Thursday, 11 May 2006

Trying Of Dinner Catering

Heard a lot of good comments about this International Catering Pte Ltd service, so I decided to give myself a short break from cooking dinner. I cater for a Trial Period of 10 Days meal which the delivery man will sent the dinner on every Mon-Fri Evening except Public Holiday.

These are some of the foods that we had for the past three days of trial.... The food to me is consider as average, you can't except too much on this kind of homecook catering food. It's a Hala Menu and you won't find any pork in everyday dishes.

As you can see, the stir-fry vegetables and toufu are simply cooked with sauce, not much as putting in things like, prawns, meat or any other side ingredients like garlic or ginger. So after my trail of 10 days, I don't think I will continue for this. Maybe I am those person who know how to cook so these simple dish without any presentable decoration doesn't attract me much. But overal, the food is still nice and can consider to be a light and healthy dish..... For those who are interested to try, you can either called Hotline: 6289 8369 or check out at their website at Posted by Picasa


  1. why cater? u are such a good cook :)

  2. have u tried jessie catering? they're not bad - i think a bit better than intl, based on the pics! :)

    but anyway, homecooked food is the best. i recently stopped tingkat and love cooking dinners again!

  3. Thanks Spots for the Jessie suggestion, i will put it in kiv... when i don't feel like cooking...

    Because I am so tired of cooking, washing and cleaning up so i decided to try catering..but in the end.. i abit regretted... so i think i will start my cooking bugs again...when the catering period is over...lolz

  4. Ellena, you sure can prepare better dishes than the caterers;)

    Love your blog!


  5. yar...i m also wondering y u choose to cater...the caterer's food don't look very appetising...your dishes look better...! I tot that this post will be about you catering food for other people!! hehe..

  6. Hi, I been visiting your blog since a few months ago. Nice food you have been having. I have a food blog too. Come visit! ;) retort manufacturers


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