Tuesday 2 February 2016

[Recipe] Steamed Carrot Cake With Seafood XO Sauce - 海皇XO酱蒸萝卜糕

Carrot Cake (萝卜糕) aka radish cake or chai tow kway is a popular dish eaten during Chinese New Year to symbolize "good fortune (好彩头)". Although there are a few different methods in making this traditional dish but generally shredded white radish is being mixed with the rice flour batter together with ingredients like dried shrimps, mushroom and Chinese sausage.

Despite being a new year dish, carrot cake is also one of the common dim sum items which often served in steamed or pan-fried version. Besides those you can also find another local version known as Fried Carrot Cake (菜头粿) which is stir-fried with eggs and preserved radish.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Wong Kee Noodle Chinese New Year Special

Chinese New Year is approaching and I am sure everyone is getting ready for some steamboat (hot pot) sessions with family and friends soon. With that there are many ingredients which you can add in such as seafood, vegetables, meat and many more. Having steamboat is a great bonding time where everyone gets to sit around the table; chatting and enjoy the food while at the same time get your hands on cooking your favourite ingredients.

Recently we received a new year bundle courtesy of Wong Kee Noodle which enable us to enjoy our favourite hotpot without much hassle. You can check their items from the list below for their new year special bundles.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Unforgettable Taste of Reunion with Lee Kum Kee {Plus Giveaway}

I still remember vividly when I was a child I always look forward to those reunion meals that we had with our grandparents, uncles and cousins. I love the atmosphere where everyone get together at the big table and enjoy those traditional home cook meals with special dishes only available during new year.

As you know reunion dinner is an important affair especially for Asian families during Chinese New Year. But however people nowadays prefer to eat out in order to save the hassle of cooking and cleaning up. So I hope by sharing this post it will help to inspire you to prepare your very own reunion feast this coming new year for your beloved family.
