Thursday, 30 April 2009

Happy 4th Anniversary - Cuisine Paradise

Today, 30th April 2009 is the 4th Anniversary of this blog - CUISINE PARADISE. At the beginning it was just a blog whereby I keep an online record of our family daily meals to share with friends and readers. But after sometime, I found that there are too many categories that I wish to try on so in order to keep a better view and records of all the posts. I sub-divided the Main Blog into another 4 individual blogs which is the Tea-Time Delights(collection of tea-time delights and kid's meal), Kitchen Tips(collection of ingredients and kitchen gadgets), Recipe Index(a list of recipes that I tried)and Eramblings(my walk with the Lord).

I sincerely wanted to thank all those readers and participants for joining the Blog Giveaway Event which just ended on the 17 April 2009. With all your warm co-operation, this event is held successfully with so many draw entries. I hope those winner of the draw will like their gifts and be of some use to them. Lastly, I wish to thank everyone for participating and stay tune for the next upcoming Blog Event which will be up soon in May.

Lastly, just wish to share with you some of my favour photos in my blog posts which marked my 4 years journey in blogging. There are so many kinds of food that I had tried & test out during my blogging days and I also wanted to sincerely thanks Lijie and Daniel who interview & published my blog and recipes. This credit really brings a BIG encouragement in my blogging life. Thank you..... and most of all..thank you those who support this blog. Hope there will be another 4 years coming by... lol


  1. Hi Ellena, congrats on your blog's 4th year anniversary. It's not easy to maintain a blog for 4 years with so much good food in it. Esp you still need to work and take care of your son. Hope you can keep it going for many many years! :)

  2. Hi SSB, thanks for your comments :)

  3. Congratulations on the 4 years! Your blog is beautiful, I could spend hours on it. :)

  4. I would like to say a big WELL DONE, and keep up the good work! God bless you :-)

  5. Hi Susan and J.H,

    Thank you for your kind comments and drop by :) God bless too, dear sisters :)

  6. Congrats on your blogversary! Keep up the good wok =)

  7. hi..Claire from IPOH... coming by for the first time.. interesting blog u have here.. I will add u in my blogroll...
    do keep in touch...
    God Bless..

  8. Hi Claire,

    Thanks for dropping by and your kind compliment... :) Hope to see u around again.. :)

    God Bless too...


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Lastly, please DO NOT SPAM as Spam comments will be deleted immediately.

Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
