Wednesday, 26 July 2006

Assorted Sweet Potato & Red Bean Rice

Sometime rather than a bowl of plain white rice, you can actually come up with different combination of ingredients to make it more tasty and interesting. For eg: This Assorted Sweet Potato & Red Bean Rice. The sweetness and aroma of the sweet potatoes together with some crunch of the red bean will sure made you wants to have a few more spoonful of it.

Sweet Potato are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Sweet potato varieties with dark orange flesh are richer in Vitamin A.

1 Cup Uncooked Brown Rice Mixture/Rice
100g Sweet Potatoes
50g Red Bean, soaked till soften

1. Rinse the rice accordingly and soak with the cooking water for about 30 minutes.
2. Rinse red beans in a few changes of water then put it in a small pan cover with water lever above the bean, bring to boil and switch off the heat when it boiled.
3. Let it soaked for about 10 minutes, pour away the water, rinse and repeat the cooking process for about 3 times.(this is shorten the process of cooking the red beans, as well as remove the raw taste and smell of the beans)
4. When it's time to cook the rice, wash and peel the sweet potatoes then cut it into small cubes.
5. Add all the ingredients into the rice cooker, add water and cook until done.

Notes: If you prefer you can add in pumpkin instead of sweet potatoes.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. thats cool lena! i never know sweet potatoes could go with rice. its mostly with porridge. you gave me an idea...and yours look fantastic!


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