Showing posts with label Pumpkin Bread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pumpkin Bread. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Japanese Chigiri-Pan 3D Bread Recipes & Vidoes

Chigiri-Pan (3Dちぎりパン) or commonly known as "tear off/pull-apart bread" is one of the new baking craze among online bakers. This soft and fluffy bread can be made into different designs from original square to 3D cartoon characters or festive themes base on your creatives and imaginations. After which you can serve them with butter and jam or turn them into posh sandwiches for parties and gatherings.

In this article I am sharing five recipes which you can make together with your kids during school holidays. On a side note these recipes can be done using "hand knead" method so you don't even need to have a stand mixer or bread machine to do the job.
