Monday, 1 August 2011

Spooky Bento Featured @

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A few weeks back I was approached by Javan from on whether I could do a bento base for their 7th Month, "Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival" theme. Upon reading his email I was actually stunned for a few minutes and I even "text" a few friends for their opinions and most of us feel this is quite a sensitive month and topic to handle.

So after much considerations and drafting we decided to settle with something more kid's friendly that resemble "Halloween" theme just for some fun and spooky chill on this Chinese 7th month. But before this, initially I have a few design such as using charcoal bread/squid ink pasta to form a black coffin or well with "pool" of tomato pasta sauce to create a bloody effect with accompany ghostly images or broken hands and etc. And Javan even suggest that whether I could do a "paper talisman" sort of design but I find it rather "Spooky" to use for bento especially in this Hungry Ghost Month.

For more details and recipe please refer to the article at HERE.


  1. Parsley Sage1/8/11 9:12 pm

    Your bento is fantastic :)  Very spooky!

  2. Very creative eerie bento for the 7th month :)

  3. Thanks Parsley and Ann for your kind comments :)

  4. Woooo spooky!  I'm glad you go ahead and tried Halloween version so we could see your new bento!  What a terrific job Ellena!

  5. nice art work with your dish ,, so creative it .. job well done .. keep it up


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
