Sunday 28 December 2008

Peanut Butter French Toast

Since today our Sunday service had being change to a later timing, I decided to make a hearty Breakfast for the day. After eating Peanut Butter French Toast from one of the Hong Kong cafe, I decided to try out this dish using my own method. But I didn't really managed to get that puffy and crunch bread like what I had eaten in that cafe :(

So from what you seen here, it's just normal sandwich bread that I spread with Peanut Butter and pan-fry with beaten egg then serve with extra honey and butter. In order to cut that that grease effect, I serve it with some orange wedges and grapes to make it more healthy. Posted by Picasa

If anyone of you know any good and proof method for making this nice Hong Kong Style French Toast, do drop me an email/comment to advise me can? Thanks.

Saturday 20 December 2008

Hidden Treasure

This is the adult version of the Cod Onigiri which I made for Reyon. His onigiri is slightly different from mine because I didn't wrapped it with any filling, I just mixed the cooked sushi rice with mashed cod fillet then coat it with fish floss.

As you can see from the picture, my version of the Cod Onigiri is more colourful with different assorted design. I wrapped it with some cod fillet, cucumber and tomato cubes for that extra crunch. Posted by Picasa

Assemble the Cod Onigiri
1. Cook the sushi rice according to same method as Cod Fish Rice in my previous post.
2. When it is done, slowly removed the fish from the top of the rice and set aside.
3. Use the rectangle Onigiri mould, spread a layer of cooked rice, add a piece of the cod fillet, some tomato and cucumber cubes then top with rice, shape it into triangle shape.
4. You can assemble it with seedweed strips, sesame seeds or even coat with fish floss.

a) You can season the cooked rice with some sushi seasoning to enhance the flavour of the rice.

Sunday 30 November 2008

Baked Mango & Salmon Salad

Salmon Baked Rice for Saturday Lunch and now we have Bake Mango & Salmon Salad using the remaining Salmon cutlet that I have left over from making the Salmon Bake Rice. Hahaha! This is one of the bad-point when preparing meal if there are less people at home as we tends to have some extra ingredient left over from making the previous dish.

This is a very refreshing and colouring dish there consists more than 5 colours: 1) Pink for salmon, 2) Yellow for mango and lemon, 3) Brown for Shimeiji mushroom and cashew nuts, 4) Green for cucumber and seaweed flakes, 5) Red for tomato 6) White for mayonnaise sauce and cheese. This dish is very easy to prepare all you need is about 15 - 20 minutes of cutting and baking time.Posted by Picasa

Ingredients: (serves 2)
8 Pieces of 1" cube size Salmon
1/2 Bundle of Shimeiji Mushrooms
1/2 Japanese Cucumber, cut into half cubes
1/2 Medium Size Mango, cut into cubes
1/2 Tomato, cut into 1/4 wedges
3 -4 Thin Lemon Slices
Some roasted Cashew Nuts
Some Japanese Mayonnaise Sauce
Some Seaweeds Flakes, optional
1 Tablespoon Shredded Cheese, optional

1. Pre-heat a small saucepan with 1/2 teaspoon of olive and and stir-fry the Shimeiji for 30 seconds and remove, set aside.
2. Next lightly pan-fry the salmon cube for about 30 seconds on each side until it's almost cooked through, remove and set aside.
3. Arrange in alternate way using the salmon cubes, cucumber, mango, tomato, shimeiji mushroom, lemon and some shredded cheese in a baking dish.(refer to the 2nd picture, 1st row picture 2 and 3)
4. On the top layer, drizzle some Japanese mayonnaise, shredded cheese and cashew nuts then pop it into the toaster oven for about 5 minutes until cheese melt.
5. Serve it as a starter or side dish and you can sprinkler some seaweeds flakes on it.

a) You can purchase those small packed of snack roasted cashew nuts from supermarkets.
b) Rinse and cut the Shimeiji mushroom into single stalk.
c) You can omit using cheese if you don't not have them or you are not a fan of cheese.
d) You can replace the mango with avocado cubes instead.....
