Thursday 16 August 2012

Zespri Kiwifruit Chiffon Cake plus Zespri Goodie Bags Giveaway

Finally today is the last day of the "Zespri® 14 days Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge (#14daysofZespri)" and I am sure some of you would be delighted that I won't be flooding your timeline with more "kiwifruit" related posts or photos :p

During these 14 days I have tried many different ways in utilizing this amazing fruits such as making compote, smoothie, milkshake, meat tenderizer and I even bake a chiffon cake using the fresh kiwifruit itself rather than kiwi jam which mentioned in most Kiwifruit Chiffon Cake recipes.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Kiwifruit Compote

If you still remember, last month I have shared a post on Blueberry Vs Raspberry Compote (recipes here) where you could used it as topping for yoghurt, pancake, crepe, cheesecake and etc. Here since I have some extra kiwifruit from my #14daysofZespri goodie bag, I decided to make some Kiwifruit Compote to go with toast or crackers for a healthier snack.


For your information, I used this Kiwifruit Compote for my "Kiwifruit Yoghurt Parfait" which featured in the other post HERE.

(Makes: 1/3 Cup       | Preparation: 2 minutes      | Cooking: 3 - 5 minutes)


1. Peel the outer skin of the kiwifruits and cut it into 1.5 cm cubes.

2. Put all the ingredients into a heavy duty saucepan, simmer over medium low heat until the sugar melt and kiwifruit soften. (Do not overcook the berries else the compote will end up to be with too much juice)

3. Remove from heat and serve warm with pancakes or crepes. Or alternatively you can stored cool compote in sealed container in the fridge for up to a week.

Indeed this can also be a very addictive quick snacks due to it's sweet and sour refreshing taste plus a hint of citric aroma from the lemon rind. To bring the taste, you can also pair it with some smoke or cheddar cheese.

This is our all time favourite cheese cubes and best is they comes in different flavour each box!

For more interesting recipes using Kiwifruit, you can visit Zespri website @

Lemongrass And Zespri Kiwifruit Konnyaku Jelly

When you do a goggle search on "lemongrass jelly recipe" you will see a long list of choice to pick and experience on. Through the list, my favourite pick comes from Shirley's site at @Køkken (recipe), she shares a very easy recipe using "gelatine powder" instead of the Konnyaku Premix that I used which is not common in some countries. So for those who cannot get hold of the premix like what I used, perhaps you would like to try using Shirley's recipe if you are interested to make some.


I am sure you remember this cute Pooh shaped Lemongrass Jelly which I have shared from my previous post on Kiwi-licious Feast. I purposely made some using my boy's favourite "Winne The Pooh" shaped mould in order to make the jelly appealing to him in sight in order for him to try. So for mum who finds it difficult to get your picky eater into trying new food, perhaps make something with interesting characters they like will help. (for more kids meal ideas, read HERE)

Here I have simplify the steps and ingredients by using Konnyaku Premix Jelly Powder to make this refreshing jelly and you can add in some fruits such as kiwifruits, aloe vera, mini grapes and etc to enhance the flavour.

(Serves: 4-6 |   Preparation: 20 minutes   |  Chilling: 1 hour)

1 Each of Zespri® Gold and Green Kiwifruits, cut into small cubes
6 - 8 Stalks of Lemongrass, halved and bruised
2 Knots of Pandan Leaves
1.5 Litres Water
1 Packet of Konnyaku Premix Jelly Powder

1. Bring 1.5 litres of water to boil, add in lemongrass and pandan leaves, simmer the mixture for about 15 minutes on low heat. 

2.When done, switch off the heat, measure 1250ml of the lemongrass water (you can leave a few stalks of the lemongrass in it) and set aside to cool to room temperature.

3. Next stir in Konnyaku premix jelly powder into the cool lemongrass water, bring it to boil again on medium heat.

4. Remove from heat, stir till bubbles dissipate.

5. Half filled the jelly mould, topped with some chopped kiwifruits and filled it to the rim of the mould.

6. Cool to room temperature and keep refrigerate.

Personally I love the taste and fragrant of this lemongrass jelly because of it's light and refreshing taste. And for more creative way of making your jelly, you can add in canned fruits such as longan, fruit cocktails and served with ice cubes, or just served it as in it with more fresh cut fruits or etc. I am sure this will make a great party dessert too!

(Upcoming Post)

Time flies, tomorrow is the last day of the "Zespri® 14 days Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge (#14daysofZespri)" and to mark off the finale of this challenge I would be sharing my last experiment using Zespri® Kiwifruit to bake a "Kiwifruit Chiffon Cake". For a challenge I have used fresh Kiwifruit Puree instead of the usual kiwifruit jam recipe shown online. So if you are interested, stay tune for the recipe tomorrow!

Tuesday 14 August 2012

My Daily Zespri Kiwifruit & Banana Milkshake

For a healthier beverage to start off your daily breakfast, perhaps you might want to blend a glass of "Zespri Kiwifruit And Banana Milkshake" using either Low-fat Milk or Soymilk. It is so easy to make this at home with just a couple of minutes to blend the milkshake plus washing the blender. So why not let's start today making a healthy beverage with lots of Vitamin C and Fibre for our daily diet.


So far till date, during these 12th day of the Zespri® Challenge, kiwifruits gave me these benefits:-

~ Fibre: Helps to improved my indigestion problems, smooth bowel system and as well it also improve overall weight control as I love to snack in between the day.

~ Vitamin C: Since I don't like to eat orange and Kiwifruit has 2 times the Vitamin C of an orange, my body can easily meet the daily Vitamin C from that kiwifruits that I ate daily.

(Make: 250ml    | Preparation: 3 minutes )

2 Frozen Zespri® Green Kiwifruits, cut into quarters
1 Ripe Banana, cut into chunks
1/4 Cup of Low-Fat Milk/ Soymilk
1 Teaspoon Honey, optional

1. In a blender, combined fresh milk/soymilk, kiwifruits and banana together and blend till smooth.

2. Pour serving glass and enjoy as one of your daily breakfast drinks.

Moreover you can eat these delicious Kiwifruit in many different ways from eating it on itself, incorporate it into dishes or bakes, beverage and etc (recipes HERE). More information and recipes using Kiwifruit can be found at Zespri's website @

Lastly, I hope these kiwifruit posts and recipes that I have shared so far are useful  to "add in" more Vitamin and nutrition value for your family daily diet.
