Saturday, 15 July 2017

[recipe] Chocolate Madeleines - 巧克力玛德琳

Madeleines (玛德琳)are a small light French sponge cake that are baked in the shape of a shell that exist in a few sizes and design. The key to determine the success of a Madeleine cake is its high "belly" which similar to the "feet" of a Maccaron.


Hello everyone, it had being more than six months since my last posting here. Hope everything is going well over at your end. This round I am using a different method to make chocolate madeleine which is much easier without the need of beating eggs and sugar till ribbon stage. What you simply do is just to stir and mix the batter like how you made muffin then chilled batter for a couple of hours before baking.

Recipe adapted from My Baking Cottage

(Yield: 12 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 15 minutes)

70g plain flour
25g Dutch processed cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs (55g each)
40ml milk
100g unsalted butter, soften
80g sugar
pinch of salt

1. In a mixing bowl; whisk sugar, eggs and salt till combined.

2. Next add in soften butter (flatten butter using spoon against the side of the mixing bowl) and whisk until it is incorporate into the the mixture.

3. Lastly fold in sieved flour mixture (flour, cocoa and baking powder) and milk until it forms a smooth batter. Do not over mixed.

4. Chill batter overnight or at least an hour before baking in order to achieve those pretty "humps".

5. Divide batter (about 1 tbsp - 1.5 tbsp) evenly into greased madeleines pan.

6. Bake in preheated 180°C (356°F) oven for 15 -18 minutes or spring back when pressed lightly.

玛德琳(Madeleine)又叫“贝壳蛋糕”是出于一种专用的贝壳模具而这种模具有好几款美丽的贝壳花纹和不同的大小尺寸。玛德琳蛋糕制作成功的关键在于烘烤的过程中心会膨胀鼓出高高的“大肚子 “让人看了好开心就像马卡龙的” 一圈蕾丝状裙边“。


(分量: 12 | 准备: 10分钟 | 烘烤时间: 15分钟)







Different type of madeleine pans
On a side note the batter for this recipe might be much thicker and gluey when compared to the usual one that you are using. As I don't have any large eggs at home, I top the balance liquid using milk but you can follow the original recipe to use 2 large eggs (65-70g each) instead of milk.

Overall this madeleine recipe definitely yield a good result with distinct humps plus a rich butter. Oh ya do remember  to use good cocoa powder such as Dutch processed cocoa powder to achieve a nice colour and distinctive flavour.

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