Friday, 6 June 2014

[Photo Friday] Fruit Melody: Berries and Kiwifruits

[Fruit Melody] Berries and Kiwifruits
When comes to purchase daily fruits for my family sometime I would be rather selective with the available choices. And because in Singapore most of our fresh fruits are imported from overseas country like Australia, USA, China and etc so the price will be slightly higher too. For example a box of cherry (250g) might cost up to S$10++ depending on it's country of origin and this applies to berries as well.

In fact for berries lovers like us, it can easily cost us SG$20++ just to get 4 boxes of assorted berries (blackberry, blueberry, strawberry or cherry) for our 2 days supply. But I guess for the sake of the multiple nutrition values and health benefits some money are meant to be spent in a away. In this post, I would like to share some information of our favourite berries and kiwifruits which are in season now.

[Fruit Melody] Berries & Cherry
It is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber plus they are highly nutritious and rich in antioxidants too. Besides that research has also shown that the ellagic acid in blackberries may have anti-cancer properties which protects the immune system as well as lower the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Blueberry which is one of my favourite berries contains quick antioxidant fix which positively benefits the look and feel of our skin plus it is also fibre-rich that helps to keep us feeling full. Furthermore blueberries freeze well so do stock up some when they are in peak season because they are one of the great ingredients to add into bakes or breakfast cereals.

Our recipes using blueberries can be found here.

Cherries are an excellent source of potassium which helps to lower blood pressure by getting rid of the excess sodium in our body. On top of that it also help in fighting cancer due to its distinctive deep red pigment which is a powerful antioxidants that helps to fight free radicals in the body.

Beside the health benefits, cherries are also versatile where they can be added to everything from dairy to pork, add into bakes or even cooked and make into serving sauce.

As compared to common fruits like apples, banana and oranges, strawberries have the highest amount of nutrients among them. This red colouring fruits can also helps to burn stored fat, boost short term memory, ease inflammation, promote eye health and etc.

If you are Strawberry Jam fans you can refer to the recipe here.

Seems like now is the peak season for kiwifruits because they are widely available in the supermarkets and this year ZESPRI has bought in two new flavour such as Red and SunGold kiwifruits. As you might know Kiwifruits are the most "nutrient dense" of popular fruits that belong in the "Super Fruits" category and each bite contains more essential nutrients than the other 27 most popular fruits.

You can read more about kiwifruits on related another post here.

[Fruit Melody] Red (left) and SunGold (right) Kiwifruit with berries
Zespri Red Kiwifruits (SG$6.95 per box of 4-6) has 4x the Vitamin C of Strawberries and 11x Nutrition of grapes.

SunGold kiwifruits (SG$5.90 per box of 4) have a unique look with smooth skin and a hard pointed crown at one end. When cut open, the flesh is a bright sunny yellow and the edible seeds range in color from brown to red. Between SunGold sweet and mellow with a delightful mix of mango and melon flavors.

Between you can get these two new flavour of ZESPRI kiwifruits at most NUTC Fairprice outlets from now onwards so do grab a box or two to try it out before the are gone from the shell.

More ideas on Cooking with Fruits (recipes) or Baking with Fruits (recipes) are available on our site too.


  1. hi! where did you get your blackberries? I can't find them in most supermarkets! ):

  2. Hi! I really love your photos! May I know the camera model You use to take these pictures? Thank You!

    1. Hi Pamelia, sorry for my late reply. I am using my iPhone 4s for these photos :)


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