Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Cuisine Paradise 9th Blog Anniversary

Today, 30 April marks the 9th Birthday of Cuisine Paradise. With that I feel like time really flies fast as I have being working "full-time" on this blog for almost more than 3500 days. I sincerely thanks everyone for supporting my humble blog and social media platforms throughout these years.

Thanks for letting Cuisine Paradise be part of your daily food source inspirations. I promise I will work harder to share more delicious recipes whenever I can through either a proper blog post or a quick update over at my new mobile blog from Dayre......

Once again, thanks everyone!!! Thanks for your supports and loves!

时间过的很快,一转眼一年又过去了。今天是美食天堂 (Cuisine Paradise) 的9周年纪念日,很开心能够得到大家的支持和爱戴。至今我写美食博客已经超过 3500多天了,我衷心感谢大家这些年以来对我们的网站和社交媒体平台的支持。也谢谢你们让我的分享能熔融在你们的日常饮食里。

在接下来的日子我保证我会更加努力为大家分享更多美味的家常小菜食谱。你们也可通过此网站或是我在 Dayre 的手机博客中阅读我们的最新食谱或质询。


  1. 9周年纪念快乐~
    坚持9年不容易, 就好像打一份工作要做9年~


  2. Happy 9th anniversary. You done a great work here.

  3. Happy 9th blog anniversary!! Thank you for sharing delicious recipes... :D

  4. Happy 9th Blog Anniversary, Ellena. ^_^

  5. Happy 9th anniversary. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Happy 9th anniversary to cuisine paradise blog. I like ur blog very much, it helps me alot
    In my cooking.Thanks you very much

  7. Keep up the excellent good work!

  8. Congratulations Ellena - 9th blog anniversary and many more years to come. Thanks for sharing so much about food here.

  9. HI friends! Thanks for all your kind comments. Really appreciate them :) I will continue to share whatever I learn through new recipes in order to thanks for your continuing supports.

  10. Happy 9th Year Blog anniversary! I love reading your food blog and the recipes that you had shared with your readers. Great pictures and informative blog. Thanks for sharing the food recipes too. :)



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Lastly, please DO NOT SPAM as Spam comments will be deleted immediately.

Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
