Monday, 20 August 2007

My 1st Macaron Order

This is my 1st batch of Macarons Order from one of my blog reader. I am really overwhelming to receive this confirm order other than those enquires. I really appreciate that she is willing to give me a chance to share my baking products with her and her friends. Iris, thank you for your valuable feedback too! :) The flavour that she order are:

a) Rose Macarons With Rose Scented Cream
b) Pistachio Macarons With Pistachio Cream
c) Green Tea Macarons With Chocolate Ganache
d) Chocolate Macarons With Chocolate Ganache(a token from me)

This is the Lavender Macarons that most of the blog readers enquiry about from the emails to me. I made a batch with two different flavour using Rose Scented Butter Cream and Lemon Lavender Scented Butter Cream.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellena

    Did u grind the almond poweder again or did u do a double sieve? cos i hv problem sieving the powdered sugar and almond meal as they are too corasely and lumpy( got them from phoon huat) =P

    Hope u can help me on tis thanx!



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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
