Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Blog Anniversary Event

Cuisine Paradise is going to be 4 years old on 30 April 2009. On this special occasion I would like to giveaway some small gifts as a token to all my blog readers irregardless of where you are from as long as you wish to take part in this giveaway :)

All you need to do are:-
1. Leave me your Name and Gift Description that you prefer on the Post Comment Link(the comments will only appear after I approved it); AND
2. Email me Your Entry Details as shown below to ellenaguan@hotmail.com : (please put eg: Gift Set #1, Gift Set #2 or etc... on your email subject, in order for me to do the sorting and luck draw list as well compare your details in case i didn't received your email. Thanks)

Gift Description:
Your Name:
Country You are From:
Blog URL (if you maintain one):
Email add for contact if you are the winner:

Please Note:
Only ONE DRAW ENTRY is allow for each visitor, please help to let others to get a chance to get their desire gift too :) There will be a limit of 40 entries per Gift for the draw and I will update each gift so that you will know which items is closed for the draw. Thanks for your support and enjoy the fun............

This Blog Birthday give away will end on 17 April 2009 (2359hr Singapore Time). I would like to thank all of you for the regular visits, comments, feedback and sharing in all my related blogs to Cuisine Paradise all these years.Posted by Picasa

Four lucky winner will stand a chance to win one of these gift set and it will be sent via registered mail to you upon the announcement of the draw on 20 April 2009. And hopefully, as a winner you will be able to receive the "gift" before 30 April 2009 in order to celebration this joyful occasion with this blog.

Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould
(30 entries as on 17.04.09)

Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters
You can use this set of cutter to make something like what is shown in this Mickey Mouse Bento Set.
(36 entries as on 17.04.09)

Gift Set #3 - Assorted Wiener Cutters + Mickey Furikake Case
(11 entries as on 17.04.09)

Gift Set #4 -Ocean Picks, Baran, Fork & Spoons and Animal Sauce Bottles + Winnie The Pooh Furikake Case
(8 entries as on 17.04.09)

P/s: Dear readers, thanks you for all the support and participation on this blog event. In order to show my sincere appreciation for your draw entry, I have included another extra item for Gift Set 3 & Gift Set 4. Thank You.....


  1. Name: Joyce Teh
    Gift Description: Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  2. Name: Shirley Chee
    Gift Description: Gift Set #1 Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  3. Name: Sharon Ng
    Gift Description: Gift Set #2, Mickey Mouse Multi-purpose Cutter

  4. Name : Lilian Koh
    Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  5. Name: Winnie Lee
    Gift Description: Gift Set #1 Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  6. Name: Glory Yong
    Gift Description:Gift Set #1 Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  7. These are all way too entertaining. I had no idea there was such a thing as a Pooh sushi stamp mold! Congrats on the blog aniversary!

  8. Name : Joyce Yeong
    Gift Description : Gift set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  9. Name: Chris Quek
    Gift Description: Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  10. name: Xueli
    Gift description: Gift set #3 Assorted Wiener Cutters

  11. Name: Sharon Goh
    Gift Description: Gift set #1 Pooh Sushi stamp mould & egg mould

  12. Hi dear readers,

    Thanks for your participation on this events... I will reply your email once i sort them out to confirm that you have entered the draw items you wish to have.

    And for those who leave your NAME and GIFT description without forwarding your details to my email stated above, I won't be able to contact you if you are the winner.. so please forward me your details to my email if you havn't done so.. thanks you..... :)

  13. Hey Congrats on your blog's 4th year anniversary. Wow this is an interesting contest ya. Hahaha

  14. Gift Description: Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould
    Your Name: Ivy Goh
    Country You are From: Singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one): N.A
    Email add for contact if you are the winner: tottigoh781@hotmail.com

  15. Name : Elizabeth Tan
    Gift Set 2 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  16. Name : Esther Tan
    Gift Set #3 - Assorted Wiener Cutters + 1 Mysterious Hello Kitty Gift

  17. Name: Loo Hui Min
    Gift Description: Gift Set #2, Mickey Mouse Multi-purpose Cutter

  18. Congratulations on your blogoversary!!

    Name: Joyce Cheah
    Gift Description: Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  19. Name : Lilian Koh
    Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  20. Name: catherine quek
    Gift Description: Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould
    Country You are From:Singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one):
    Email add for contact if you are the winner:pika_quek@yahoo.com.sg

  21. Hi Ellena,
    Congratulations!! Happy 4th Anniversary!! Keep it up..
    Gift Description: Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould
    Your Name: Mei Mei
    Country You are From: Singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one): Nil
    Email add for contact if you are the winner: ahmei2@cheerful.com

  22. Gift Description:Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters
    Your Name:Grace Lim
    Country You are From:Singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one):
    Email add for contact if you are the winner:

  23. Congratulations Ellena!

    Gift Description: Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters
    Your Name: Michelle Yang
    Country You are From: Singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one): NIL
    Email add for contact if you are the winner: anticlonin@hotmail.com

  24. Happy 4th Anniversary!

    Name: Sally Ng
    Gift Description: Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  25. Hi Ellena, congrats on winning the bento contest+your blog's anniversary.
    Name: Arlene
    Gift Description:Gift Set #4

  26. Congrats to your bog anniversary. has always look for inspiration to cook simple meals here. thank you for your willingness to share.

    Gift Description: gift set #1
    Your Name:Wen
    Country You are From:Singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one):http://arkerchi.blogspot.com/
    Email add for contact if you are the winner:

  27. Stephie Hum

    Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould (make my 3 little princesses like they foods).

    Happy birthday!

  28. Ellena is early Mother Christmas!

    Name: Quinn Ng
    Gift Description:Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

    Thank you!

  29. Wow.. Thanks you everyone for all your support and warm wishes.... Wish everyone GOOD LUCK for the draw :p

  30. hi ellena,

    Name: cindy
    Gift Description:Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  31. Congrats Ellena!

    Name: Magdalene
    Gift Set #2

  32. Gift Description:Gift Set #4 -Ocean Picks, Baran, Fork & Spoons and Animal Sauce Bottles + Winnie The Pooh Furikake Case

    Your Name: Ning`er
    Country You are From: Singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one): www.swiit-baking.blogspot.com
    Email add for contact if you are the winner: Terribly_inluv@hotmail.com

    I emailed u before about the Furikake case! So excited when i learn about ur blog anniversary giveaway!

    Cheers and have fun!!

    Thanks too!

  33. Name: Christina Teong
    Gift Description: Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

    Happy Anniversary :)

    From: Christina

  34. Gift Description:Set 3: Assorted Wiener Cutters + Mickey Furikake Case

    Your Name:Anna
    Country You are From:SG
    Blog URL (if you maintain one):NIL
    Email: sliceofcake@gmail.com

  35. Happy Birthday Ellan and Congrats !!!

    Name: Serene Seah
    Gift description: Gift Set 2 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  36. Name : Lisong
    Gift set #3 Assorted Wiener Cutters + Mickey Furikake Case

  37. Hi Ellena, thanks for organising this giftaway. Wow, 4yrs!

    Would love to participate in the contest. Thanks.

    Gift Description:Set 2: Mickey Mouse Mulit Cutters

    Your Name: Deb
    Country You are From:SG
    Blog URL (if you maintain one):www.singairishgirl.blogspot.com
    Email add for contact if you are the winner: singairishgirl(at)gmail(dot)com

  38. Happy blog anniversary!! So excited to hear about this. It's fun! Hehe...

    Gift Description:Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

    Your Name: Aimei
    Country You are From: Singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one): Http://mybakingcottage.blogspot.com
    Email add for contact if you are the winner: sunny_dreamzz@yahoo.com.sg

  39. Hi, Congratulations. I love your blog - useful recipes and great colour. Hope you'd enjoy writing the recipes for the magazine too!

    Name: Bing
    Gift: Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  40. Hi Happy Anniversary!

    Name: Tan Shuh Woon
    Gift Description: Gift Set #1 Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  41. Name: Sheryn Lee
    Gift Description: Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould


  42. Hi Ellena,

    Congratulations. Love to join in the fun too.

    Gift Description : Gift Set 4
    Name: Delia Song
    Country you are from: Malaysia
    Blog URL : N.A.
    Email add for contact if you are the winner: honey_bee6838@yahoo.com

  43. Congratulations and Happy 4th Anniversary!

    Gift Description: Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould
    Your Name: Elaine
    Country You are From: Malaysia
    Blog URL (if you maintain one): NIL
    Email add for contact if you are the winner: Elaine.zhen@gmail.com

  44. Name: Bruce Ng
    Gift description: Gift Set 2 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

    Thank You

  45. Hi Ellena,

    I was really glad when I stumbled upon your blog. As a working mom myself, I find it a challenge to have to think of what to cook and how to cook for the family. With 2 young children, it was even harder to cook meal to entice them to eat. Your blog has changed my perception and showed me to have more confidence in cooking. You also uses lots of ingredient that could be readily from the market and the pictures you put up are so delicious looking ! Thanks for sharing and putting in so much effort. I am still amazed at how you juggle between cooking, working and managing the blog !

    and congratulations for 4 years of successful blogging !

    Joanna Ang
    Gift description : Gift Set 2 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  46. Name : Caroline Wong

    Gift description : Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

    Thank you

  47. Name: Kimberly Fong
    Gift Description: Gift Set #4 -Ocean Picks, Baran, Fork & Spoons and Animal Sauce Bottles + Winnie The Pooh Furikake Case

    Happy Advanced Birthday! :)

  48. Hi Ellena,

    Happy Birthday... Thanks for sharing all ur recipes wit us :) Keep up ur good works... n Look forward to more yummy yummy stuffs

    Name: Katherine Kerk
    Gift description: Gift Set #1 -Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould


  49. Name: Kiwi Liew
    Gift Description: Gift Set #2, Mickey Mouse Multi-purpose Cutter

  50. Congratulations on your well-maintained blog. After 4 yrs you are still doing a great job - keep it up!

    Name : Joanna
    Country : Malaysia
    Blog URL : http://familyfirst3.blogspot.com
    Email : family_first3@hotmail.com

  51. And sorry, the gift I prefer is Set 1 - Pooh.

  52. hi ellen,
    happy annyversary 4th :)
    thanks for all your fabolous recipe ^0^...keep up your good work sis't :)

    name : elies lie
    gift description : gift set #1 , pooh sushi stamp mould & eeg mould

  53. Dear Ellena,
    Thought I left a message but could be a technical hitch that I didn't manage to.

    Anyway, just wanted to congratulate you - 4 years is a long time. hope you keep going and sharing with everyone all your wonderful bakes and food and bentos :)

    Looking forward to MANY more postings from you.

    btw, this is a cool idea.

  54. Gift Set #3: Assorted Wiener Cutters + Mickey Furikake Case

    Love your creations!

  55. Joyce Teh
    Gift Set #2

  56. Name: Valerie Soh
    Gift Description: Gift Set #2, Mickey Mouse Multi-purpose Cutter

  57. happy anniversary 4th ellena ^^
    thanks for all your recipe....it's inspire me specially "the bento meal"....
    GBU ^^

    name : rachel
    email :rachel.malute@gmail.com
    gif set : gift set #2, mickey mouse multi - purpose cutters

  58. Harlo Ellena...

    HaPPY 4Th BloG AnniVersARY !!!!!!!

    Name = Yan
    Gift choice = Set 2


  59. Hi Yan,

    If you happen to read this comment page pls email me your contact information because I won't be able to contact you if you are the winner as you didn't forward me your "Draw Information" shown aboved on point 1. Thank you.

  60. Oh hi Ellena

    My contact email = questbe@yahoo.com

    Btw, on 2nd look, i prefer Set 1 gift set.

    Arigato !!!


  61. Name : Winnie Fong
    Gift Description : Gift Set 2 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  62. Hi Ellena, great contest with cute prizes! Happy 4th year too! Just wanted to say I really love all of the great photography and food. Wonderful blog!

  63. Congrats on your anniversary!

    Name: Sindy Wong
    Gift Set #3 - Assorted Wiener Cutters + Mickey Furikake Case

  64. Gift Description:Gift set #3 Assorted Wiener Cutters
    Your Name:Jane
    Country You are From:Malaysia
    Blog URL (if you maintain one):http://newbiemummy.blogspot.com/
    Email add for contact if you are the winner:haising79@yahoo.com

  65. Gift Description:gift set 3
    Your Name:Rommie wang
    Country You are From:singapore
    Blog URL (if you maintain one):
    Email add for contact if you are the winner:

  66. HELLO!

    Name: Xin Tong:D

    Gift Set #4-Ocean Picks, Baran, Fork & Spoons and Animal Sauce Bottles + Winnie The Pooh Furikake Case

    happy anniversary!

  67. Dear Elena,

    My name is Joyce Tan. Would like to ballot for the Gift Set # 2. My email address is zhenlin1177@yahoo.com. Have also sent you a separate mail on my details. Tks.


  68. Nora
    Gift Set #2 - 2-1 Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters

  69. Gracia
    Gift Set #3 - Assorted Wiener Cutters + Mickey Furikake Case

  70. Happy 4th to your blog!! Wow....I have been looking for this cutter for awhile... hehehe.
    Gift Description: Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters
    Your Name: Mei Lan
    Country You are From: SG
    Blog URL :http://lamhappyvegetarian.blogspot.com/
    Email add : ymlxiaoheihei@hotmail.com


  71. Happy Birthday!!!

    Name: Angeline Pay
    Gift Description: Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould

  72. Happy Birthday!

    Name : Jenny Koh
    Gift Set #4 : Ocean Picks, Baran,Fork & Spoon and Animal Sauce Bottles + Winnie the Pooh Furikake Case.
    Country : Singapore
    Email : jennykohlj@yahoo.com


  73. Name : David Yan
    Gift Set #1 : Pooh Sushi Stamp Mould & Egg Mould
    Country : Singapore
    Email : david.yan@healthwaymedical.com

    Thanks and Happy Birthday!

  74. Hi..thank you everyone for your participation!!!! Today will be the last day of the draw entry.... Good luck :)

  75. Dear Ellena,

    Congratulations on the Blog's anniversary. The gifts are too good for me, please let other readers have it. I just rejoice with your great food blog! Keep up the good work! =D

  76. Hi Ellena
    Congratulations on your Blog's 4th Anniversary!
    Keep up the good work!
    Name: Allice Lee
    Gift Set # 2 : Mickey Mouse Multi-Purpose Cutters
    Country : Malaysia
    Email : allicelee@hotmail.com


