradise adds another year onto the blog stats where we celebrate our 08th Anniversary. Time flies and it's seems only a few weeks ago when I wrote about our 07th Anniversary flashback post and yet now we are into the eighth years of blogging.

Although there were ups and downs along the way during these 8 years but I am thankful for a group of supportive friends and readers who are always there to show us full supports as well as their kind words and encouragements which makes us grow stronger each year.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Lemon Butter Cake With Chia Seeds & Pistachio Nuts

This Lunar New Year, I have come up with 2 similar cakes using orange and lemon rinds plus Chia Seeds to enhance the taste of the cakes. And for festive flavour, I also used dried longan (龙眼) which represent "many good son" and pistachio nuts (开心果) which is often given as a gift to symbolize health, happiness and good fortune.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Lemon Bar aka Lemon Slice

Lemon Bar or Lemon Slice is a combination of buttery shortbread and tangy lemon filling that makes it so irresistible to stop at one. Although different recipes yield different result in texture and taste, I prefer mine with crispy shortbread crust that filled with soft and tangy lemon filling.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Magic Of BOSCH MCM4100 Food Processor - Part II, Baked Mini Lemon Cheesecake

This is a super "over due" recipe which I found in my "draft" a few days back while sorting out some my posts. I guess it has being almost 6 months since the other related Part I post had being published. So please accept my sincere apologies if you are waiting for this recipe.

I love cheesecake especially those that are baked rather than the non-bake type. And out of all the different types of cheesecake, New York and Boston Cheesecakes are two of my favourite because I love its thick and creamy cheesy flavour.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Blueberry Lemon Butter Cake

Nothing beats a slice of fragrant Butter Cake which is infused with lemon aroma together with bits of bursting blueberries in your mouth. To be honest, among all the different types of tea-cake, I simply adore butter cake especially those that are lightly infused with lemon fragrant.

If you still remember, a few months back I have shared two recipes on these "Lemon Yoghurt Butter Cake" and  "Chocolate Yoghurt Butter Cake" which is a hit for our family and friends. We love both version of the cake despite of either plain or chocolate.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Magic Of BOSCH MCM4100 Food Processor - Part I

I love to experiment with new Kitchen Gadget and this set of "lemon" pastry plus juice is whipped up using my new toy - BOSCH MCM4100 Food Processor(more detail of this product HERE). This food processor comes with multiple functions such as; juice blender, meat grinder, dough maker, making meringue, sorbet, mayonnaise and etc.

In this post I would be sharing 2 recipes using this food processor such as ABC Detox Juice and Lemon Berry Tarts. And as for part 2 post, I would be sharing a recipe on Baked Lemon Cheesecake.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Lemon Yogurt Butter Cake

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Time flies when you're busy so with another weekend approaching I would like to share a quick tea-cake recipe which you can bake for your family using common ingredients like lemon and plain yogurt. It has being quite sometime since I last baked butter cake(Chocolate Pumpkin Butter Cake) for tea-snack and I sure miss that buttery taste together with a cup of English Tea.
