Friday, 7 March 2014

SeoulFoodProject - #01 Instant Noodles Box (with recipe + cooking video)

[SeoulFoodProejct] Box 1 - Instant Noodles
Last few weeks I was back into chasing Korean Drama which introduced by my bestie on a latest fantasy romance known as My Love From Another Stars (來自星星的你) by Kim Soo-hyun (金秀賢) and Jun Ji-hyun (全智賢). And like most other Korean dramas there are always one/two scenes featuring their instant Korean Ramen which makes me salivate while watching it.

But now with this "instant noodles box" from SeoulFoodProject, I can easily enjoy pipping hot Korean Ramen anytime of the day. Furthermore this themed box also comes with a "golden pot" which used for cooking the ramen as well a set of Korean cutlery.

[SeoulFoodProject] Box 1 and 2
SeoulFoodProject had just launched their monthly themed food boxes in March 2014 starting with Box 1 (Korean Instant Noodles @ USD $25++) and Box 2 (Korean Snacks Pack  @ USD $27++) which are distinctive to the Korean palette.

[SeoulFoodProject] How to place your order(s)
To place your order for these unique Korean food themed box, simple log-in to SeoulFoodProject website at and select your choice. You can refer to the sample orderling screen shown above:-


1. Login to SeoulFoodProject official website here;

2. Select Box 1 or Box 2, click ADD TO CART;

3. Next select Country to be shipped to, Shipping Method and Payment Mode;

4. Lastly filled in the Shipping Details and Proceed to Payment.

* Pre-order by 09 March 2014 and all orders will be shipped out from 10 March 2014.

[SeoulFoodProject] EMS Tracking
Upon confirmation you will received an email together with the EMS tracking number to check the status of your parcel.

[SeoulFoodProject] EMS/Speedpost Tracking in Singapore
Like what shown on the tracking list above; since my order was made on Thursday, 27 February evening it took quite a while for the items to arrived as there was no delivery service on weekend. So just a note for those who are keen to make an order, try to place your order(s) on Monday in order to receive it faster.

[SeoulFoodProject] 7 Different Types of Korean Instant Noodles

[SeoulFoodProject] Ramen Brass Pot for Cooking Korean Ramen
Inside the Instant Noodles Box, other than noodles there are also items like a 16cm Korean Golden Noodle Pot (also known as Yang-un nem bi or Ramen Brass Pot) and a set of traditional Stainless Steel Cutlery for you to cook and enjoy the noodles too.  And to enhance the taste of the ramen, you can also find a packet each of Kimchi and dried seaweed to be served as side dishes.

(진라면 순한맛)

When cooking Ramen (Ramyeon - 라면) you can add in extra ingredients such as: mushrooms, sausage, cheese, seafood, rice cakes, bean sprouts, napa cabbage and etc to enhance its taste and nutrition value. But usually for a "quick ramen" fix, the most common ingredients are eggs, spring onions, dumplings and kimchi which could be easily found in the fridge of most Korean family.

Also by using a Ramen Brass Pot which is extremely light weight helps to enable fast and efficient cooking as well as having an 'al dente' noodle texture in less than 5 minutes of cooking time.

(Serve: 1   | Preparation: 2 minutes    | Cooking: 4 minutes)

  • 1 Packet of Jin Ramen Mild Flavour
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Fresh Shiitake Mushroom, sliced
  • 2-3 Leaves of Napa Cabbage, sliced
  • Some Diced Spring Onion
  • Cut Chilli and Kimchi

1. In the golden noodle pot add in 550ml of water to boil it to boil over medium heat.

2. When the water comes to boil, add in noodle, powder soup, mushroom and napa cabbage. Let the mixture simmer for 2 minutes.

3. Crack in egg, cover and continue to cook for another minute.

4. When done, remove from heat. Top noodles with cut chilli, spring onion, dried vegetable mix (included in the instant noodle packet) and serve with kimchi.

Short Cooking Clip On Cooking Jin Ramen:

If you cannot view the video above, click on my Instagram link here.

Overall I think these Korean themed food box would come in handy for those residing in Western countries or places where Korean products are difficult to access. Furthermore with an array of individual flavour ramen or snacks receiver(s) could also have more choice to try out different Korean products as well.

*Disclosure: Instant Noodle Box 01 is kindly sponsored by SeoulFoodProject but all opinions expressed in this post are my own and there is no monetary compensation received.


  1. ringgit Malaysia conversion not cheap

    1. Yup! But then i think in Malaysia some of the supermarkets do carry Korean products right? Which i think is cheaper than ordering this.


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
