Sunday, 8 September 2019

[recipes & videos] Rose Tea vs Pandan Chiffon Cake

Made this Rose Milk Tea Chiffon Cake using the famous Thai Chatramue Tea which comes in rose flavour. I infused some warm milk with a few tea bags and use the liquid as one of the ingredients for the cake. To enhance the taste I also added condensed milk a teaspoon of the tea leaves in the batter.


We love how the cake turn out to be with fluffy texture and hint of Rose scent which reminds me of the bandung drink (rose milk drink) which I used to had during my childhood days.

Watch how we prepared this Rose Tea Chiffon Cake.

(Yield: 17cm cake | Preparation: 15 minutes | Baking: 30 minutes)

3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1 tablespoon corn oil
70ml Thai Rose Milk Tea
70g cake flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon Thai tea leaves

4 egg whites
45g caster sugar

Thai Milk Tea
150ml fresh milk
3 Thai tea mix tea bags
1 tablespoon condensed milk

1. Bring milk to almost simmer over low heat on stove, add tea bags and condensed milk then stand aside for at least 15 minutes or more. Cool before use.

2. Whisk egg yolks and sugar till thick and creamy.

3. Stir in corn oil, milk tea and sieved flours (cake flour + baking powder ) in order till it forms a smooth batter. Set aside.

4. Using an electric beater whisk egg whites until foamy, slowly add in sugar mixture (with cornstarch) while whisking until it became stiff peak (meringue stays in bowl when overturn).

5. Gently fold meringue in 3 batches into the flour batter till combined (do not over mixed).

6. Pour batter from height into the ungreased Chiffon pan and bake in preheated 180°C (356°F) for 10 minutes then reduce the temperature to 160°C (320°F) and bake for another 20 minutes or until a skewer inserted in centre and comes out clean.

7. Invert cake pan over a mug to cool completely before removing the cake.

相信到泰国的朋友都喝过他们著名的泰式冰奶茶吧。 那香浓的奶茶加上甜滋滋的味道真是让人喝了还想再来一杯。就在不久前妈妈到曼谷旅游时买了一包手標牌的玫瑰口味的泰式茶包我就尝试做了这个泰式玫瑰奶茶戚风蛋糕。 软软的海绵蛋糕咬下去散发出浓浓的奶茶和玫瑰香味真是棒。

(分量: 17cm 戚风烘盘 | 准备: 15分钟 | 烘烤时间: 35分钟)




* 注意

1. 首先把牛奶加热然后放3个泰式奶茶包和1汤匙炼乳搅拌均匀, 搁置15分钟才使用。


3. 用电动搅拌机把蛋白打至泡沫状,再慢慢加入砂糖打至起角及企身,即蛋白的尖峰挺立不下垂。

4. 接着把蛋白霜分成分三次拌入面糊,切记不可太用力搅拌, 轻轻拌匀即可否哲烘好的蛋糕会下沉。

5. 最后把面糊倒入威风蛋糕模,抹平表面才放进以預熱180摄氏度的烤箱烤大约10分钟,将温度降至160摄氏度再烘烤20分钟或竹签插入不会沾黏即可。(我家的烤箱是用中层

6. 出炉立即倒扣在一个高杯上,待凉才脱模。


Pandan Chiffon Cake is one of our family all-time favorite tea cake which I often made. Sometime I will twist the recipe by replacing caster sugar with gula melaka or coconut milk with almond or fresh milk for a change.

Watch how we prepared this Pandan Chiffon Cake.

(Yield: 20cm / 8" chiffon pan | Preparation: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 43-45 minutes)

5 egg yolks (80g)
40g shaved gula melaka
40ml corn oil
90ml pandan coconut milk / Fresh Milk
1 tsp vanilla extra, optional
90g Cake Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Baking Powder
pinch of salt

5 egg whites (175g)
70g caster sugar

1. Rinse and cut 15 pieces of pandan leaves into 2cm size then blend it together with 80ml coconut milk to obtain 80ml of pandan coconut juice. Or you can just mix 3/4 tsp of pandan paste with 80ml coconut milk.

2. Using a hand whisk, beat egg yolks and sugar till creamy then stir in corn oil, pandan coconut juice and sieved cake flour in sequence until it forms a thick batter.

3. Whisk egg white using a hand held beater till foamy, add sugar in 2-3 bathes and whisk until stiff peak form.

4. Divide meringue into 3 portions and fold gently into yolk batter without deflating the air in the battert.

5. Pour batter into ungreased 20cm chiffon tin, give it 2-3 bang on the table top to release air bubbles in the batter.

6. Baked in preheated 180°C (356°F) for 10 minutes then reduce the temperature to 160°C (320°F) and bake for another 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted in centre and comes out clean..

7. When out of oven, immediately invert the pan over a mug and let it cool completely before removing the cake from the tin and slice and serve.

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