Caramelised Banana Chiffon Cake |
Hi peeps! How does cake filled with caramelised banana sounds to you? Good? Today I would be sharing another chiffon cake recipe which inspired by one of my girlfriends through our WhatsApp chat. And with the recipe shared by her friend I decide to give it a twist by using
gula melak instead of caster sugar to caramelise the banana for that unique fragrant and taste.
As you might know I have baked many different flavour of chiffon cakes and yet our family favourite is still the
Pandan Chiffon which we never gets bored over it. Pandan flavour is one of the common old-school flavour that goes well especially with a cup of black coffee but you can have it with tea or even cold milk too. For your interest you can refer to the link
here for more chiffon cake recipes.
Caramelised Banana Chiffon Cake |
Instead of using caster sugar, I used gula melaka (shaved) to make caramelized sugar then mix it with mashed banana to create banana puree for the chiffon cake. We love the soft and moist texture of this chiffon and it has a light gula melaka fragrant which make it a great tea snack or breakfast treat.
Yield: 20cm Chiffon Tin | Preparation: 10 mins | Baking: 43 mins)
Ingredients for Caramelised Banana Chiffon Cake |
Steps on making Caramelised Banana |
1. Caramelised sugar (caster or gula melaka) in a heavy duty pan with 5g unsalted butter on low heat. Next pour it over on the ripe banana and mashed it it became banana puree, set aside.
- Just mashed the banana on it's own, set aside. Add the sugar into the egg yolk and beat till light and creamy.
Step-by-step on making the caramerlised banana chiffon cake batter |
2. Beat egg yolks (with or without sugar) till creamy before stirring in oil, vanilla extract and banana puree in order.
3. Next add in sieved flour (with baking powder if using) and whisk till no trace of flour found.
4. Beat egg whites till frosty, slowly add in sugar mixture (sugar + cornflour) and beat it till stiff peaks.
5. Using a balloon whisk gently fold in egg whites into the prepared egg yolks batter in 3 batches till no trace of whites and the mixture are well combined.
6. Lastly lift up the bowl to height, pour batter into the tube pan and tap the pan once or twice on a table top to get rid of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.
7. Bake the cake in preheated 160°C (degree Celsius or 320°F) oven (2nd lower rack) for about 43 minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown (you can insert a skewer into the centre and test if it comes out clean).
Caramelised Banana Chiffon Cake - After cooling |
8. Remove chiffon cake from the oven and invert the pan immediately to let it rest on top of a cup. Make sure it cool completely before un-moulding it.
9. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife (i use a small plastic spatula) around the insides of the pan and the center core.
10. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake completely.
* 1/4茶匙塔塔粉
1. 把煮好的焦糖倒入预备好的香蕉上然后用叉匙压成香蕉泥,备用。
2. 把蛋黃和椰糖用手拌器打到糖全溶解(大约2-3分钟)。之后顺序拌入油,香草精,香蕉泥和篩好的低筋面粉和盐。
3. 用电动搅拌机把蛋白打至泡沫状,再慢慢加入糖 (把糖和玉米粉/塔塔粉混合在一起)打至起角及企身,即蛋白的尖峰挺立不下垂。
4. 接着分三次把蛋白霜拌入蛋黃面糊把,切记不可太用力搅拌, 轻轻拌匀即可否哲烘好的蛋糕会下沉。
5. 最后把面糊倒入20cm 威风蛋糕模,轻轻敲震出大气泡。
6. 以預熱160度的烤箱烤大约43 -45分钟。(我家烤箱)
7. 出炉立即倒扣在一个高杯上,待凉才脱模。
Here is a short clip showing the texture of the banana chiffon after a day.
My friend's colleague version of the Caramelised Banana Chiffon Cake |
For those who is interest, above is the
original recipe plus a photo of the
Caramelised Banana Chiffon Cake which my friend
WhatsApp me. So from the recipe I re-calculate the amount of ingredients and come out with a ingredient chart (please on top) which cater for 3 different sizes of chiffon tins which I hope it would be useful for you to try out.
Hi Ellena,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the Caramelised Banana Chiffon Cake recipe. Love your creativity of replacing the caster sugar with gula melaka to caramelise the banana. Will try out this recipe soon. :)
Hi Ellena, love this post where you are so generous to share the recipes that fit different size pans. Will try this out. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHi, I tried this recipe that day. My cake dropped down when I inverted the pan..it looks like heavy but the taste very good. May I know why, is it not cooked enough? Thanks
Hi Jessica,
DeleteI think you might have over mixed the batter casing it to be too heavy instead of "fluffy". May i know is the batter watery, or still feeling airy? And also the size of also the size of the pan you are using?
Hi Ellena,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this great recipe. The taste and texture is amazing. My family finished the cake instantly, leaving a mountain of crumbs for me. That's how good the cake taste! Also thanks for listing recipe in different tin size, really helpful. I can't wait to try out your other chiffon recipe. Thanks you.
Hi Mei, thanks for leaving such a kind comments on the cake and I am glad that i suits your family too :)
ReplyDeleteIf using gula melaka, do I still need to add butter? Thanks in adv!
Hi.. I see the original recipe said mix flour and bicarbonate soda. So do we use baking powder or baking soda?
ReplyDeleteHi there, I just use baking powder mixed with cake flour. Didn't follow the original recipe on using baking soda. Hope that helps.