Chinese New Year is about a week from now and I am sure everyone is busying with spring clean, baking new year cookies or preparing gift sets and food for your loved ones. In this week post we feature a quick Braised Chicken dish using some auspicious new year ingredients which you might be interested in.
This delicious one-pot meal consists not only chicken but also includes sea cucumber, fish maw, black moss (fatt choy) and some organic products such as white shiitake mushroom and black fungus which I received from Ryan's Grocery.
These dried shiitake mushroom has a mild meaty flavour and it cooks easily in shorter time. As for the black fungus it has a crunchier texture and it's almost odorless from those fresh ones which I often get from supermarket.
Ryan's Grocery has prepared a range of Chinese New Year feast items such as free range shabu-shabu sets, organic meats & vegetables, wild caught seafood plus hampers and gift sets that meet you needs. For example their Organic & Gluten Free Hamper (S$128) shown above is packed with Dried Goji Berries, Large Jujubes, White and Brown Shiitake Mushrooms and a trio of Gluten free noodles made with both brown rice and red rice. Besides those mentioned it also includes four Ayam Brand Gluten Free Sauces and a sweet treat of Busybees cookies.
Ryan’s Grocery Lunar New Year offerings are available from 03 Jan till 15 Feb 2017. Orders can be made online at or at their store located at 29 Binjai Park.
* Disclosure: We received the above Organic & Gluten Free Hamper from Ryan's Grocery to try out their products but all opinions expressed in this post are of my own and there is no monetary compensation.
(with sea cucumber, fish maw, mushrooms & etc)
(with sea cucumber, fish maw, mushrooms & etc)
These dried shiitake mushroom has a mild meaty flavour and it cooks easily in shorter time. As for the black fungus it has a crunchier texture and it's almost odorless from those fresh ones which I often get from supermarket.
(Yield: 4 | Preparation: 15 minutes | Cooking: 25 minutes)
5 chicken wings, trim & halved
300g sea cucumber, cut into 1" thick slices
50g fish maw
6 white shiitake mushrooms
2 cluster of black fungus
1 can baby abalones, optional
1 tablespoon soaked black moss (fatt choy)
a few hard-boiled chicken or quail eggs
1/2 tablespoon of goji berry
1 stalk spring onion, cut into section
3 slices ginger
2 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon light soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon grated ginger juice
1 tablespoon cooking wine
drizzle of dark soy sauce
dash of pepper
1/2 tablespoon oyster sauce
1/4 chicken stock cube
350ml hot water
dash of cooking wine
cornstarch solution
1. Marinate chicken wings with marinade for at least 30 minutes.
2. Soak fish maw in a bowl of hot water for 10 minutes till soften (change water every 5 minutes). Trim into 2" lengths, drain well and set aside.
3. Soaked shiitake mushrooms and black fungus in hot water till soften. Trim black fungus into smaller pieces, remove stems from mushroom. Rinse and set aside.
4. In a large heavy duty pot, heat 1/2 tablespoon of cooking oil on medium low heat. Saute ginger, garlic, half of the spring onion till fragrant.
5. Add mushrooms and chicken and cook for another 2 minutes until chicken are lightly browned.
6. Next add in black fungus and fish maw and continue to cook for another minute. At the meantime splash in some cooking wine, give it a quick toss and add in hot water, oyster sauce and stock cube.
7. Once the mixture comes to boil, add in sea cucumber & hard-boiled egg then reduce to low heat and simmer with covered on for 25 minutes.
8. Add baby abalone (if using) and black moss during the last 5 minutes. Before serving thicken the sauce with some cornstarch solution, scatter some goji berry and serve immediately with steamed rice.
每逢过年期间大家都会忙着大扫除和办年货等等。因此我为大家推荐这道容易准备的 "海参香菇焖鸡翅" 让你轻松完成任务。采用的食材也可以由家人的喜好而更改;比如:鸡翅可以换成烧鸭或烧肉;海参,鱼鳔, 鲍鱼等也可随意加多或减少而简单的来说就如吃盆菜一样。
1罐小鲍鱼 ,可选
1汤匙浸泡的发菜(fatt choy)
1. 处理过的鸡翅用腌料腌大约30分钟。
2. 分别将鱼鳔,香菇和黑木耳用热水泡软(换两次水)然后洗净,沥干。把鱼鳔切成2"长片,黑木耳切小片,备用。
3. 热锅加油把姜,蒜和青葱爆香之后放香菇和鸡翅煎到两面金黄色。
4. 接着放黑木耳和鱼鳔再洒些料理酒炒均匀才倒热水,蚝油和鸡精块。
5. 汤汁滚后加海参和鸡蛋盖上锅盖焖大约25分钟。
6. 最后5分钟才放罐头小鲍鱼和浸泡过的发菜。上桌前用玉米粉液勾欠再洒些枸杞子即可。
Ryan's Grocery has prepared a range of Chinese New Year feast items such as free range shabu-shabu sets, organic meats & vegetables, wild caught seafood plus hampers and gift sets that meet you needs. For example their Organic & Gluten Free Hamper (S$128) shown above is packed with Dried Goji Berries, Large Jujubes, White and Brown Shiitake Mushrooms and a trio of Gluten free noodles made with both brown rice and red rice. Besides those mentioned it also includes four Ayam Brand Gluten Free Sauces and a sweet treat of Busybees cookies.
Ryan’s Grocery Lunar New Year offerings are available from 03 Jan till 15 Feb 2017. Orders can be made online at or at their store located at 29 Binjai Park.
* Disclosure: We received the above Organic & Gluten Free Hamper from Ryan's Grocery to try out their products but all opinions expressed in this post are of my own and there is no monetary compensation.

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