Sunday, 2 September 2007

Assorted Mini Baked Donuts

Guess where did I have bought these Mini Donuts from?'s from my own Cuisine Paradise Kitchen..... Baked these Mini Donuts using flour, yoghurt, egg and etc. Most important fact is these are baked rather than those deep-fry donuts which are sold in most bakery shop. To me these are sort of a cross version between a donut and a muffin texture. It's soft and moist and even taste just as good as it is on the 2nd day. But you can't expect it to taste exactly like those usual donuts that are sold in the bakery shop because these are not those deep-fry type with bread like texture. I guess this is a more healthy version for kids as there is no butter added and it used yoghurt to enhance the flavour and softness of the texture.

Cinnamon Donuts which contains a mixture of mixed spices in the batter and baked into mini donuts which is then coated with some cinnamon and castor sugar mixture. It had a slightly spice fragrance which is a good flavour for spice lover.

Plain Donuts which coated with Castor Sugar are the choice that love by most of the kids. This is Reyon most favourite donuts compare to the chocolate flavour .

Adding a touch of the green tea powder to the batter will make a great flavour of Green Tea Donuts. The fragrance is light and great when enhance with some dark chocolate coating and top with some dual chocolate curls.

These mini donuts are coated with Strawberry Chocolate Glaze and i guess the sweetness and fragrant of the strawberry is another great flavour of the kids.

These mini Plain Donuts are coated with White Chocolate Glaze and then top with purple crystal sugar which give it a sweet and gentle outlook.

These mini Chocolate Donuts are coated with another layer of Dark Chocolate Glaze to further enhance the chocolate flavour. The strawberry curls are to enhance the flavour and give it a pinkish look.

This is another decor of the Green Tea Donuts which using two tone of the Chocolate Glazing then top with Dual Chocolate curls.

Lastly, we have the Cheesy Donuts which I added some shredded cheese in it to enhance the flavour and the texture. Overall I find these donuts very different from the normal deep-fry donuts that we used to eat. Overall these donuts are light and moist in texture and the even remind soft on the 2nd day. Most of them who tried these all give thumb up for these little snack.


  1. Hi ellena.

    They look gr8.

    Could you tell me, as for the white choc glaze,strawberry glaze and dark choc glaze do you just melt the chocolate and slather it on top of the donut?? My kids want donuts, but are sick of the normal sugar coated ones I make..thanks very much

  2. Hi Ellena,

    Will you be able to share the recipe for the mini baked donuts? Would like to try baking some for my kids.Thanks.

  3. Hi Christina,
    Thanks for your kind comments. As for the chocolate glaze, i melted the chocolate together with cream and butter then u dip the donuts in it and let it dry b4 deco. HTH :)

    Hi quek,
    If you want, you can take a reference from the recipe at this site but it's just the method on doing plain donuts recipe, u had to go play around with the flavour and deco. And you need to have the donuts tray to do this baked donuts too... :) The links is at Baked Donuts

  4. Hi ellena what is a donut tray ?? where can i get it from ?

  5. Hi Ellene,
    For left over chocolate glaze, can keep in the fridge and use again?


  6. Hi Siti,
    This is not a donut tay, i just find a tray that can fix the size of the donuts.

    Hi Vivien,
    It depend on which type of chocolate glaze that u are using, usual u can't keep in the fridge, cos it will become harden then you won't be able to coat. So just melt the necessary amt that u required and discard the left over....HTH :)

  7. hi ellena.

    i tried out the mini bakd donuts recipe u suggested, but it came out terrible. hmmmm. i guess i m just a useless baker :(

  8. Hi Linda,
    I am not sure what u meant by terrible! Did u used the donut baking tray to do? Or maybe you can roughly desc about why is it terrible? Cos those ppl who used this recipe all yeild success de :)

  9. The recipe is the one from recipezaar right? yogurt in it leh..hehe..

    My donuts came out sort of dry....i bought the tray frm SunLik....but its darn tiny!!! I never knew it was that small...

  10. Hi Linda,

    Ya the recipe is the one from recipezaar. Oh.. like i mention it's only the basic recipes you have to go play around with the mixture. Cos I replace content with yougurt to make it soft :)

    You are right the donuts is kind of tiny like i mention in the post it's about 2" in size but then it also depend how u pipe the make it bigger :)

    For my case, the donuts are soft and moist and it even remain the same texture on the 2nd second :)


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
