Tuesday, 23 May 2006

Thai-Style Mango Chicken

I love any dish that had mango in it... I always order the Thai Style Crispy Fish Or Chicken whenever we eat out at the coffee shop near our area. I love their mango salad within the dish, as it's so appetizing. Although you need a few ingredients more to prepare this dish, but itÂ’s really worth the time and effect. I got a few recipe versions on this dish so I decided to mix and match some of the ingredients. But overall, thanks Hugbear(Lily) for sharing her recipe in her blog.

For my Salad I add in extra carrot, cucumber, lime juice and rind to give an extra boost to the favour and fragrant. I love the taste of the lime juice and rind, it really enhance the favour of the salad. Below is the recipe of this Thai-Style Mango Chicken for those who is interested.

Ingredients:(serves 3-4)
1 Chicken Breast Fillet, skin removed
1 Chicken Drumstick Fillet, skin removed
1 Teaspoon Of Grated Garlic
1 Teaspoon Of Grated Young Ginger
1 Tablespoon Oyster Sauce
1 Egg, lightly beaten
Some Potato Flour/Corn Flour

1. Wash and remove the skin of the chicken then cut into large pieces.
2. Marinate chicken with garlic, oyster sauce and ginger for at least 2 hours or more in a fridge.
3. Before deep-frying, add in the egg and mix well.
4. Dust chicken with flour and leave it aside for about 10-15 minutes before deep-frying until golden brown and drain well.
5. Chopped chicken pieces into serving size and set aside.

2 Tablespoons Oil
1 Teaspoon Grated Garlic
3 Shallots, thinly sliced
1 Tablespoons Lemon Grass, thinly sliced
2 Tablespoons Lime Juice
5-6 Tablespoons Thai Sweet Chili Sauce

1. Mix the chili sauce with lime juice and set aside.
2. Heat up the oil in a pan, saute garlic, lemon grass and onion till fragrant, then add in the chilisaucee mixture.
3. Bring to boil and add in the chicken pieces and stir through high heat until every pieces are well coated.
4. Remove and place ontop of some mango salad in a plate then top with the rest of the mango salad.

Green Mango & Vegetables Salad:
1 Green Mango, shredded
1 Small Red Apple, shredded
1 Japanese Cucumber, shredded
1/2 Carrot, shredded
1/2 Red Onion, shredded
2 Pieces Chili Padi, remove seeds and cut into small pieces
2 Sprigs Coriander Leaves, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Lime Juice
1 Lime Rind, finely grated
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar

1. Put all the above ingredients in a large mixing bowl then stir thru well using a chopstick and set aside in the fridge until used.

Notes: Buy the slightly green mango which more firm and suitable for making this salad. Posted by Picasa

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