Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Pandan Butter Cake

Saw this interesting cake from one of my blogger's friend Angie's "My Kitchen:My Laboratory" blog. I was captured by that lovely jade green of her Pandan Butter Cake.

This cake is so different from our usual Asian Pandan Cake which require Coconut Milk/Cream as one of the Main Ingredients. In her recipe, she replace the coconut milk with plain unsweetened yogurts which make it much healthier. So I suggest for those who likes pandan cake but afraid of the coconut milk content, you should give this recipe a try.

It's really something different from an afternoon tea-break. The colour of my cake is slightly darker than her because it add in a bit more pandan essence colouring to make it more greener. :) Posted by Picasa


  1. Wah, very green hor! You caught my attention with this cake since my family loves almost everything "pandan". haha. Maybe I'll give this a try. How's the taste?

  2. Em... Because this cake is use yogurt to replace the normal coconut cream used so it won't be having that coconut fragrant like that in normal pandan cake. But after all the cake itself is veri moist, soft and full of pandan favour...:)

  3. Ellena, love the colour of your cake. I'm glad you enjoyed this cake :)


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