Saturday, 6 October 2007

Jing Du Pai Gu - 京都排骨

Hello!!! My Dear Reader of Cuisine Paradise Main Page. So sorry that I had not being able to update any new recipes for such a long time. As some of you who frequent my blog you had realise that I am now a Full-time working mum so there won't be much chance for me to whip out any dishes unless for any special occasions :)

A few days ago, I had invited one of my best blog pal Evangeline from Bossacafez to come over an had a simple dinner with my family. I had wished up 2 main dishes, 1 soup and a dessert which you can find those photos on her Flickr Site. Thank pal for making my dishes look so great with your photographing skill, and also your compliment of sharing the above photo for my post.

500g Prime Pork Pribs, cut into smaller pieces
1 1/2 Tablespoons White Rice Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Light Soy Sauce
1/2 Tablespoon Sugar
1 Tablespoon Oyster Sauce
1 Tablespoon Honey
1/2 Tablespoon Cooking Wine
1/2 Tablespoons Dark Soy Sauce

1. Wash and pat dry the ribs then mixed with all the ingredients and marinate for at least 1 hour or overnight in the fridge.
2. Pour everything in a nn-stick pan or pot, then simmer on very low heat until all the sauce dried up and thicken. (about 30 minutes)
3. Do stir the ribs a few times on and off so that they are evenly coated with the sauce.

a) If you prefer a darker colour like above, you can add in more dark soy sauce after about 15 minutes of the cooking time to the desire colour that u prefer.
b) The colour will darken sligtly after the sauce dried up due to the honey content.
c) You can omit the sugar and add in more honey if u prefer.


  1. That looks fantastic, ellena!

  2. Thanks.. Amrita... It all credit to Evan's Photo shooting skill :) So how's yr exam coming along?

  3. Yup evan takes really good pix.

    Well, prelims were a bit..mmm, well, the results were not as good as I hoped...but I've got a second chance with the real exams, right? haha....

    Im on study leave now...:O

  4. ellena, thx for using my photo + share the recipe. this is so good that one day i will give it a try (thats if i really hv the time) hehe.

    but seriously its quite strange seeing the photo that i took appear in yr blog instead of yours. i think yr readers will miss the step-by-step photos that you always provide. haha :p

    we must do this more often. still waiting for my almond cream with black glutinous *SLURP*

  5. Oh Amrita,

    I sure you can do it de :p

    Yoz Evan,
    I will go experiment with the almond cream 1st b4 i make the dessert for u to try.. haha.... Wait for me hor... :)

  6. Hi Ellena,

    Its looks SO SO Good & Yummy !!! Am going to try cooking it. If i just cook on slow fire for 30 mins, is there enough liquid, am afraid will dry up. No need to add any water ?


  7. Hi Elizabeth,

    Thanks for dropping by. U had a great blog too.. saw the macarons that u did :) Very well done!

    Yup.. don't worry the marinate sauce is enough to coat and cook the pork ribs around that time. But u remember to put it in a non stick pan and simmer over very low heat so that it will stew it to tender..... HTH :)

  8. Hi Ellena,

    Tks for the compliments !!And also your advise on the pork ribs.

    elizabeth :)

  9. Been missing you at M4M, did not know you are now working full time. Am always inspired by your recipes. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and many good New Years ahead.

    Jennifer Quah

  10. Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for dropping by..... Ya..due to my busy working schedule i seldom got time to post any new entry le... hope that next year when i am more settle down with the job then i can whip up some new dishes again... :)

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too... !!!


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
