Monday, 21 May 2012

[2-In-1 Dishes] Recipes Using IKEA 365+ Pot plus Stabil Steamer

Preparing meals in the kitchen can be one of the most "headache" household chores for modern working mothers/ladies. The thoughts of having to clean up the greasy kitchen top, cooking utensils, floor and etc always make it a "OFF MODE" no matter how enthusiastic or simple the meal(s) can be.

For me, even though I might love to experiment different dishes or bakes in the kitchen, still I would always go for simple and easy to prepare recipes with either steamed or oven baked method if I am not using my reliable Happy Call Pan.

IKEA always has a wide range of kitchen products such as cookwares, ovenwares, utensils, food storage and etc. And recently I have just got a set of this 365+ Potboiling insert as well as steamer insert to replace my old soup pot in order to help me reduce the time in preparing quick and healthier meals within 30 minutes to an hour.

For more information and prices of the above-mentioned, please refer to the review HERE.


As you can see from the photo above, I have use the IKEA 365+ pot to boil soup and stack up the Stabil steamer insert half way through in order to steam the egg dish while I could continue to boil the soup at the same time. And by the end of 30 - 35 minutes,  we able to enjoy simple and yet delicious homecook food without any hassle or greasy kitchen floor. (less washing to be done too)

(Serves: 2-3             | Preparation: 10 minutes            | Cooking: 30 minutes)

2 Chicken Drumsticks, skin removed
150g Huai Shan, skin removed
150g Lotus Root, skin removed, sliced
1 Sweet Corn, Cut into section, halved
100g Pumpkin(optional), skin removed cut into thick wedges
6 Big Red Dates
Some Fresh Gingko Nuts, Optional

1. Fill the IKEA 365+ pot with water to about 1.5 litre mark and bring it to boil.  At the meantime blanched chicken in another saucepan for about 2 - 3 minutes, remove and rinse well. Set aside.

2. When the water comes to boil in the soup pot, add in all ingredients except pumpkin(add only at the last 10 - 15 minutes of cooking time), put the lid(don't worry it would not overflow due to the steam vent ventilation) on and let it boil on medium heat for about 3 minutes, lower the heat and simmer the soup mixture for 30 minutes and season to taste with salt before serving.


3. Simmer the soup for about 15 minutes, remove the lid, drop in the pumpkin and stack up the STABIL Steamer insert on top, place the prepared steamed egg mixture and steamed on medium low heat for 13 - 15 minutes till done.


There are quiet a few ways which you can prepared this steamed egg dish using different ingredients which you prefer. Example:- you can do a seafood steamed egg using fish fillet or flower crab(recipe), firm tofu(recipe), ginseng(recipe), salted and century egg plus many other combinations.  For this recipe, I am preparing my mum's version of  "Steamed Egg with Minced Meat and Century Egg" which she always prepared for us.

(Make: 5" x 5" Square          | Preparation: 5 minutes |           Cooking: 13 - 15 minutes)

2 (55g) Egg
1 Century Egg, cut into small cubes
1.5 Tablespoon Marinated Minced Meat, optional
100ml Drinking Water
1/2 Tablespoon Of Wolfberries
Some Chopped Spring Onion, Chilli and Shallot Oil

1. If you are using minced meat, spread the mixture evenly at the base of the steaming bowl/plate.

2. Lightly whisk/beat the eggs in a bowl, add in 100ml of drinking water and continue to beat till combined.

3. Using a strainer, strain the egg mixture into the prepared steaming bowl. Scatter wolfberries on top, using heatproof cling wrap cover the top of the bowl leaving a small gap at one of the corner to prevent water droplets during steaming.

4. Place the bowl on the steamer rack, cover the lid and steam on medium low heat together with the soup(below) for about 13 - 15(with meat) minutes.

5. Remove the steamed egg together with the steamer and garnish egg dish with some extra chopped spring onion, shallot oil and chilli. Serve together with soup and steamed rice.

~ If you are not using marinated minced meat, add about 1/2 teaspoon of chicken stock powder into your egg mixture at step 2 to season your dish.

(Ji Dan Gao - 鸡蛋糕)

Steamed Egg Cake can be consider as one of the easiest and yet tricky traditional steamed cake which requires a few simple ingredients such as Eggs, Flour, Sugar and carbonated Beverage like Cream Soda or 7-Up that act as a leavening agent for the cake.

(Makes: 14 cupcake size      | Preparation: 15 minutes     | Cooking Time: 25 minutes)

3 (55g) Eggs
160g Caster Sugar
170g Cake Flour Or All Purpose Plain Flour
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
60ml 7-Up or Cream Soda
1/2 - 3/4 Teaspoon of Pandan Paste, optional

1. Please refer to my previous Steamed Egg Cake post for the step-by-step preparation method HERE.

~ Adding extra pandan leaves in the boiling water will enhance the aroma and flavour of the steamed cake.

~ By adding 1/2 - 3/4 Teaspoon of Pandan Paste to the cake batter will help to enhance the colour as well as get ride of the strong "egg" smell/taste from the steamed egg cake, leaving in jade green in colour with fragrant pandan(also known as screwpine) aroma.

Lastly I hope you would find this post useful if you do own a stock pot with steamer rack so that at least you can have an idea on how to prepare more than 1 dish at the same time to maximum the usage of time and the cookware. Till then, cya on the next post.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Homecook Dinner To Support Food Revolution Day, 19 May 2012

Today, 19 May 2012 marks Food Revolution Day where the main objective of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution is to connect with as many people and businesses as possible around the world to educate them about food habits, sources and a healthier lifestyle. So as food lover and mother of one I hope to do my part to support this event by preparing some homecook dishes that are made with "real food" (which means no boxed or processed foods are allowed).

Although not everyone can be a chef but it is always possible to cook up something easy and yet healthy for the family as long as you are willing to spend some extra time in the kitchen. Below are two simple recipes of our homecook dishes shown above which you might be interested to try it out.


We love steamed fish and it is always one of the repeated dishes in our weekly menu planning list. Fish contains protein with fewer calories than other meat sources and with different species of fish, you can either steam, bake, fry or poach fish accordingly to your preference.

(Serves: 2-3 |          Preparation: 5 minutes |     Cooking: 12 - 15 minutes)

1 Piece Fresh Red Grouper, tail portion(about 350 - 400g)
4 - 5 Slices of Ginger, julienned
2 Stall Spring Onion, cut into sections
1 Small Tomato, cut into wedges
2 - 3 Salted Plum(咸水梅粒)
1 Teaspoon of Cooking Wine(花雕酒)
1 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
Shallot Oil, optional

1. Rinse and pat dry the fish fillet, season it with 1 teaspoon of cooking wine and cornflour. Set aside.

2. Arrange half of the julienned ginger and spring onion on the base of the steaming plate, place the seasoned fish on top.

3. Arrange the rest of the rest of the ingredients around the fish, drizzle some sesame oil and place it in the steamer rack when the water boils.

4. Steam the fish for about 12 - 15 minutes depend on the thickness. Remove drizzle some shallot oil and served hot with steamed rice.

(Clams or Seashells)

Friendly speaking I am not a fan of shellfish but recently I have eaten some really good "Stir-fried Bamboo Clam and Lala" from the Seafood Galore buffet at Plaza Brasserie which makes crave for some. So today I decided to adapt a recipe from Wokkingmum website which is known as "Grilled Sambal Squid" and instead of using Squid I have recipe is with Lala(clams).

Recipe adapted from Wokkingmum's Grilled Sambal Squid.

(Serves: 2 |         Preparation: 30 minutes |              Cooking: 10 minutes)

300g Clams, cleaned
2 - 3 Tablespoons of Sambal Chilli
2 Stalks Lemon Grass, lightly pound
4 Clove Garlic, chopped
1 Small Brown Onion, sliced
1 Tablespoon Oil

1. Soak clams in salted water for about 20 minutes to let it spit out the dirt/sands. Rinse, drain and set aside.

2. Remove the outer layer of the lemongrass, cut into about 8cm sections. Lightly pound it and set aside.

3. Heat oil in Happy Call Pan(HCP) or frying pan, saute garlic, onion and lemon grass for about 1 minute till fragrant.

4. Add in the sambal chilli according to your preference and give the mixture a quick stir to evenly coat it with the chilli.

5. Add in clams, cover pan for 30 seconds and give the pan a good shake pan.

6. Open the pan, check the clams and give it a stir before cover the pan and continue to cook till all the clams are opened.

7. Discard those that did not open. Dish up and served hot with steamed rice.

Lastly, hope you would like these dishes that I have shared with you and I hope you could also join us and support Food Revolution Day and eat healthy with food that is prepared using fresh ingredients. For more information on Food Revolution Day you can refer to the links below:-

1. Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
~ Official Website
~ Facebook Page
~ Twitter - @FoodRev

2. Food Revolution Singapore
~ Facebook Page
~ Twitter - @FoodRevSg

Friday, 18 May 2012

{EVENT ENDED} Gold Kili Coffee plus Frezfruta Jam Giveaway!

Hi! It's Friday again and it's time to slow down your pace and get ready for the weekend break if you have being work too hard for the week. Here I have some new products review plus giveaways to brighten up your day as well as boost up your energy with a cup of fragrant coffee from Gold Kili.

I am sure most of you who stays in Singapore have either tried or heard of "Gold Kili" products before. Since 1985, Gold Kili has being a local coffee manufacturer and distributor with great selection of Instant Beverages such as their ever popular Instant Honey Ginger and Instant Honey Chrysanthemum. And just recently Lion City Distribution, a joint venture between Gold Kili and Frezfruta has launched a total of 7 products on their improved coffee, tea, cereal and jam which some are shown on the post below.

Double Shot Instant White Coffee And Kopi O

Double Shot Instant White Coffee features the strong full-bodied taste of the finest Arabica Beans blended with a rich creamer and as well first instant coffee in the market which has "Inulin(寡糖)" added. Inulin is known to promote the growth of good Bifidus bacteria to help maintain a good digestive systems which worth giving it a Shot!
Retail Price: S$6.50/packet of 15 sachets

Kopi-O 35% Less Sugar is a new and improved from Gold Kili's 2-in-1 Kopi-O (35% Less Sugar) using 100% ground coffee that’s traditionally roasted in Singapore but this new packaging comes with less sugar for the health-conscious. So for those who prefer non-milk coffee this will be a great choice to start your day with.
Retail Price: S$4.30/packet of 20 sachets


For regular consumer, you will notice they orange-coloured Frezfruta Kaya has actually being replace from "tin-can" to a classy glass bottle like what other competitor brands used. Although this traditional kaya might not be of liking to those who fancy thick, creamy and fragrant kaya such as from Yakun toast but in another view this might be someone else favourite too. So for a chance no harm giving this a try on your toast or baguette.
Retail Price: S$2.25/bottle

Frezefruta Peach as well as Frezefruta Apple Blueberry Jam are new fruits jam in the  market made from IQF(Individually Quick Frozen) fresh fruits, with a high fruit content of 50%  that is natural goodness at its best. Although I do make my own jam from time to time(read more on homemade jam recipes here) but it has never come across my mind to combine apple with blueberry into jam. So upon trying their Apple Blueberry Jam it indeed gives me a light and refreshing berries taste which goes well with a few cream crackers and a cup of tea.
Retail Price: S$3.00/bottle

For more product updates and recipes using Gold Kili and Frezfruta Jam, you can follow Lion City Distribution(the official distributor of Gold Kili Coffee & Beverages products, Frezfruta Jam and Kaya as well as other food items in Singapore)at their facebook page HERE.



Thanks to the sponsors Frezfruta and Gold Kili. Here we are giving away a set each of the above items(Peach, Apple blueberry Jams and Kaya, Double Shot White Coffee and Kopi-O Less 35% sugar) to 3 Lucky Readers of Cuisine Paradise. To participate, please please refer to our facebook page HERE.

~ For those who has no facebook account but wish to join in this Giveaway. Please leave a comment on which is your favourite old Kili Beverage or Frezfruta Jam.
Example:- I love Gold Kili Kopi-O 35% Less Sugar

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Bibimbap ( 비빔밥)

Bibimbap(비빔밥) which means "mixed rice" is a healthy and hearty everyday dish that consists of steamed rice, vegetables and meat. And before the rice is placed in the bowl, the bottom of the bowl is coated with sesame oil making the layer of the rice forms a crispy crust at the bottom(a bit similar to our Asian Claypot Rice) while the dish is often serve with a dollop of gochujang.


There are a few common of vegetables used in Bibimbap such as julienne cucumber or zucchini, mushrooms, soy bean sprouts, carrots, spinach and etc. And if for health reason or personal preference, beef can often be substituted with chicken or seafood too.

(Serves: 2          | Preparation: 15 minutes          | Cooking: 15 - 20 minutes)

2 Serving Portions of Cooked White Rice
4 Medium Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms, cut into thin slices
60g Bean Sprout
1 Small Carrot, julienne
1 Small Zucchini, julienne
100g Spinach, blanched
Some Cabbage Kimchi, optional
2 Eggs
3 Garlic Cloves, finely chopped

Drizzling Sauce:
1 Tablespoon Sesame Oil
1/2 Tablespoon Sesame Seeds
Pinch of Salt

To Serve:
Gochujang/Bibimbap Paste
1 Teaspoon Toasted Sesame Seeds
Extra Sesame Oil

1. Fill a medium saucepan or pot with water and bring to boil. Blanch the spinach for about 1 minute, drain, rinse with cold water and squeeze out any excess liquid.

2. Roughly cut spinach into section and add in half of the drizzling sauce and mix well. Set aside.

3. Repeat the same produce as above with the bean sprouts.

4. Add 1 teaspoon of sesame oil in a small frying pan/saucepan, saute the zucchini with some chopped garlic till zucchini soften. Remove and set aside.

5. Repeat the step with carrot and mushrooms, keeping them separate.

6. Using individual heatproof casserole dish, grease inside lightly with some sesame oil, add 1 portion of the rice and place over high heat for 3 minutes to sear the rice.

7. At the meantime, prepare the pan and fry the sunny-side up egg.

8. To serve, remove casserole from heat, place egg in the center and arrange the prepared vegetables alternatively around the egg. Sprinkle with extra sesame seeds and sesame oil, serve immediately with some gochujang paste on the side.

~ If you have time, prepared all the side vegetables ahead in the morning and keep them in the fridge so that you would be able to get the dish ready in 10 minutes during lunch or dinner.

Often a raw/fried egg together with sliced meat (usually beef) are the two commonly additions to Bibimbap but for my version, I have adapted most of the common ingredients except meat which I have left out for this recipe. To start the meal, just give the mixture a few stirs to combine the ingredients and enjoy.
